GC_Iksar Negotiations
In the cut-throat business of Iksar politics, a sharp 'silver tongue' is absolutely paramount to ruling the innumerable masses of the Ik Empire...
However, those that rule the rulers are skilled in having softer tongues and FAR more skilled in oral persuasive interactions.
Ry The Sly
MemberDid you read it wrong? its 24 not 4
Luminis Mora
MemberWhy does it say ambiguous gender, male, and female in the tags? I don't see a third character displayed if I'm not mistaken. Is it the female? If so why are both tags there?
MemberSource link says its a female in the tags.
MemberBut -this- site uses "Tag what you can see" rules.
I would think that makes this ambiguous_gender and Male, since there's, you know, a dick in the picture.
MemberBut I see a female! ^_^
MemberIdk. It's just got a girly face in my opinion. The eyelashes, skin, expressions.. All say girl to me.
Former StaffLaevateinn has a point
Please see howto:tag & tag what you see for an explanation
MemberDid you read wrong ? .. its 66 :D
MemberSource has "female" in the keywords. Added the female tag.
MemberI swear to god, I will report you.
MemberTag by the pic, not the source
MemberYeah i see different head like female? why see not have male like about look cyan penis? I think look have chest like male? It another instead like which male or female? Nah look have female face and male chest my confuse guess me right? That weird don't know what say?
MemberI'm sorry, but the English in that post is too broken-up and awkward that its extremely difficult to understand.
Scuba Diva
MemberIf anyone here's played Everquest, that is VERY obviously a female. The men of that species don't have those ear-fin thingies, and have shorter, blockier snouts. Even if this was a femme male he would not have the ear fins.
Scuba Diva
Memberoh, and reptiles don't have breasts, maybe in the furry world they sometimes do, but EQ is accurate about this. (reptilian females don't even have to wear shirts; I'm pretty sure this is an ages 10+-rated game, so that says something about how not there their breasts are)
ippiki ookami
Former Staffambiguous_gender stag stays
Hyper Beam
MemberIt's nice to know that the ambiguous_gender stag will be with us for a longer time this year.
Scuba Diva
MemberThere's a problem. 0nly female Iksar have the head frills. This is like if you tagged an image of a lion with a mane ambiguous_gender because you couldn't see his penis.
ArtSkunk EsmeBelles
MemberOnly problem is lets say I dono what an iksar is (truth is I really don't) I wouldn't know that. And thus we get to the meat of the issue., "tag what you see, not what you know."
MemberBy that logic no-one would be allowed to use any personal knowledge and thus wouldn't know what to tag ever. Which is why Scuba_Diva would be able to help in updating the tags and in this case you would not.
MemberBut the thing is, everyone knows what a lion is, and how to tell the difference between a male and a female lion. Like Esme Belles said, not everyone knows what an iksar is, because they (a) don't really exist, and (b) not everyone is a has played EverQuest.
user 159895
MemberMagnificent! Thank you for posting this!
Norlanth Tiemeth
MemberThis is amazing.
MemberOne word: Traps.
MemberWhat character is that? He cute AF.
MemberI think he's commenting on how the iskar has a feminine looking face but a masculine chest
Just a guess
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