This month's Patreon funded animation! The winning prompt: "Grand museum reopening for the New Year, Nidhala needs to have her newest machine inspected by Runofur, only he asks her to try it out."
I'm not sure why Runo would have the authority to inspect anything, so in the end it ended up being more like he's there to test it out. But something spooks him and I guess he wants her to demonstrate it's safety first, and then... well, you'll see what happens when you watch I suppose.
In one of our conversations, Sentharn mentioned something offhand about making new machines, listed off a few ideas one of which was tentacles... I figured what the heck, in the interest of variety I'll whip something up real fast and ended up with this. For some reason though I autopiloted into something more tail like than tentacle like, so I leaned into it and this is now a "Tails and Tentacles" exhibit, a place for anyone curious about those extra limbs and how they can be used in kinky ways. I'm sure when the exhibit goes live there'll be a selection of scaled and betentacled volunteers standing nearby willing to donate an appendage to any curious guests. It works out, since the second place animation idea this month actually did involve tail sex, so it's almost like a two-fer this time around.
Oh, and don't worry, the display models are all synthetic replicas. No lizards were harmed in the making of the display units. :P
The beginning of the animation was a bit tough, having characters hold "conversations" without actually saying anything continues to be awkward as hell to animate, but I did my best with it.
I also went with probably the worst pose I could have for this, visually things are blocked at almost every angle so I was pretty restricted with where I could put the camera, that's why the angles are a lil' repetitive. By the time I noticed it, it was a little late to fix it. Oh well!
Since I established in the last animation that Nidhala is a bit of a squirter I decided to lean into it a little bit here. In the interest of keeping some variety she'll never be the gusher that Sy is, but I guess it doesn't hurt to have two gals in the roster who can do it!
Alright, I think that's all my random thoughts for this animation. Bit of an unusual one but I hope y'all like it!
MemberAbsolutely amazing video! When can we expect a sound edit?
MemberThanks! :3
Beats me! All sound edits thus far have been fan made. We may never get one unless for some reason someone decides to make one for their own amusement.
BlockedWhy did he refuse to go first?
From what I have heard anal stimulation feels great for guys and I think maybe better then woman due to their larger prostates
MemberLegitimately one of the first cocks I've seen on a model that actually looks incredibly appealing to me.
At this point it's not just amazing animation, rigging and model creation ... it's wizardry.
user 304310
MemberHis turn now 👌
MemberIt's just a question, y'all don't need to downvote the poor guy. :P
Honestly though, I don't really even know myself- it was just baked into the prompt I had to work from. That decision was out of my hands!
MemberHoly shit
MemberGiving the (unlabeled) remote to your new (possibly untested) sex chair with automatic restraints, (including neck straps!) to a guy who's never seen it before, and then climbing into it yourself, and you 2 are the only ones here? The spirits of Darwin and OSHA are shaking their heads slowly.
MemberMy man you've done it again!!!!!!!
MemberHer little happy dance is what I do when I see a new ruaidri animation!
MemberBut this is furry porn? It can only ever end well.
Memberruaidri, if I ever win the lottery, I will spend most of it to commission you to do a full length series on the museum. Like at least 2 seasons worth.
BlockedI enjoyed every second from this animation of more than 3 minutes... great development of the situaiton and the sex was perfect, with both characters, very well animated, showing a lot charisma and pleasure on the climax.
The genius of ruaidri making better and better animations.
MemberEasily one of the best animations ruadri has ever done this pushed all the right buttons for me
MemberIf only it had sound...
MemberLove the animation, everything’s pure magic here!
I also love the genuinely sexy uncut human penis on Runolfur, but I have to wonder: is there a specific reason he lost his knot and canine goods? (was that part of the prompt?)
MemberNono, nothing like that.
Runo was one of my earliest models and had fallen very far behind in terms of both rigging and visuals, so a while back I decided to give him a big rework and bring him more up to snuff. While I was doing that, I just decided that I've got other models with big canine bits, so I gave him human parts for some variety in my wolf guys. Also I just prefer human style to canine style in general, a little bit.
