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Old version

New to the game? Have a look at the wiki.

Changes since 0.9.2
[/s]CoC 0.9.4c – Stealth Fix [/s]

See post #690539

  • Oodles of typo fixes. Thanks Prisoner416!~
  • Fixed some weird stuff going on with parser logic in a Shouldra scene.
  • The Marble/Amily freakout scene won’t happen if Marble is gone from camp.
  • The doppleganger in dungeon 3 now has a vagina if you’re genderless… and makes you grow one if you sex it.
  • Fixed some broken masturbation shit after someone “cleaned it up”
  • A few other odds and ends that got swallowed up in the massive typo commit.
0.9.3b - Saves Fix
  • Loading saves should work again.
  • Kid A should be able to be given a weapon.
  • Bugfixes from IndirectOne too numerous to cover.
  • A new Scylla scene. To proc it, you need to have had a threesome with * Urta and the nun, NOT have the Opal Ring (check your key items), and check the bar very early in the morning or in the early afternoon. Basically it’s two other herm furries from the guard plugging away at her lipples, and you get to take her mouth.
  • Comments
  • New version, after getting repeatedly raped by NPCs and other characters in the last game. I think it's time to get serious and repeat the same process again in this new version.

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  • Clearly need to just not have an asshole, or else these fiends will keep trying to ram it ;o.

    That being said, I know a girl who got through the majority of the game without losing virginity, and using meditate instead of masturbation.

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  • LucarioTetsuya said:
    How do I become a centaur?

    Drink Minotaur Blood until you have the minotaur legs and tail, then drink Equinim. Be sure to save first, it doesn't always work with just one.

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  • Disturbed10k said:
    It is VERY hard to try and make a straight male character and NOT get anally raped :P

    rensothydark said:
    Clearly need to just not have an asshole, or else these fiends will keep trying to ram it ;o.

    That being said, I know a girl who got through the majority of the game without losing virginity, and using meditate instead of masturbation.

    Get on my level
    And yes, I use meditate

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  • I'll admit that when some of the cheaper things happened (I'm looking at you, essy) I just loaded my last save, but I didn't new game+ or spam pots. I chose int for my stat that levels up the easiest, speed as my level up stat, and then when Helia moves in you can spar with her for obscenely fast strength and toughness boosts (and you can do that all the way to the cap, which is ridiculous). Meditate is actually really good for before you get jojo (plus you can only meditate with jojo once per day)

    I also didnt abstain entirely. I just kept my butt safe. You can't collect all the waifus while being chaste. Seriously you're limited to like, 3 or 4 of the followers and...maybe marble? If you're staying off sex entirely.

    That said, I might do that for my female run, since females have next to no content anyway outside of futa, which isn't my cup of tea

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  • aurel said:
    same here, and so you found a bug.. what nao?

    Masked-Shapeshifter said:
    Y is it everytime i go into Lethice's stronghold and press "go" nothing happens?

    If you go to Fenoxos website, you'll see the the stronghold is apart of the final boss battle which he isn't done writing.

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  • Help! I Have Saved The Salamander From The Harpies I Had The Scene With His Daughter But Every Time It Ends I'm Back In The Dungeon!

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  • Disturbed10k said:
    It is VERY hard to try and make a straight male character and NOT get anally raped :P

    Thank got I'm not straight... x3

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  • I love the game so much but i feel Urta and some of your other lovers should be i dont know more involved with a female character urta is immensely involved with you if your character becomes pregnant by her even makes visits the bigger your stomach gets.but as a male she only shows up at your camp when in her fertility quest.would love it if Kiha,Helia and any of your lovers could have more options to them.just a thought still love the game either way :)

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  • AdmiringWolf said:
    I love the game so much but i feel Urta and some of your other lovers should be i dont know more involved with a female character urta is immensely involved with you if your character becomes pregnant by her even makes visits the bigger your stomach gets.but as a male she only shows up at your camp when in her fertility quest.would love it if Kiha,Helia and any of your lovers could have more options to them.just a thought still love the game either way :) [/quote] I love the way you think. I would be overjoyed for more options with lovers, especially Kiha (who is among one of my favs), but for now, tis only a dream.

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  • icypolopeanut said:
    What is with the Danny Phantom copyright thing? Anybody know?

