(creepypasta) created by third-party edit and unknown artist
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Superior version of post #64202

  • Comments
  • daodov said:
    why is this even uploaded on here, this isnt a furry post lmao

    It's replacing an image that was posted in 2010, which gets a pass on uploading guidelines.

    From our uploading guidelines

    Any submission before 2015 has been grandfathered in and does not need to reflect our current or future guidelines. In fact, there is a substantial amount of old art that would be deleted under the current guidelines. The existence of those old submissions does not validate or invalidate anything on this list.
    However, existing grandfathered posts are still eligible to be replaced with a superior version if one is discovered.

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  • tarrgon said:
    It's replacing an image that was posted in 2010, which gets a pass on uploading guidelines.

    From our uploading guidelines

    This site has a feature for replacing images in posts without creating new posts.

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    I love this little nightmare-inducing fucker so much!
    Certainly didn’t expect to see him here though-

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