VScroller devlog 2 - Getting close to initial release!
Actual footage!
showing off the UI, and also testing using OBS for screen recording. Apologies if it looks a tiny bit crusty when full screened, haven't done anything with screen recording before so I'm still figuring out the settings.
click here for more info
Hello again!
Firstly, I want to thank everyone who's been showing support across both here and e6; I never thought that this would have as much attention as it does, and the kind words I've been getting have given me a lot of motivation to work on it.
A good chunk of progress has been made over the last week and a half, and we're getting pretty close to the first area being released. Since the last devlog, the following has been added / finished:
-All screens in area 1 have been completed
-Animations for Boss 1 have been completed
-Endosoma mode has been implemented
-Training / Gallery mode has been implemented (seen in art)
-Harpy enemy has been completed
-Settings menu has been completed
-Files have been optimized for space (previously was using WAV files for audio, now using OGG)
-You can now jump on that one wolf's belly and get a response
-Main Theme music has been finished
-Sandbox Mode music has been finished
-Save Room music has been finished
What needs to be done before release:
- Boss code (specifically creating the health bar, linking it to a spawned enemy, and saving that that boss has been defeated)
- Boss respawn code (This should be very easy, considering that I save things by just using an array of strings as flags, so it would just remove the defeated string.)
- 'End For Now' screen
- Simplified RedSquirrel Enemy (Animations have been done for a while, but needs code for throwing and stunning with acorn projectiles. Version in 1st release will just have basic AI, the same as the wolf enemy)
- polish the early rooms
With a little luck, this should hopefully be done within a few days (I would say literally today, but holiday plans and all that), and I would probably say that it should be up before New Years if all goes smoothly.
I've been getting a lot of questions, so I'm going to try and give as much info as I can here without turning this thing into a whole ass manual. I also want to note that suggestions are appreciated. I'm not taking requests for enemies or anything like that, but it genuinely does help with brainstorming, and absolutely has already added a few details, namely the inclusion of endo mode (surprisingly easy addition) , and the jump interactions with the wolf from the incapacitated gif. Loose ideas for enemies are also good, and I'm probably going to have a forum for suggestions on the itch page once it releases.
-Actual game adjustment settings are just the volume levels: music, fx, and master. The game's size can be changed by dragging the window, and the game isn't really demanding enough to warrant graphics settings to any degree.
Content Settings
There are 5 categories for animation settings: Vore Types, Portrait, Digestion, Disposal, and Other.
Vore types includes: Oral, Anal, Unbirth, Cock, Breast, Niche (specifically notes tail, absorption and bladder; used for any very uncommon or one-off types ), and Non-Vore
Portrait includes: Mild Digestion (player will get slightly melty, and drips a bit. This is the setting that was used in the screen record test over on E6.), and Full Digestion (player completely turns into player-colored goo on digestion. )
Digestion includes: Sounds only, Visible Reduction, and Visible Dissolve (intended to be used with transparent enemies like slimes further down the road)
Disposal includes: Post-Vore animation master toggle, Cum, Milk, Slime, Egg, Waste, Urine, Transformation, and Possession. Most of these are unused right now.
Other includes: Sex-Focused (non vore animations that focus on sexual activity), Ferals (any animations that involve feral enemies), Ferals + Sex-Focused (non-vore Animations with ferals that involve sexual activity. Note that any and all feral enemies that may end up appearing are of human level intelligence, and I'm doubtful that this will even end up getting used in the first place.).
These settings are intended to be as broad as possible so that pretty much anything can be added and already have a good framework for filters.
The initial upload will consist of the first area, The Overrun Prison, as well as the sandbox mode with everything unlocked. The length of the main game isn't massive right now since it's the tutorial area, and is pretty linear compared to how the rest of the game is supposed to be. Minus the boss, and absolutely speedrunning the whole thing without dying once took me about 4 minutes with full knowledge of where everything is, so maybe double that plus a little more for the boss.
The sandbox mode was a must for initial release, because two of the enemies I've made at this point aren't for the first area, but I wanted to make sure they were included. These are the Cervitaur, and Red Squirrel.
Current enemy list:
Wolf A
Sewer Rat
Lesser Harpy
Cursebloom Plant
Ursine Warden (Boss)
Going forward, each unique area is intended to have 3-4 unique enemies to that area as well as a few that can be placed wherever, like the Harpy and Cursebloom.
The story is pretty loose as of right now, just with the major story beats in place and the setting figured out. The game takes place in New Ibri, a modern fantasy setting. A curse has descended upon the land, causing a large portion of the population to become insatiably ravenous and physically altered. The main character was preemptively imprisoned along with many others, which is why the game starts in the depths of the jail.
The main character is Graphite, a rabbit with a natural resistance to the curse and wielder of soul magic. Their end goal is to put an end to the curse and restore the kingdom.
A couple of characters that I've already made outside of the game will appear as bosses, most of which I haven't made art for yet. This includes Azka, and Silverhorn the Ram Witch (who IMP is a minion to).
1. Money system - This isn't relevant right now because there's nothing to spend it on. Later down the line it can be used to upgrade certain abilities from certain NPCs
2. Mana system. - On top of the health gauge, the player will also have a soul energy gauge. This can be used to either power stronger attacks or to heal, similar to Pseudoregailia's heal system.
Enemies will give both money and energy on defeat, varying in quantity based on the enemy.