    Apparently a part where your character posses someone or something and says "I'm going ghost!" Though I could be wrong

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  • I put on the Lusty Maiden's Armor and when I got the option to rape an Imp, all of the choices disappeared...

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  • How do you download this? The website says to "right click and then click save as", but there is nowhere to right click and bring up a save as option pls help

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  • phage said:
    How do you download this? The website says to "right click and then click save as", but there is nowhere to right click and bring up a save as option pls help

    Right click Download, and you be at a page that's just the game. Then go up to your menu bar, hit file then 'save page as'

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  • phage said:
    How do you download this? The website says to "right click and then click save as", but there is nowhere to right click and bring up a save as option pls help

    Right above that place where it says "Right click and then click save as" there's a large orange "Download" link.

    For convenience, here's a link to the current version:

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  • Ok all, i have played tihs game more then once....

    ecoenemy said:
    could anyone tell me how to get anything in the game to do with foot fetish? its in the tags

    You will fined a dragon girl named Kiha (when you do it will take about fore or five times talking to her and she will become a friend, then lover.) she will give you a foot job. :) (to all that care or just need help, i will do my bast to help.)

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  • little-lover said:
    Ok all, i have played tihs game more then once.... You will fined a dragon girl named Kiha (when you do it will take about fore or five times talking to her and she will become a friend, then lover.) she will give you a foot job. :) (to all that care or just need help, i will do my bast to help.)

    ahh thanks, now to find her

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  • bensmithers said:
    Does anyone know where to get the medicine for Adrian?

    you need to explore enough to find some merchant guy that sells a vitality potion, thats what i used

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  • ecoenemy said:
    you need to explore enough to find some merchant guy that sells a vitality potion, thats what i used

    You will fined her in the swamp, but you will have to fight her. she is lvl 16 and a bunch of 13-15 spider-morph's. just to give you a heads up. :p

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  • Disturbed10k said:
    It is VERY hard to try and make a straight male character and NOT get anally raped :P

    Tell me about it.

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  • Hey does anyone know how to get preggers with benoit ?i tried on my own and when that failed i looked into it on the wiki and tried those steps but it didnt work

    Also since people keep asking ,heres two more vore scenes(dunno whether anyone said this but i cant be bothered looking throught all the comments :/ )
    First is a christmass event where you explore the high mountains and find some spirit woman ,follow her quest and you will ,at the end , be faced with the choice of watching or not watching ,click watch and theres the scene
    Second requires you being a goo girl (use the slippery wet cloths gained from beating goo people at the lake)and then you go back to urta's place ,i used to know a third but i forgot and apparently there is a vore scene to do with the fairy you can rescue from zetaz' lair but i havent tried it.

    NightRunner said:
    Where's the footjob part?

    there are quite a few in the game the most notable i can think of is with amilyafter yoou get her to move in with you

    little-lover said:
    i have tried and i dont think you can but dont let me stop you :)

    sorry to dissapoint but you cant

    IAmWeird said:
    Where is the nightmare fuel part?

    Look around ,it might be the one character with lips instead of nipples ,the bee girl stinging your dick(ouch) or the hell hounds fucking your dicks and cumming worms into your balls .I think it's nightmarish based on your tolerance to certain things

    Hope i helped (i've been playing this for too long)

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  • ZergRushKekeke said:
    This game is so incredibly fucked up why do I love it so much

    Wait until you see The Rack.

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  • NightRunner said:
    Can someone explain me how exactly go to a the footjob parts

    You have to have Helia (found in the plains, she's simply called Salamander) at fuckbuddy status, which after a certain amount of wins you can see her screwing a minotaur, after helping satisfy her you can tell her that minotaurs are bad and whatnot and become her fuckbuddy, then you have to have Kiha (swamp) at lover status at least, you can accomplish this by winning enough and then doing Loving Hug option. After that, at one point when you spar with Kiha Helia will appear, if you simply choose to lie there, they give you a double footjob

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  • kayne95 said:
    You have to have Helia (found in the plains, she's simply called Salamander) at fuckbuddy status, which after a certain amount of wins you can see her screwing a minotaur, after helping satisfy her you can tell her that minotaurs are bad and whatnot and become her fuckbuddy, then you have to have Kiha (swamp) at lover status at least, you can accomplish this by winning enough and then doing Loving Hug option. After that, at one point when you spar with Kiha Helia will appear, if you simply choose to lie there, they give you a double footjob

    Can i repeat it?