That's pretty much it, really!
MemberHoly shit, now THAT is is fucking hot on so many levels. Doesn't help I was, uh, tending to a lizard somewhere at the same time a friend linked me this. But yis, Ruaidri, I think this one tops as the best you've done so far. Soooo many little twitchy bits, etc, expressions! You've gotten SOOO good since you first started!
MemberWhat kind of music would you prefer for the animation?
Maybe something like this?
or something completely different?
Zenith Star
MemberI think you actually nailed (I'm not apologizing for the pun) the conversational animation - I love her peppy little bouncing!
Atheistic Canine
MemberI was half expecting the tentacle to suddenly "malfunction" and switch to the guy instead while he was on top...
user 703393
MemberCan girls really even be stimulated anally since they don't really even have a prostate ?
MemberA lot of men, particularly straight men (though not all), aren't comfortable with the idea of something going in their butt. A decent chunk of women aren't either for that matter; anal isn't everyone's cup of tea, so to speak.
Aside from that, there could be any number of reasons for the character to have asked her to go first instead. Maybe he just wanted to see the pretty pink lizard lady get fucked by her machine.
Yeah, the anus has a lot of nerve endings. Every body is different - some men don't even get much pleasure from prostate stimulation.
MemberThere's a couple problems. When we see behind view of the guy's butt his feet paws are glued in place and seem to have no movement. Also when his penis is moving through her mouth he's obviously scraping it all over those sharp and very pointy teeth, which looks extremely painful. Other than that it looks great.
MemberRuaidri always animates orgasms so beautifully
MemberI would suggest 80's synth, like Geared up - starting when he presses the button around 0:30 in the video
Memberwow really nice animation, will be there a canine cock edit?
BlockedYes they do, and even have extremely intense orgasm out of it. I know because of experience. I don't know males.
MemberApplies to men as well
BlockedOK, but I don't have experience of it. I take your word.
MemberI could practically hear each characters thoughts; this just goes to show how detailed the expressions and movements are!
Ruadri continues to produce some of the best animations I've seen on this site, phenomenal work once again~!
Blocked@Ruaidri... please don't forget from time to time to post your patreon for the people that may just discover your work, and wants to contribute.
... I myself soon will be there.
MemberThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration wouldn't approve, but the Occupational Sex Health Administration sure would.
MemberI love that pink lizard girl :3
Fox o' Silver
MemberI really hope we get more museum art!
MemberThe expressions, and the amazing animation of the characters really brings this together. I also love the models so much! Another amazing release!
MemberThis month's animation was totally worth the wait! I love how Runo wasn't totally against trying out the machine, and then was all for giving the lizard an oral exam while she was testing it. Words can't describe how flawless this animation was. Keep up the great work, Ruaidri! I'm already looking forward to next months video
MemberLove this grey and red fox 😍
MemberLove this grey and red fox 😍
MemberThat was the most well animated male orgasm I have ever seen. Hands down. You've has always had the best female orgasms, but now I can confidently say you have the males locked down too.
Also, the way he looks at her while she's undressing is just precious. >.<
MemberDammit, completely missed this yesterday (happens when the 'animated' tag is initially missing)!!!
Anyways, part of me wants to say this is their best so far but they've all been so damn amazing, I can't. I can say that the pussy squirting action was mind blowingly amazing and the thick delicious icing on an already tasty cake! Never stop being amazing Ruaidri!!!
MemberWhy do I feel that she have tested that machine out quite a few times. And expected to be the one showing it off so she was all lubed up and ready. Great video as always.
MemberSo how does one get a machine like this?
MemberRuaidri you goddamn master. Top tier stuff right here! Between you and hakya11 I think you are really reinventing the way people watch furry porn!
