Artist Description
Finally released !
This project had some steps in the production . It was planed as "just sex"-movie but after some time, I got more confident to try out more with this and I re-arranged and released some other projects while this was still active( messy desktop/nightmare ). We know Orcs are kinda not really present or not at all in animated movies these days .
And Futa Orcs ,I only saw one .
If you have time ,pls consider sharing this on twitter pls (°_°)_/ help
Otherwise it wont be seen with 80 retweets when not many does short movies/episodes(+10mins).
The main protagonist is the female Orc "Kira" who is as a mercenary (voted by supporters) and assists Nyotengu in seeking power and gain back some of her lost magic . On the way, both encounter warriors who protects a temple with a long hidden magic treasure/artifact . Unfrankly it also gets protected by a demon inside....
Havent I already saw this?
What you prob. saw is the intern Softrelease /my progress of nov./dec.2019 and was not intended (nor released by myself!) to public at this state. I want to be known that I always inplement a reason for a storyline. Art should also question and inspire. To me just immitating stuff or sexuality is getting very boring over time. That just my perspective.Not more or less than anybody elses opinion.
Open Cast
Nyotengu voiced by TemptyVA
model by LordAardvark
Female Orc voiced by SilkyMilkVoices
Model by Jojje
Fixes & improvement by Garean
Desire Demon voiced by SilkyMilkVoices
Model by MickeyMack
Sounds and audio from soundsnap.com
animated with Source Filmmaker
edited with Sony Vegas Pro 17
presented by KamadevaSFM
See you soon in the next movie :)
Highly compressed to fit within filesize limits; much higher bitrate version at the source.
MemberNothing quite like a post combat facefuck. Also fan fucking tastic animation keep it up.
user 454168
BlockedThis is the best animation I've seen in awhile. Officially my top three favorite animators, keep it up.
BlockedHaha, i love the use of the old MortalKombat noises
Luna Enserric
MemberI thought for sure red samurai guy would turn out to be Arin Hanson.
Memberam I seeing things or do the demon's nippers look totally rekt in the end?
Smiley J
Member"Demon forced to protect the cube" you say? *Vaguely remembers our heroes reaching out to a sphere*
Aside from that, beautiful work.
MemberI think I play too much Kenshi, saw a squad of badket heads running around and thought this was Kenshi themed.
On a side note, nevermind the porn it was just entertaining to watch!
Georgie Leech
MemberYeah yeah, nice porn and all, but I already came from watching that slick action choreography in the first couple of minutes. Hot Dayum.
Member"What the fuck is in my ass?"
"Oh yeah, I like that"
Why isn't there more people who say that?
user 353178
MemberI really didn't expect to find such a epic and well animated fighting scene on the site where i go to do my business. Kudos to you
JanitorI really dislike the compression, but seeing how the source is also already showing visible compression artifacts I don't think this could've been much better from this.
Possibly downscaling to half the resolution to hide the original macroblocking and have more bits to use, but even then, eugh.
I think the smell of her vagina killed him before she breaking his neck.
Red Sergal
MemberGod, there's some GORGEOUS foreskin action in this. Love everything about this tbh.
This One
MemberThis is considerably better than a lot of movie fight scenes, even without the fucking. The impacts feel powerful. When that guy is thrown into the stone at 1 minute, you hear the crunch and see dust particles. Too many movies have their impacts looking like a light tap. Just a fantastic job on this all around.
MemberAlways nice when porn and epic mix!
MemberMy main criticism is the static breasts when they're having sex. Despite everything else being quite fluid, even the balls, it was kinda weird to see them not move at all.
Edit: Oh yeah. Cube and sphere inconsistency, as well as Nyotengu's first line not having any lip movement. Great animation that gets many subtleties down, but it is marred by a few not-so-subtle issues.
MemberSo, succubus?
MemberThey're subtle, you're just a pedant.
MemberI'm pedantic? Do I really have to explain how breasts work? 8 minutes in you see them both leaning over, yet their breasts do not hang whatsoever. In here they act as if they're still resting from an upright position, attached to their ribs. There are plenty of images on here and Google that show breasts always go downward. Look at post #2457843 for example. Am I really supposed to believe that breasts can possibly be so perky they don't move even when gravity is working perpendicularly to their chests? I'm sorry I don't enjoy this as much as you, but that doesn't give you the right to invalidate my criticism, especially when you think something like this is somehow subtle.
MemberApparently these come from Dragon Age. I can't tell you which one though.
MemberThe sentence "Hey this porno has a really well choreographed fight scene" isn't something I thought could exist but here I am, putting my dick away, to watch the orc fight a samurai.
MemberI like how I nutted right when she said "what the fuck is in my ass?"
Made be laugh so hard I nutted
MemberTW:Shogun 2 Sounds <3 <3 <3
Playing again because ov this awesome vid.
Also as a D&D session dame nice rolls in the fight scene <3
Solid work :3
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