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  • i hate the fact that the older version was deleted, i was still playing it and i had a bunch of saved progress, who else ?

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  • numidium_titan said:
    i hate the fact that the older version was deleted, i was still playing it and i had a bunch of saved progress, who else ?

    From what I can tell saving/loading slots seem to work fine between versions (without saving to a file). I haven't actually played the game though so I'm not sure what would be missing.

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  • parasprite said:
    From what I can tell saving/loading slots seem to work fine between versions (without saving to a file). I haven't actually played the game though so I'm not sure what would be missing.

    the slots didn't work but i did save my data to my computer, so i was able to get my data back, for a full few minutes i thought i was ass fucked without any lube

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  • unnecessaryfansmut said:
    how do you even get to the team fortress parts tho I MUST KNOW

    You have to go to the mountians as a low level with silly mode activated and a minotaur gang will show up, than they sadly show up to stop you from getting the time of your li, i mean raped.

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  • Wouldfuckagain100/10 said:
    You have to go to the mountians as a low level with silly mode activated and a minotaur gang will show up, than they sadly show up to stop you from getting the time of your li, i mean raped.

    I found it and it was beautiful

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  • Gamezfriend said:
    Once I beat the Helia quest I couldn't leave it? Is this a bug?

    yeah, it is well known, i guess we all have to wait for fenexo to make a new version which fixes it, also, how do i up my alcohol tolerance on my character?

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  • So I tried to start over on a new save and when I got to the part when you help defeat the harpies for Hel I cant get out. I beat everyone and found everything but there is no way to get out of there. Unless Im missing something.

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  • I just lost my amazing character because I erased my browser's history and I'm really bummed about it. I thought I was fine because my saves were saved to a file on my desktop, but that wasn't the case. Anyone know how to keep saves around while wiping my computer of cookies?

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  • aurel said:
    this is a broken version, save your game, switch to 9.2 version in the site, play thru the dungeon, save, switch back.. continue playing.
    This is just a broken build.. any build wont have this bug.

    Alcohol tolerance? uhm... wha?
    Not sure if there are such thing... Just dont drink the stuff :/

    After starting the game, press data, and READ the stuff.

    You can also save to to file, put it on desktop (or anywhere you want) and it wont get deleted.. load from file later on.

    You know Roxanne? The pirate mouse who challenges you to drinking contest and if you loose you end up getting a fuckin 3 foot cock up your ass?

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  • aurel said:
    "Winning the contest, according to comments by Fenoxo, is determined by a combination of Toughness, Height and Thickness; the higher these scores are, the better the PC can handle the alcohol. However, simply competing in the contest apparently builds up an invisible "tolerance meter", which will eventually allow a PC to handle the alcohol even despite their form. "

    height is defiantly something i don't know how to raise

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  • aurel said:
    it is a flash file, if you cant load, there is a problem with a flash player (of course, flash got no android support)
    so look for an android flash player...

    la bova and minotaur blood, those are most effective ways..
    *will also make you fat and slow as hell, enjoy winning :p*
    you'll loose everywhere else however..

    i found the easiest way to get height was to have sex with Vala. she gives you an inch of height overtime

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  • NightRunner said:
    I cant attack because of ceraph's Piercings how can i get these of?

    What can i do so i can attack again its really annoying.

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  • aurel said:
    Got two chanTod s:
    1. come up with bimbo liqueur, she will remove all piercings for it (maybe.. 3rd one is the bitchy piercing)
    That stuff is hard to come up with.. soo gl
    2. continuously beat up ceraph, every single time. It will take a lot of battles, rape her several times too..
    Until you are ready, avoid her, one more loss and you are done for.
    Eventually she will surrender, and once shes your slave, you can just ask to remove those piercings.
    ...however, its tricky without main attack...
    Possibilities: (if you got some way of attacking)
    try with white magic (beat up withes in the desert, until you get all 3 white magic skills), training with jojo (the rat) also gives a strong attack... however.. meh, those magics are kinda dum..
    Get some TF which would give you useful skills.
    shark, snake <--- better ones.. spider, bee, ghost
    if you got no way of attacking (epic faaaail :p)
    try firebreath.. If you never fought akhbal (what big cat in deepwoods), submit until you get the skill. (but its as unstable as is powerful)
    train with kelt (explore farm), until 100% bow skill, (careful, hes evil).. bow is just as powerful as a normal attack. <--- best bet overall
    Tease attack?.. risky, due first piercing.. it also sucks.
    get useful TF..
    bee: can sting... and can be received without fighting... however, your previous actions may prevent you from talking to them. Try to offer your service to the bees, will wreak your ass, but will give you magic books and honey (both good).. watch out if its special honey.. can use it, but may lead to bad end.
    ghost: can get it from that ghost at town ruins... will earn you posses ability.. it sucks, but its better than nothing.
    tigershark: lake: sex with izma may get you teeth to go tigershark.. dem bite hard ^^