The actions and story, and the "controlled roughness" you give is some next level shit. The models as always 10/10 and I bet people would pay MILLIONS irl to get that exact machine
MemberRualdri, just wanted to say that every one of your new animations makes my day, and Nidhala's adorable enthusiasm moreso than anything else, even the impeccably animated lewdry. She is just a ray of ingenious, excitable sunshine and I can't help but smile seeing her!
MemberNot every guy feels pleasure from it. I personally get zero pleasure from anal and strongly dislike the feeling, in fact for me the feeling of anything going up there incites a vomit response, general feeling of queasiness and pain. I also personally dislike it from a hygiene standpoint.
user 410578
MemberYou feeling better about the fluids in this one? Or is it still having those jiggly problems, and it's just hard to notice because it's such a small part of the screen? I remember it's been something you've been dissatisfied with/working on.
MemberI managed to hide it a little better here, but it's definitely still an issue. I think it's just an issue inherent to the fluid simulator I'm using when there's fluid colliding with moving objects, some fluid tends to disappear when an object moves into a space where fluid was before, and then nearby fluid fills that space, which is what creates the jittery look. I'm not sure there's a lot that can be done about it other than maybe cranking simulation quality up to truly unreasonable levels, but that would up the simulation time so high that I'm not sure it's worth it. Probably better just to try and find ways to hide it, or keep the characters from moving around too much when fluids are around... though I'll keep fiddling with things with each animation I make to see if I can stumble upon something that helps it!
MemberLove the character designs, If I was commissioning, I would have it so the guy was doing her missionary while that was going with alternating rhythms with the machine. that would probably feel amazing; very dynamic internals.
East Imp
MemberWomen dont have prostates last time i checked
BlockedWhat a wonderful machine, wonder if it is mechanically possible to build something like that
MemberGreat oral, and finally someone animates squirting 🙌
MemberAdore the intro conversation ❤ super cute
MemberYes similar robots exist, but it's not practical for a fucking machine for at least the next 4-5 years. First it'll be really expensive. Second it'll either be too thick for nearly all users or the thinner version will be too weak to be useful. Third, the risk of the machine's internals punctuating the silicone outer layer and damaging the user isn't zero. Lastly, the liability risks from injury would be too high and the market too small for any quality company to make it. Thus you'll end up with a cheap version which is too risky and too weak to bother using, or it'll be a new company within insanely high prices and horrible control software (just like all the currently existing high-end fucking machines).
Send me a winning lottery ticket and I'll make a company building high-end toys like this. I almost went down this road but decided on something more profitable instead. It's easier to make quality toys when your income isn't dependent on it.
MemberNow I kinda want a follow up in which she goes like "your turn now" and tease him while the machine fucks him.
MemberFor all of this stuff, I thank you for creating Nidhala, her expressions, her creations, her design, I thank you, Ruaidri, for blessing us with her existence.
BlockedGoing in dry... D:
MemberThe wolf is a good boy
MemberI love Nidhala, i love squirting (or pussy_ejaculation to go with the unique e621 terms xD) and i LOVE your animations~~ this really is some extremely fantastic animation piece here!!
MemberMy gf would fucking love this
MemberI will never get tired of this one
Blitzo TheOisSILENT
Memberthis person's goddamn facial expression skill is absolutely baffling... I've gotta say this is likely the best furry animator on both nsfw and sfw spectrums
MemberMy god this is incredible
MemberAs of right now these two are my favorite pairing.
MemberWow! I really love the canines design, and the way you did the fur looks amazing
MemberAmazing work as always, this is such a high definition animation!
When the guy climbed on top I kept wondering if the tentacle would switch targets lol.
MemberThat is a very hot animation, love the way her toes flex and curl at the end, showing all sorts of great expressiveness for how much she's enjoying it. Both of them are really cute and look great in terms of modeling, too. Excellent work on this given the prompt and context, I love her little happy dance at the start when she's all excited to show him and how hesitant he is about it.
MemberLol to be fair it's four buttons like
"RUNOLF WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK THE GREEN BUTTON IS FOR" "just gimme a second ive never seen this onee"
Memberrule number #34
never interact with a werewolf while it's horny
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