nintendo and etc created by e254e
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Commission: Umbreon slicing (1)

Commission for: Specter

A cute Umbreon becoming little slices of meat :3

  • Comments
  • richiebre said:
    It’s crazy how just the name of an artist can ruin the mood knowing them well enough.

    You know, you can blacklist an artist the same way you blacklist any other tag.

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  • Y'know, I'm not into this sort of thing myself (more so here since I have a bias for Umbreon and eeveelutions in general), but I respect the artist's freedom to draw what they want and for those who do enjoy this kind of artwork to continue doing so. After all, if you don't want to see this sort of thing, why ARE you choosing to see it? You have the power to not see things you don't like; seems kind of dumb for you to not do so.

    ihateyou said:
    you can't blacklist and artist you never seen and I already black listed gore and that didn't work.

    Sounds like a skill issue, bud. Mine works fine, for artists and anything else I don't want to see. Either you're pretending or you need to learn how to use it.

    ihateyou said:
    look at the votes. When something reaches a certain threshold of downvotes it should be removed. Next to nobody wants to see this and those who do will go looking and find it.

    This is why the blacklist exists, it solves the problem almost entirely. (Well, apart from when someone uploads something without the relevant tags, I guess, but being removed by votes wouldn't solve that issue either.)

    ihateyou said:
    I'm sure there aren't enough people who like this thats its getting posted by the community, and likely is being posted my the artist looking for exposure.

    You'd be surprised how many people are into a thing you aren't into.

    ihateyou said:
    as a fandom is this the type of artist we want to expose people to?

    "Oh no, think of our reputation!"
    It isn't anyone's job to "police" what a newcomer to the fandom will see. And there's no way to do that job well without pissing off someone. I'm guessing you'd only find this an issue if you're one of the people who gets pissed off accordingly.

    ihateyou said:
    Oh oh, and I just came up with a zinger, Why waste the disk space on fiver quality artwork XD

    More like why waste the disk space on account information as problematic as yours?

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  • Como odio que este artista haga gore con las Eeveelutions, yo que tengo mucho cariño a ellas, es lo unico que me desagrada

    Updated by Rainbow Dash

    User was banned for the contents of this message.
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  • How to blacklist (FOR PC, PHONE SITE IS DIFFERENT) : At the top of the site there is a button called "Blacklist" between "Changes" and "Help".
    Press the Blacklist button and it'll open a small box. In the box, that opened when you pressed "Blacklist", type the tags you DO NOT want to see.
    Make sure they are spelled coretcly, have underscores instead_of_spaces,[Shift+-, between zero(0) and equals(=)] and that they are underneath each other. You can do that by pressing Enter on your keyboard when you're done typing a tag you WANT blacklisted.

    If you need further help with blacklisting, you can find it in the help section, by pressing the "Help" button TO THE RIGHT of the blacklist button, AT THE TOP OF THE SITE, or you can go directly to the backlisting help section in the blacklist box, that opened when you pressed "Blacklist" at the top of the site, by clicking the "here" in the sentence "Additional help about the blacklist can be found here"

    If you don't feel like, or don't know which tags you need to blacklist in order to NEVER see GORE and related content ever again, I literally did it for you!
    All you need to do is copy my blacklist and paste it into the blacklist box, that opened when you clicked on "Blacklist" at the top of the site! If you don't know how to copy and paste... Drag until everything's highlighted and RIGHT click and press "copy", or press Ctrl+C, then right click in the blacklist box, you know which one, and press paste or click in the box and press Ctrl+V...

    My blacklist for you to copy


    If MY blacklist contains spelling mistakes... Then fuck me in my ass!
    (but seriously, let me know if shit's fucked in my blacklist, so I can fix it pls)

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  • qwazzy said:

    It isn't anyone's job to "police" what a newcomer to the fandom will see.