    I actually dont know how i got to ceraph

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  • aurel said:
    Shes at the mountain <_<
    Also, shes an annoying one, as she pops up very rarely, but just keep walking to the mountain..
    (not the high mountain.. she never goes there)

    Thank you very much

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  • aurel said:
    Shes at the mountain <_<
    Also, shes an annoying one, as she pops up very rarely, but just keep walking to the mountain..
    (not the high mountain.. she never goes there)

    she says something about foot fetish,whats with that.

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  • shattered_halo said:
    Hey does anyone know how to get preggers with benoit ?i tried on my own and when that failed i looked into it on the wiki and tried those steps but it didnt work

    Also since people keep asking ,heres two more vore scenes(dunno whether anyone said this but i cant be bothered looking throught all the comments :/ )
    First is a christmass event where you explore the high mountains and find some spirit woman ,follow her quest and you will ,at the end , be faced with the choice of watching or not watching ,click watch and theres the scene
    Second requires you being a goo girl (use the slippery wet cloths gained from beating goo people at the lake)and then you go back to urta's place ,i used to know a third but i forgot and apparently there is a vore scene to do with the fairy you can rescue from zetaz' lair but i havent tried it.there are quite a few in the game the most notable i can think of is with amilyafter yoou get her to move in with you
    sorry to dissapoint but you cant
    Look around ,it might be the one character with lips instead of nipples ,the bee girl stinging your dick(ouch) or the hell hounds fucking your dicks and cumming worms into your balls .I think it's nightmarish based on your tolerance to certain things

    Hope i helped (i've been playing this for too long)

    Where is amily? And how do i get her To move in?

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  • kayne95 said:
    You have to have Helia (found in the plains, she's simply called Salamander) at fuckbuddy status, which after a certain amount of wins you can see her screwing a minotaur, after helping satisfy her you can tell her that minotaurs are bad and whatnot and become her fuckbuddy, then you have to have Kiha (swamp) at lover status at least, you can accomplish this by winning enough and then doing Loving Hug option. After that, at one point when you spar with Kiha Helia will appear, if you simply choose to lie there, they give you a double footjob

    I did fucked both of them now really often how long does it take to get to the point with the minotaur and the loving hug Option?

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  • I eat a crap ton of those canine peppers when I start. Gives me canine features and abilities. I do that to start up speed and strength and walk by the lake to increase intelligence. After that I start branching out. Anyone have tips for me?

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  • ColdWolfSong said:
    I eat a crap ton of those canine peppers when I start. Gives me canine features and abilities. I do that to start up speed and strength and walk by the lake to increase intelligence. After that I start branching out. Anyone have tips for me?

    yeah, go in the deserts and beat a whole lot of witches, get the books, and read them, never read the tattered scrolls unless you want to get your ass beaten, black books and white books will give you spells and also raise your intelligence. time consuming but with benifits

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  • aurel said:
    Thats in town ruins... you find town ruins by exploring around lake, find a road, follow it. After you found it it will be in places tab, 2nd page.
    Warning, Amily is a massive bitch, practically, Raphael's sister. A lot of things will perma ban you from encountering her.
    1. if you haven't encountered her, and you are a herm, you will never encounter her
    2. high corruption? never encounter her.
    3. encountered her, but then got above tiny 12 corruption? well fuck you! :D shes gone forever
    3. you messed with jojo? oops... load save game
    4. you did absolutely anything --> shes gone forever
    nooow on to recruiting guide:
    she wants to rebuild the mouse race, thankfully genetics do not exist in this world (dump her, better help Ember)...
    anyyway. You, or her, need to get 4-5 mouse births, and she will move in with you.
    noow the bitchyness:
    1. as a human
    , your chances for pregnancy is.. ~5%.. I guess.. soo, gl, it will
    take fucking forever to get her pregnant, and the pregnancy is just as long.
    2. use things you find around to help you? ... corruption level raises, she bitches out.
    3. go female, she will become a herm (bitch), eat pink eggs, will
    get her recruited in no time.
    4. get corrupted after encountering her and fuck her up (2nd way to recruit her)
    yo dont talk in gibberish :<
    i dunno lol
    best guess is sphinx guarding sand witches dungeon.. does pawjobs :p

