anonymous (4chan) created by unknown artist
  • Comments
  • elad said:
    I lol'd.
    I can tell you from experience guys, half of all the hardcore 'Anonymous' and a good portion of 4chan are all furries (this lil' wolf has invited more than one back to his lair before ;3). The whole flame war thing is really more like schoolground flirting. Both sides keep it up because they love the attention.

    Lies! Lies and slander!

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  • mosh_grizzly said:
    Lies! Lies and slander!

    Ha hah hahaha! Foolish mortal cannot possibly comprehend the truth! YES, DENY IT ALL YOU WISH. YOUR MENTAL SUFFERING AT KNOWING FEEEEDS US!

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  • SnoWolf said:
    We are Anonymous. We do not furgive. We do not furget. Or spell correctly.

    FURRYZ said:

    Please, PLEASE, tell me you're not this stupid in real life. =)

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  • SnoWolf said:
    Please, PLEASE, tell me you're not this stupid in real life. =)

    the truth hurts my friend

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  • SnoWolf said:
    We are Anonymurrs. We do not furgive. We do not furget.

    If you're gonna be a furfag, do it properly.

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