syandene created by ruaidri
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Sy's Favorite Outfit

I recently got finished a pretty massive overhaul on my Syandene model, and wanted to slap together something to show it off, so this happened!

Lately I've been going through and touching up some of my older models to bring them more up to snuff with my current skill level. I haven't said a ton about it here, but I updated BJ's model before using her in this, and the lizard slave got a decent bit of work done before being seen in this. I ended up getting everything done this month with a few days to spare, so I decided to use that time to tackle another cleanup, Syandene! Sy is probably my most popular character (Gale might be in the running, but still) but her model was quite old at this point. It didn't look good and it had a lot of mechanical problems as well. (Check out her elbow in this gif: Ew.)

Being one of my most popular characters, she really deserved a better model. So I tore her down pretty much all the way to the base mesh, reworked a bunch of stuff and put her back together again. I had to completely redo all the shape keys to make them not suck, and redo the fur from scratch because of the changes to the mesh. It was a pretty big overhaul and it took a few days, and there are a few more tweaks that are needed (hands might need a little work) but she's looking and working much better now so she's ready to take on whatever smutty thing comes her way next, hah.

I then made a shirt for her because *shrugs*, and here's a quick pose I slapped together to show it all off, on a transparent background also because *shrugs*.

I'll whip up a quick mini animation without the shirt in the way that gives us a little better view of what she's got going on soon! In the meantime, I hope you like this random pinup thing. :D

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