mythology created by hattonslayden
Parent: post #204756 that has 10 siblings (learn more) show »
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  • Nashizal said:
    Dunno.. But apparently people think a badly recolored version is worth posting.

    Actually, I quite unjoy this coloring. The other ones I hated. >.>

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  • Nashizal said:
    Dunno.. But apparently people think a badly recolored version is worth posting.

    You have terrible taste if you think this is a "badly recolored" version.

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  • FluxCapacitard said:
    Donkey: So,where is this fire breathing pain in the neck, anyway?

    Shrek: Inside. Waiting for us to rescue her.

    Git outta my head!!! XD

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  • Floyd said:
    Lay the dragon , not slay it!

    Non, il l'emmène avec lui.

    Il préfère avoir le dragon plutôt que la femme.

    No, he takes with him.

    He prefers to have the dragon rather than the woman.

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  • anucheekibreeki said:
    Ye got a problem with lizard booty, lad?

    I do.

    theres not enough of it, thats my damn PROBLEM. WHERES MORE DRAGONS BEING PRINCESSES - that actually better be a tag, where is my dragon princess tag? or mistaken princess tag even... or "I choose this to be MY princess" type of tag... damn it, not enough tags, yet TOO MANY TAGS... I am broken...

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  • kiero_vance said:
    I do.

    theres not enough of it, thats my damn PROBLEM. WHERES MORE DRAGONS BEING PRINCESSES - that actually better be a tag, where is my dragon princess tag? or mistaken princess tag even... or "I choose this to be MY princess" type of tag... damn it, not enough tags, yet TOO MANY TAGS... I am broken...

    Isn't there a ~dragon_princess tag?

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