3. Abilities - The game wouldn't be a metroidvania without this. There are a number of abilities planned that are given after defeating a boss, a number of which can be upgraded by speaking to the uncursed version of the boss after defeating them. This includes your standard things like double jump, as well as things like an i-frame dash and heavy attack.
Development should actually be a lot easier after this point, since most of the more difficult code stuff will be done. Going forward it's a lot more art focus with occasional code for enemy behavior, which is much less stressful than things like saving or room switching.
I think that's about as much as I can possibly say about the game at the moment, feel free to ask any questions and I'll try and get to them. Once again, thank you for your support, and have a wonderful holiday.
Memberthis is the “game over” screen?? oh boy what do I get when I win?!
MemberOoooh, that name changing mechanic is gonna do things to me…
MemberIs there an actual link to said game yet?
MemberFrom what I see, I like that pixel art style, something simplistic but with personality.
I hope to see more of this project.
MemberNot yet, but probably within the next couple of weeks. All of the art assets and sounds for the first area are done, I just need to write boss-specific code, and make a sandbox area for enemies that are unused in this section.
MemberLooks promising!
MemberGonna have to keep an eye on this. Somehow.
MemberThat's hype af
Looking forward to getting game over'd!!
MemberThis isn't exactly related to what you're talking about, but a settings thing, will there be a endo setting for the game?
MemberKind of. There's content filter settings so you can disable things like specific vore types or turn on disposal animations. This includes digestion levels with endo being the lowest, but at the moment this just outright disables any animations that are above that level and just plays the enemy's idle animation instead. The one above it is sounds only (which is the most common struggle loop type), which could still also be interpreted as endo and is far less likely to get filtered out. Other than that it would have to be an enemy that has endo animations by default, which I don't have yet, but it's probable for there to be a few.
EDIT: Actually, in hindsight it would be pretty easy to just duplicate the sounds only animations and just remove the sounds, so I can definitely do endo animations for those.
EDIT 2: Endo mode has been implemented, with separate enemy dialogue and portrait changes.
MemberSo good! I am looking forward to it!
mr mufflebunss
MemberPa'leeese tell me there are going to be mommy preds.
MemberPlease PLEASE make a gallery mode or something once you have been grabbed by an enemy! For.. research purposes
MemberLooks good, can we hope for some exotic vore animations e.g: cock vore, breast, unbirth etc.?
pro cheese inspector
Memberwhen it is available whare will we be able to get it?
Akros The SpeedDemon
MemberI have to ask but will there be stealth segments ala churn vector, except the player is obviously the prey?
And if possible; will there be an gameplay mode called "pacifist" which you must face bosses without guns or weapons and simply platforming? I love when games have routes like that, and can make an optional restrictive mode around so.
MemberYes to all 3 of these (no breast vore in the initial release, just like 6 enemies at the moment) but the enemies that I have planned out at this point include these and more. The animation toggles that I have in place are oral, anal, unbirth, cock, breast, 'niche' (which specifically notes things like tail, absorption or bladder), and non-vore finishers. Only the first 4 have use at this point (there's also a plant, which currently falls under oral), but I intend to use all of them by the time this thing's completely done. There's also toggles for disposal types if that's your thing.
Current plan is to use, otherwise probably through mega or something if the filesize goes over the base itch limit (which isn't likely, but it's good to plan an alternative).
I like sort of have a loose idea for a stealth section, but it's waaay down the development line, and is only for one specific area. Other than that, enemies use line of sight, so there's naturally a tiny bit of stealth involved, but not super intentionally. Pacifist route isn't planned since the game is more of a straight combat platformer focused on exploration. I'm also just trying to avoid scope creep on an already really large project for a single hobby level dev.
This is planned, and is the only other major thing that I need to implement before v0.1 release other than the boss code. Since the initial release will just be the first area and doesn't include 2 of the enemies I've already made it'll have everything unlocked by default, but the intention is to unlock enemies after defeating them, or after getting defeated by them. I also plan to have a little 1-2 sentence description on the lore for each one.
MemberI’ll be on the lookout for the itch beta build then! Can’t wait to try it out :D
Trace Fire
MemberThat's look rly interesting, so many options and good animations. I think in time, this game could become popular among fans of the Vore genre. The potential is definitely there, and judging by the options in the content menu there will be even more.
MemberBig props for whoever added all the stuff from my FA and the download link to the description, I was going to do it myslef but you beat me to it lol
Amber the Cub
MemberI downloaded the game and playing it.I just want to say the track to the save room is very beautiful. Well done. I sat my character there just to listen to the track. It's a great game. Please keep up the good work.
MemberGame looks amazing, watched a video on it, too. Can't play it cause of an outdated laptop, but just wanted to say you did a great job.
Amber the Cub
MemberIs there a way we can have a nice video with the OST on it? Or maybe a link to the beautiful music ingame? I'm really addicted to the Save Room music. It's a delight to hear.
MemberAll the OST tracks can be found on my FA right now, probably also going to include track packs on itch.
MemberPlease make an android version
MemberIt's not super high priority, but it is on the todo list. I need to set up controller support, and then take a look at how on-screen controls work with Godot in the case that someone doesn't have a controller they can connect to their phone.
Amber the Cub
MemberThank you very much. These peices are very beautiful. You have an amazing game! Keep up the good work. And i wish you luck and success.
Member"Game is now avaible"
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