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  • Forgot this existed. It's pretty creepy shit, but the more I look at the cuter it gets (not in a sexual way, of course.)

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  • nekkofox said:
    Ah, nightmare fuel. But is that really a canine? Looks more like swine to me...

    NO! FAIL! it's human, look at the first 4 top and bottom teeth, they are from human mouth, there is a persons hand in the left below the window curtain, the rest is just photoshopped.

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  • GothHusky said:
    NO! FAIL! it's human, look at the first 4 top and bottom teeth, they are from human mouth, there is a persons hand in the left below the window curtain, the rest is just photoshopped.

    It's a dog with its skin shopped off and human teeth shopped on. :l

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  • Added the tag High Octane Nightmare Fuel.
    This is where I've seen it the first thime (on tvtropes), so yeah...

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  • Delish said:
    It's a dog with its skin shopped off and human teeth shopped on. :l

    Not true; according to the story that picture was taken as the dog was forming from a black magic ritual that went wrong because the dog after fully forming tried to kill the girl that brought it to life.

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  • Roy_McCloud said:
    You'll shit brix when you see it.

    See what? There are at least two or three things "brix shat" worthy...

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  • There was probably a dentist who had a guy who had f-ed up teeth and thought 'Y'know what...'

    Then this came out about a week later.

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