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This post was deleted or flagged for the following reasons:

  • [DELETION] Advertisement - Mairo -
  • [FLAG] The file in this post is either corrupted, broken, or otherwise doesn't work -

The uncensored version is up on Lav's patreon!

  • Comments
  • Incorrect flag.
    This is deliberate censorship done with an uneven brush stroke.

    Wasn't there a flag for deliberately censored patreon nonsense? Something-something commercial flag?

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  • petresko said:
    Incorrect flag.
    This is deliberate censorship done with an uneven brush stroke.

    Wasn't there a flag for deliberately censored patreon nonsense? Something-something commercial flag?

    Yeah, sorry. I couldn't really get it to flag correctly. Plus, it was my first time flagging something.

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  • petresko said:
    Incorrect flag.
    This is deliberate censorship done with an uneven brush stroke.

    Wasn't there a flag for deliberately censored patreon nonsense? Something-something commercial flag?

    It's called Patreon_Censored. Added that to the tags.

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  • They really think this paywall censor ship is funny huh. It's like that time when everyone was creating those "hover over xray flashes. No massss

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  • fawkesvtrot said:
    They dont care. As long as they get money

    and do you blame Patreon for that? I agree that too much censorship is not good for this place, but that's not Patreon's fault. and what would be the point of drawing and not earning money?

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  • Vergil17 said:
    The amount of irrational butthurt in this comments section is astounding. like ive never understood why some people get this upset anytime an artist tries any form of promoting their work or insisting that anyone who tries to also make money off of doing the thing they like is some sort of evil capitalist demon. Like how strong is yall's horny THAT strong!

    Literally nobody is mad that the artist is trying to make a living. What people are mad about is that this is an advertisment. There is nothing here worth viewing, except to try to get you to pay money. Advertisements aren't allowed, because this is first and foremost a site for compiling art. There is nothing artistic about saying "give me money"

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  • vergil17 said:
    The amount of irrational butthurt in this comments section is astounding. like ive never understood why some people get this upset anytime an artist tries any form of promoting their work or insisting that anyone who tries to also make money off of doing the thing they like is some sort of evil capitalist demon. Like how strong is yall's horny THAT strong!

    That isn't the point. This isn't an art animation, this is an advert. What the artist is basically doing is trying to circumvent the costs for advertising by posting a censored animation, which is a dick move to both the website it is hosted on since the artist could've paid for ad space instead, and the audience because there's nothing worth looking at here.

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  • vergil17 said:
    The amount of irrational butthurt in this comments section is astounding. like ive never understood why some people get this upset anytime an artist tries any form of promoting their work or insisting that anyone who tries to also make money off of doing the thing they like is some sort of evil capitalist demon. Like how strong is yall's horny THAT strong!

    There are a vast number of much better ways to promote yourself. When you promote yourself, your attitude towards your customers is important. Nobody likes the attitude of "I'm specifically showing you something that you can't see or enjoy, give me money please."

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  • I don't get why people try to post advertisements like this here. This gif doesn't stand on its own as a work of art for someone to enjoy, it's just a sloppy cocktease without any of the coyness and allure.

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  • vixtor said:
    Yeah, sorry. I couldn't really get it to flag correctly. Plus, it was my first time flagging something.

    no, you absolutely nailed it i think. it actually looks like a corrupted file with this much censoring going on.

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  • petresko said:
    Incorrect flag.
    This is deliberate censorship done with an uneven brush stroke.

    Wasn't there a flag for deliberately censored patreon nonsense? Something-something commercial flag?

    No, there's no flags for this kind of material as this is deleted with the manual curation process.
    Flags are for content outside this curation process and/or which need faster reaction, so e.g. someone leaking patreon content should be deleted ASAP, but worst thing advertisement usually does it hurt adblock users feelings - and in cases of artists posting advertisements deliberately and maliciously they can get records for bypassing rules and guidelines and not buying adslot like everyone else is required to.

    Addition to this, advertisement is not banned from the website and can be allowed, it's not about popularity but wheter or not the focus of the upload is still leaning with the artwork. You are correct that just straight up black box over pornographic content is hardly any meaningful addition to the artwork, but rather just lazy attempt to forward people to get it from patreon, so I would not see this as acceptable content here.

    vixtor said:
    Yeah, sorry. I couldn't really get it to flag correctly. Plus, it was my first time flagging something.

    There is no flag for this kind of content.
    This flag is indeed incorrect, so just keep in mind that incorrectly flagging content is againts rules and can get you into trouble. This specific flag reason is for content being leaked from patreon, not for advertisements of patreon content.
    I usually overlook these flags if it's clear there's no malicious intent behind them, but the moment I start seeing same people flagging these things constantly, I will report them immidiately.

    garrant said:
    It's called Patreon_Censored. Added that to the tags.

    Patreon censored tag is for content where the patreon logo is used as the method of censor:
    post #1920242 post #891863 post #900694
    So please do not use it for content that is simply censored without any patreon logos and use pre-exsising censored tags e.g. censor bar instead.
    Also majority of this content predates our current guidelines, back when these were still acceptable to be uploaded. Nowdays these are considered as being more focused on advertisement rather than the artistic content and are deleted on sight.

    sexygriffon said:
    There are a vast number of much better ways to promote yourself. When you promote yourself, your attitude towards your customers is important. Nobody likes the attitude of "I'm specifically showing you something that you can't see or enjoy, give me money please."

    Surprisingly enough, with pornographic content this does work quite well for many artists. Even if they gather a lot of hate for doing this, there's always enough horny people with expendable to not care and just get the content. Pornography is pretty strong stimulust to people. Combine that with stuff like FOMO and you have money milking machine if all you care about is money and don't care if you exploit some horny internet people.

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