kurtcbrox (european mythology and etc) created by kurtcbrox
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"Dragon Devastation (Gore warning)" by CommanderLeifN7 on FurAffinity

Kyara's lungs felt heavy in her heaving chest, her body taking it's time getting used to her new home. Though the smell was the last thing she was thinking of, it was intense on her poor, sensitive nose. Her senses were overloaded moreso by the sight of where she was though. A thick, greasy grime pool gently lapped at her hips, dotting the surface were the stripped bones of Kurt's other victims. Lunch.

"O-oh fuck..." Kyara instinctively gagged, shifting uncomfortably as the gastric mess of sinew and gore sloshed against her legs, thighs, and even her groin. It was a disturbing thought that she quickly grew to like. With a hint of shame, and a heap of pleasure, she squeezed a large hunk of the mess between her legs, feeling it fall apart like pulled pork, and finding resistance in bone hidden the mess. She shuddered, looking about the stomach again to really take in her surroundings. "There's so... many..."

She could barely speak her words, in awe at the body count inside of Kurt at the moment. Existences ended on a hungry whim, propelled down into this vat en masse. She wondered how many were as eager as herself. One particularly grusome visage stared up into the air, it's muzzled jaws parted wide, eyes hollow or bleached by acid,and flesh peeling from the skull. It screamed an unheard agony to the god that had smitten it an unknowable time ago. Kyara stared at the blank ball, now falling out of the skull and into the slurry. That was a person just this morning, she thought to herself. They had goals, something to do, all of it irrelevant now. It was just a nutritious slurry, flesh not quite ripe yet for the dragon to actually use, a part of a stew that would kill her too before the day is done.

A wave of emotions washed over her, as well as a wave of motions. The stomach clenched, shifting the floor under her legs, causing the woman to stumble over to a wall, kicking up remains to splatter against the muscular embrace on the opposite side.

"Such an enormous honor, don't you think? I can't think of a better use; neither a greater purpose for a living being." Kurt's voice sounded out above Kyara. The dragon brought his hand away from his mouth, a trail of spittle dragging itself from the maw that just spelled another tiny victim's demise. Kurt admired the way it dangled, the smell of spit and the ego that dragon's always feel, boosted by such a willing piece of meat that knew her place. "Dying to digest for something far beyond greater... me.~"

She righted herself, back to the wall that seeped fluids into her fur. Reflexively, a hand reached up grabbing tight onto the moist surface. She scampered uo a bit against the wall, trying to surface as much of her body . Kurt was right. She was trying to die in here, and she wanted an end that was as slow as possible. His voice continued, to hear the last words ever spoken to the poor flustered woman deep inside the dragon. "And become nutrients for my godly body."

Kyara moaned, unable to contain her submission to Kurt. She wanted to speak to him, agree, praise, worship, continue her pointless dithering. But it was all just stating the obvious now. There was no place for words in a chamber of death like the one she was bathing in now. Words are for the living.

"Hmph, a shame that such a pretty body was wasted on a tiny thing." Kurt remarked, enjoying the peaceful environment around him. He could only imagine what hell that Kyara willingly dove into that so many would wish to avoid. He was truthful though, from what little he could see on the tiny being, he was impressed by her figure. "However, that just made it all the more satisfying when I killed you."

Kyara clenched her hands against the stomach walls. Her eyes closed tight and her feet pushed on the quagmire of death around her. This was gonna be fun...

And what fun it was. Two hours dragged on by, digestion working at her body. Time was nothing to Kyara though, her existence melting away in both mind and body. Her limbs degenerated into a sludge before her very eyes, first her legs which were the most exposed to undiluted acids, eroded by the lust fueled motion as she stirred the stew around her. Then, she realized that her hands were no more, when she felt the stomach flex against the numb limb above her, and her arm slumped against her side missing it's forearm. She looked up, the limp appendage clutched in a stomach fold that surged in motion. It was surprising how painless it was. She wondered if it was her own attitude about it, drowning away any negative sensation, or if death by dragon was truly not as agonizing as she thought. It scared her, as she realized this, that she came in here anyways, despite expecting pure suffering.

Her mind began to fade at that point. She couldn't remember her job, her friends, where she was, or even her name eventually. She looked around the stomach, an amorphous mess was all she knew now. Her spine could barely support her body, and as she slumped forward, landing on her chest in the slime. She tried to look back knowing that she was just barely a torso now. Her lower half remained where it sat, limply jostled by the churning pulses of Kurt's involuntary muscle. She dragged herself forward weakly, with her surviving arm, her groans devolving into a wet gurgle. Her face was half submerged in the chyme, blowing bubbles of rancid air through the mess, until she heard a nasty splatter, and a small jolt on her chin.

Kyara glanced down, before pushing herself up, feeling a light tug on her lower jaw, as it seemed to dangle from her head. It was held on by a few bits of sinew... before they snapped and splattered into the mess. A wet gurgle from her exposed throat was all she could produce, as she watched her tongue flop about in the mire with wet splatters, before sinking below the surface. She watched with horror, and realized what this little one armed journey was doing to her. A streak of orange fur mixed with fresh blood and intestines trailed along behind her soon to be corpse. She could recognize a few lumpy bits mixed in with the mess as her vital organs. Her lungs and heart were still in her, obviously, but she knew it didn't matter long now.

Apparently, her body agreed with her too, as the remaining arm snapped, its semi-digested muscular structure collapsing under the remaining weight of her body. Her senses were really fading now, and she felt more tired than anything. As darkness overtook her vision, she realized she was even too tired to breathe, too tired to close her eyes. She could feel her own heart fall still in her exposed ribcage. First, her vision faded to black, and soon the sound of her flesh digesting in the stomach around her grew muted. The last sense she could could ever process was the rancid, putrid smell that hung in her nose, as her lungs exhaled its last breath. All she could detect was the gaseous byproduct of her own body being processed down into an actually useful form. And then she finally died.

Her eyes remained open, the body limp among all of the others in the horror show inside of Kurt. The dragon breathed clean air, enjoyed the dry and pleasantly warm wind on his scales, the green of grass and vegetation outside, apathetic to the horrors he just subjected to Kyara to. He never thought about her again, her memory fading in his mind as the orange and yellow color faded from the fur and flesh of a fresh corpse inside of his belly, ready to provide a scare to his next victim.


Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo I know normally I get more melty kind of digestion things, with the occasional skeleton or bones for good measure. But man, a proper gory belly can just be a blast sometimes. So apologies to anyone expecting that. I know this is a lot more snuffy than many of you are comfortable with. But man, you often get people just glazing over the whole actual end of the prey when it comes to digestion, and understandably so. But one of my favorite parts of this kind of graphic-ness is that you get to indulge in it harmlessly anyways. "And then he was digested for hours" is just skipping the fun part after all!

Anyways, I've noticed it's been becoming more prevalent to me, which isn't a bad thing at all, but just keep that in mind going forward. I've still got other commissions like this one that I need to post sometime too.

But! We have a fantastic sequel to the amazing pic done by ๐ŸฆŠKurtCbRox (which can be seen here https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33910986/ ) of Kyara becoming his latest victim. In this one we see the inevitable conclusion to what happens when you start crawling on top of a dragon's tongue, moaning about how much you wanna be part of him. Feel free to pretend you're one of those skulls floating around in there with that pretty lass! Or, to pretend that you're spilling in with what's left of her.~

Also as a side note, should I start separating my gallery based on content and characters going forward? That seems like effooooorrrrrt.

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