"Detritus vs Stone pt 2"
Sketch of the 1155th page of TwoKinds.
Trace: Stoneward won’t listen to you because he wasn’t built to serve the estate!
Trace: He was meant to be a gift… For the birthday.
Trace: For her. I wanted him to be what Nora was for me…
Trace: A childhood friend and loyal guardian.
Detritus: The child.
Detritus: Ours… Saria’s… Yes. That was its purpose.
Detritus: …But there is no child anymore. Because of Keidran like that, there never will be! If the stone will not obey me, it has no purpose any longer.
Trace: You’re wrong.
Trace: He does still have a purpose.
Trace: Because this Keidran here is my fiancée. And there is still a child!
Detritus: What?!
Stoneward: WARK?
Page transcript provided by Tom!
MemberLol, even the Guardian is confused
MemberI wonder if they will believe that.
MemberWe will overcome your Evil, WITH THE POWER OF... PREGNANCY!
MemberI am not sure if it's confused so much as more like some super powered up or renewed resolve. After all, Trace just said that the Guardian was built with the express purpose of protecting his child... and now the Guardian just found out that Trace DOES have a child, one whom Detritus is endangering.
MemberI don’t know do they fucking eyes? It’s clear Flora is preggers.
MemberBUT they have no way of knowing if the child is Trace's. In fact, as far as anyone knows, it physically can't be his, since humans and Keidran can't reproduce.
MemberYeah, that is definitely the look of a construct whose true purpose has been activated and is about to lay the smack down
MemberGoing off the WIP for the next page, this is correct
MemberTBF in a world with magic they could theoretically verify his claim.
MemberThat seems likely. More interesting to me is the reaction in Detritus' eyes...
Shock, sure.
But is it a realization he no longer has a purpose - has a purpose to kill that child so he can continue in his current "quest" - or an "Ohshit, Stoneboy is about to go postal on me."
...or something else entirely?
MemberHe better give Detritus a Rock Bottom.
Memberwell i'd say from a programming perspective, it's probably much simpler, the guardian recognizes Trace as the owner, and has been tasked with guarding his offspring, and once he has information that there is now a protection target, it executes it's task, it was just given more information for it to work out it's task, for all we know, Trace could declare a cat his child and the guardian would guard it.
MemberFor Stoney, yes. The parameters are likely as simple as "Trace=Master. Duty=Protect children of Master. Target=Any and all threats to Master's children. Directive=Eliminate threats". But Detritus is a manifestation of Grand Templar Trace Legacy. Much the same as Shadow Trace is. To them, Keidran are nothing more than loose-moraled subhumans. To Detritus, like to Shadow Trace, that kid is probably some strangers, born from Flora skanking it up at some point, and she's lying to save herself.
MemberTheoretically, possible. However, we don't know if that actually can be done, or if Detritus is programmed with such a spell
MemberEven if Detritus knows such a spell since he can and did turn against Trace he probably wouldn't even bother 'wasting magic' on a Keidran
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