    Extreme fetishes like gore, rape, scat and cub content does get censored... But only for guest accounts. When you make an account, you see EVERYTHING, kind of the whole point of making an account. Some people don't want to see everything. Like me, who doesn't want to see cub content. And that's why the blacklist exist and why I'm the self proclaimed blacklist guy! So whiny *female dogs* stop whining about stuff they don't want to see. What REALLY baffles me is, when someone can CLEARLY sea content they DON'T like in the thumbnail, then click it anyways just to moan about it... And if you accidentally click something you don't want to see, hit backspace, don't whine about it's existence! Esix isn't X (formerly Twitter), you're not going to get clout here, so STOP your shit!
    Not you, the one I'm responding to, just *female dogs* in general... It's late at night and I'm drunk and tired... Kiss me!

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  • This is actually hilarious. I know that is unintentional but the fucking idea of using a meat slicer on a Pokémon is so weird and, dare I say, stupid, that I could show this as a meme to anybody outside of the Pokémon or Furry community (with my sense of humor) as a gag. Thank you for making this, it’s ironically hilarious.

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  • the downvotes on pictures like this dont make any sense because why do people downvote art instead of just literally going and using the super nice blacklist feature for its intended perpose..

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  • thatkidfromcod said:
    the downvotes on pictures like this dont make any sense because why do people downvote art instead of just literally going and using the super nice blacklist feature for its intended perpose..

    Then what is the purpose of the downvote?
    Just asking cuz i actually dont see the point of it when you can blacklist some tags

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  • alltuum said:
    Then what is the purpose of the downvote?
    Just asking cuz i actually dont see the point of it when you can blacklist some tags

    You're supposed to vote based on the quality of the art itself. Not how much you like or dislike the subject matter. These gore posts were approved by staff, so downvoting them just because you dislike them is actually pointless: they aren't going anywhere.

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  • qwazzy said:
    Y'know, I'm not into this sort of thing myself (more so here since I have a bias for Umbreon and eeveelutions in general), but I respect the artist's freedom to draw what they want and for those who do enjoy this kind of artwork to continue doing so. After all, if you don't want to see this sort of thing, why ARE you choosing to see it? You have the power to not see things you don't like; seems kind of dumb for you to not do so.

    Sounds like a skill issue, bud. Mine works fine, for artists and anything else I don't want to see. Either you're pretending or you need to learn how to use it.

    This is why the blacklist exists, it solves the problem almost entirely. (Well, apart from when someone uploads something without the relevant tags, I guess, but being removed by votes wouldn't solve that issue either.)

    You'd be surprised how many people are into a thing you aren't into.

    "Oh no, think of our reputation!"
    It isn't anyone's job to "police" what a newcomer to the fandom will see. And there's no way to do that job well without pissing off someone. I'm guessing you'd only find this an issue if you're one of the people who gets pissed off accordingly.

    More like why waste the disk space on account information as problematic as yours?

    Wow, someone woke up a little grumpy, some people just dont know how to blacklist artists, or dont know they can..and sometimes some stupid asses dont tag correctly, so it isnt their fault at those times, you re right people shouldnt police what newcomers should see, but you shouldnt go around berating someone over their opinion, after all internet is internet, and on the last thing you re just being rude for no reason.

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  • ark1201 said:
    Wow, someone woke up a little grumpy, some people just dont know how to blacklist artists, or dont know they can..and sometimes some stupid asses dont tag correctly, so it isnt their fault at those times, you re right people shouldnt police what newcomers should see, but you shouldnt go around berating someone over their opinion, after all internet is internet, and on the last thing you re just being rude for no reason.

    He's not being rude "for no reason". I ihateyou was directly stating that down voted posts should be deleted. That's wrong. The voting system was made to measure artistic quality, not how much you subjectively enjoy the material. Objectively, this is a well made picture, approved by staff because it is well made. If he had his way, everything he happens to personally dislike would be removed from the platform. What he wants is nothing less than puritanical shaming.

