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Please see topic #45858 and events history before flagging.

  • Comments
  • atisoko said:
    You should have cub

    I do as well, this isn't tagged as cub tho so it wouldn't matter on this post anyway

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  • vezera said:
    does the blacklist not work on purpose or what, i've had young in my blacklist forever and this stuff still shows up for me

    Is there a double filter in place? If you have "young rating:explicit" on one line the way I do, this wouldn't be filtered as it's not explicit.

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  • This could go one of two ways. "Oops, sorry" after spitting her out, or "Oops." *Burp*

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  • previous post from this artist would show what they do just block the artist that post cub/young shit and you'll be good

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  • adam_theapple987 said:
    What about down voting on the basis of it depicting minors

    It's pixels on a screen, once you find a minor that has magical super powers and turns into a giant red panda tell me cause that will be the day I'm a millionaire.

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  • vezera said:
    I do as well, this isn't tagged as cub tho so it wouldn't matter on this post anyway

    I was under the impression that cub was now under the young tag but I'm not an expert. Maybe young:rating questionable would work for you.

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  • snedmano said:
    This post is now flagged for the third time.
    Someone is persistent.

    Can't say who flagged this, because it's hidden for a reason, but what I can say it has been three seperate completely users and nobody of these has engaged the comment section.

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  • mairo said:
    Can't say who flagged this, because it's hidden for a reason, but what I can say it has been three seperate completely users and nobody of these has engaged the comment section.

    Interesting, so it's not the same person desperately wanting this taken down using multiple flags.

    It's just multiple different people misunderstanding the rules and also failing to check for any previous flags.

    Perhaps the flag form should show previous flags or show a warning if there are previous flags, so a situation like this could be avoided.
    I've now created a feature request for this. topic #45858

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  • mairo said:
    Can't say who flagged this, because it's hidden for a reason, but what I can say it has been three seperate completely users and nobody of these has engaged the comment section.


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  • alphamule said:
    Rude! (LOL)

    Oh well, I tried. It's up to a higher power (staff) to deal with people ignoring that reminder. All we can do is try to educate people.

    It's kind of like the 11 foot 8 Bridge.
    You can make a ridiculous amount of warnings, but some people still choose to ignore them.

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  • snedmano said:
    It's kind of like the 11 foot 8 Bridge.
    You can make a ridiculous amount of warnings, but some people still choose to ignore them.

    You could even have red lights triggered by height sensors, and they'd drive on through them past TWO intersections to get under the bridge.

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