" . . . So we should totally egg their house. "
" This isn't a good idea. "
" And neither is your taste in costume, now don't be a faggot Brine, just do it. "
" Rip. You're the one wearing the skirt. "
" What? It brings out my legs. "
In which Riptide convinces Brine that it is, in fact, a good idea to egg someone's house after they were questioned about their ages. Not that it really matters, because they dressed the part and free candy was where it's at, like, god damn people need to realize that if you dress up, and you're going out for candy, you want some candy. No if and's or buts about it. Naturally Brine doesn't resist for any longer than what he needs to, because if anyone asks, he could always just say "My older brother made me do it. "
MemberThen someone with a gun comes out and makes them apologize by licking up the egg, then nobody comes trick or treating down my road anymore so more candy for me! ._.
BlockedRiptide is crossdressing...and he calls Brine a faggot.
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