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  • It's times like these when i appreciate the fact I don't use blacklist. To some people, this may seem fucked up, however, this is great art. Not what it's depicting, my opinion will stay neutral, but the art style. Much like voldemorts magic, one can draw great things, but still be subjected to people calling it terrible. It's a matter of perspective, really

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  • lucario_knots said:
    It's times like these when i appreciate the fact I don't use the blacklist. To some people, this may seem fucked up, however, this is great art. Not what it's depicting, my opinion will stay neutral, but the art style. Much like Voldemort's magic, one can draw great things, but still be subjected to people calling it terrible. It's a matter of perspective, really

    The thing people don't realize about gore is, it's really hard to make! Any bum can draw a hot looking figure but to accurately, or artistically, recreate the insane internal workings of a creature... Well, it's insane! Not to mention bringing those internals to the outside, where you HAVE to follow some logic and physics. People who can draw decent gore are fucking talented, and e254e is damn good! As for the subject matter, I grew up poorly, so I'm desensitized to pain, violence, cruelty, gore, bad shit in general. Now I'll fully admit, I'm somewhat sadistic and do get a kick out of seeing things suffer but I also feel for them in a weird way... Misery loves company, I guess. That being said, I don't want to, nor do I condone hurting others, UNLESS it's LEGAL for you to do so!

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  • thatkidfromcod said:
    the downvotes on pictures like this dont make any sense because why do people downvote art instead of just literally going and using the super nice blacklist feature for its intended perpose..


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  • temp7 said:
    You're supposed to vote based on the quality of the art itself. Not how much you like or dislike the subject matter. These gore posts were approved by staff, so downvoting them just because you dislike them is actually pointless: they aren't going anywhere.

    too idealistic u thinking
    Doesn't the quality of a work is decided by the opinion of viewers?
    More likes means it's OK,More dislikes means it's not welcome.And the quality of that work is not accept by most people

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  • xtysea said:
    too idealistic u thinking
    Doesn't the quality of a work is decided by the opinion of viewers?
    More likes means it's OK,More dislikes means it's not welcome.And the quality of that work is not accept by most people

    You're new here, obviously. Just know:
    1. Furry art of any kind is automatically unpopular to everyone except furries. So you aren't accepted by most people just because you're here in the first place.
    2. You sir, are not a universal arbiter of morality.

    I suggest you learn to accept that people are into things that you aren't. Any other stance is raw hypocrisy, especially coming from any account on a furry website.

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  • temp7 said:
    You're new here, obviously. Just know:
    1. Furry art of any kind is automatically unpopular to everyone except furries. So you aren't accepted by most people just because you're here in the first place.
    2. You sir, are not a universal arbiter of morality.

    I suggest you learn to accept that people are into things that you aren't. Any other stance is raw hypocrisy, especially coming from any account on a furry website.

    Funny thing is, I am not the only one with this idea.And we are talking about the quality problem of artworks. Aren't my word truth? A work is good or bad is decided by the reviews it shows. How I become a universal arbiter of moralit,This is a fair viewpoint from everyone. If you just can't accept negative reviews. Then it's no point to this conversation


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  • xtysea said:
    Funny thing is, I am not the only one with this idea.And we are talking about the quality problem of artworks. Aren't my word truth? A work is good or bad is decided by the reviews it shows. How I become a universal arbiter of moralit,This is a fair viewpoint from everyone. If you just can't accept negative reviews. Then it's no point to this conversation

    This site has a blacklist feature: it is there to enable you to avoid seeing things you dislike. I recommend using it: the rules are clear that complaining about art subjects that you merely dislike is not allowed.

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  • temp7 said:
    This site has a blacklist feature: it is there to enable you to avoid seeing things you dislike. I recommend using it: the rules are clear that complaining about art subjects that you merely dislike is not allowed.

    Still, you don't get what I mean. I'm talking about the quality problem. Didn't say that this work should be ban or hate it like hell

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