created by konimasan
Parent: post #3962327 (learn more) show »

Homeless Dog sighs at the thought of her gradually emptying coinpurse...

Art contributed by @KonimaSan , and commissioned by @HushedZilence!

Thank you!

  • Comments
  • fiskforlife said:
    This shouldn't even be a page... not even for character development...


    1) We know she’s keeping track of her money. No more assuming, we know for certain.
    2) She did take the guys advice(or bad advice, depending how you see it), she started enjoying things she couldn’t before. Cafe, arcade, magazines, deodorant, and hairities.
    And 3) you can infer she might be getting a bit worried at the remaining money. As she went out begging on the 23, and the 23, 24, and 25 are just food one room payments. In one week, she went through over half of the money.

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  • That's weird. The post from the comment above actually renders it's thumbnail on the Note.


    Are thumbnails in the comments actually loaded as images in the Notes?

    post #3751071

    edit: Yes, it seems they are!

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