Corporate Cooperation in Cold Condition
Commissioned by Annonguy, made by lonbluewolf.
Another month, another awesome picture by lonbluewolf. Yaay !
S-S-Story b-b-bit a-a-as usual...*achoo*
Mewtwo : "T-T-Thanks f-for l-l-lending me your s-suit, M-Miss Prower..."
Milie : "Oh, don't mention it. It's the least I can do after spilling milk all over yours. I'll pay for the dry cleaning as well."
Mewtwo : "T-that wont b-be necess-ssary b-but I ap-preciate your at-tention. H-how c-comes you're n-not even s-shivering a little ? I-I mean the s-sinks t-taps are f-frozen shut f-for Arceus s-sake !" *blows air in her hands*
Millie : "Well I guess this stuffy fur can prove useful in those situations. Stay close to this hand-dryer. It's about the only thing capable of heating anything on this floor...I'll help you warm up for a bit and then I'll go see if I can convince the janitor to give me one of her spare pass to the boiler room."
MemberNotice board is even in the bathroom... k. :D
High Botanist Telarn
BlockedThese two keep ending up in sexier and sexier situations with one another and I keep eagerly anticipating the next image, should there be any, with more and more excitement. I wonder if there could be a pool of this at some point.
MemberGotta keep them pretties up to date with the latest shenanigans from upstairs :P
I'll try to have one of those commissioned each month ^^
MemberI wonder if there is a reason they're taking so long to fix the AC...
MemberConsidering the "Dresscode of the week" bulletin, i really want to visit that place...
MemberThat vent in the reflection seems to have icicles forming on it, and yet them being in a state of undress seems to imply that it's getting hot in there.
I'm confused.
High Botanist Telarn
BlockedIt's melting ice actually.
MemberYeah, it's a mystery :P
Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention there's a bit of extra context on the furaffinity page. Long story short, Tails lended her suit to Mewtwo while her fur is keeping her warm. But yeah, it is f#ckin cold in there.
Memberbring your kids to work day is when?
BlockedHow they're intertwining their tails is somehow more of a turn on than them playing with each other's boobs
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