mythology created by merrunz
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  • Mighty knight, it seems thou hast misunderstood the story. 'tis not a dragon that is bearing a princess captive, yet the princess of dragons whom's being bore captive 'i the late archmage's tower.

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  • abiorionson said:
    Mighty knight, it seems thou hast misunderstood the story. 'tis not a dragon that is bearing a princess captive, yet the princess of dragons whom's being bore captive 'i the late archmage's tower.

    Shakespeare has been real quiet since this dropped.

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  • abiorionson said:
    Mighty knight, it seems thou hast misunderstood the story.

    The internal story is that she read too much romance about knights (I'd say fantasy books, but she is already a dragon) and decided to stage this scenario with herself.

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  • yuiop2 said:
    The internal story is that she read too much romance about knights (I'd say fantasy books, but she is already a dragon) and decided to stage this scenario with herself.

    I have another possibility. She just knows knights are some horny bois and is posing like this to lure them in to their demise, not a fun time. Well, maybe both. Those chains are pretty loosely wrapped around her paws, and would just fall off if she moved her legs a bit, and they don't restrict her from kicking with her hind claws, biting or using her breath weapon at all. xD Pretty sure anyone who fell for this would be leaving her with all their treasure and possessions, as well as maybe her having had a good time getting them, chains or no.

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  • stoneguardian said:
    I have another possibility.

    Well, I'm literally the author of this picture, but this is why I rarely define characters and write up detailed descriptions, letting people come up with their own stories instead. Sometimes those are quite fun.

    Here the visual storytelling comes from the book with that famous picture on the cover and a bunch bookmarks that imply certain scenes being reread a lot; the, indeed, unconvincing chains and suggestively placed key to them.

    So I'm afraid this time you will have to save the princess from her virginity for real. And glasses stay on.

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  • yuiop2 said:
    The internal story is that she read too much romance about knights (I'd say fantasy books, but she is already a dragon) and decided to stage this scenario with herself.

    Honestly, untill now I didn’t realize that there is the book next to her.
    All I did was writing something I thought befitting the knight’s manner of speech and somehow felt fitting his surprise, that there was no princess to rescue from the (not really bound) dragoness.

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  • This is a pretty amazing piece! Definitely some really good work.

    On a very subjective personal note though, I'm hoping for a version without the text box. Both to more clearly see that adorable tail wag, and because I just... don't like text on pics like this, I guess? x)

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  • "Alas, it would seem thou hast been deceived by false tales, my dear knight. There was ne'er a maiden imprisoned by a dragon's might, but only I, a dragon princess, who art truly held captive."

    Truly a wonderful piece of artwork! Her facial expression, her soft scales, that subtle blush, and those glasses on her too, everything about this piece is just perfect! Absolutely well done!

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