    Well...fuck -.- . amily is done for me.
    Any other ideas how To get footjob's

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  • aurel said:

    Yeah it's a real shame she is the one person in the game that expects someone she likes to be normal, and not a monstrosity . . .


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  • Anyone know how to unlock the door to the sacrificial altar in the Sand Witch Dungeon? I've been all over the Dungeon and can't find the key.

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  • aurel said:
    good job on being an ass to all the people who can't read the guide.
    Really funny how you pick the easiest task ever and ask for help, to show how people today can't fucking solve problems themselves.. +1
    However, it is kinda over the top, as ceraph, amily and izumi are quite tricky characters to deal with, and may need help with.

    I've been all over the Wiki and can't find the answer. I don't know why you think I'm an ass or whatever. I just didn't want to waste time poking around looking for a answer that was probably under my nose this whole time.

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  • Gets to level 5, doesn't save, tries to open up the wiki by the link in description, expecting it to open a new tab c: fuck

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  • aurel said:
    Yea, well, sorry, but you know... the place got like 9 rooms.. (guessing it, sry).. 3? sexable characters, all of which i prefered to stay away from.. and a lever.
    It is simply not possible to have been "all over the dungeon" and not having pulled the lever, which is THE ONLY
    interactive object.

    Its on the west/south side of the cavern "pharmacy", pull the lever, go back to the center, and north.

    Yeah... like I said It was under my nose the entire time. I guess I didn't notice the lever option. Maybe I was blindsided by the pink/brown pills or I was seriously sleep deprived. Either way thanks for the advice, fortunately I managed to find the lever myself before checking the comments.

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  • aurel said:
    time :p lots of time...
    Alternatively you can use items spiders drop... however, there is a side effect, or more like, the main effect.
    Makes you a fucking spider :<
    Could have added a fun race, but nooo, spiders, fucking devs.

    I hear ya. I'm a fully fledged kitsune right now. Golden fur, tails and all. Definitely don't want to be a spider. But time actually makes you tighter again? Because I don't agree with Fenoxo's assumption that you even do become looser. A muscle is a muscle, which becomes tighter (technically) when "exercised". And come on, Arian is not that big.

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  • ColdWolfSong said:
    I hear ya. I'm a fully fledged kitsune right now. Golden fur, tails and all. Definitely don't want to be a spider. But time actually makes you tighter again? Because I don't agree with Fenoxo's assumption that you even do become looser. A muscle is a muscle, which becomes tighter (technically) when "exercised". And come on, Arian is not that big.

    BUT there is no anus muscle. There is a muscle there, but not for the sole purpose of opening and closing sed anus. If we had one, we would be able to dilate and retract it on command. It can/does stretch because the muscle grows around it, and the flesh clings to the muscle. Like if you got shot. The bullet is stopped at your bone. The muscle dosen't grow up through the bullet; it grows around it. So, if there are enough/a big enough hard substance (i.e. COCKS) it will force it to dilate, then grow around the dialation point, even if the object is no longer there.

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  • Masked-Shapeshifter said:
    Y is it everytime i go into Lethice's stronghold and press "go" nothing happens?

    Because I found out that if you defeat your mirror self A.K.A. Doppleganger, you won't go in. So before you do that, try to defeat the centaur lizan guy first ok?! (:

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  • kayne95 said:
    You have to have Helia (found in the plains, she's simply called Salamander) at fuckbuddy status, which after a certain amount of wins you can see her screwing a minotaur, after helping satisfy her you can tell her that minotaurs are bad and whatnot and become her fuckbuddy, then you have to have Kiha (swamp) at lover status at least, you can accomplish this by winning enough and then doing Loving Hug option. After that, at one point when you spar with Kiha Helia will appear, if you simply choose to lie there, they give you
    a double footjob

    I fucked them very often now but nothing happened

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  • Gamezfriend said:
    Once I beat the Helia quest I couldn't leave it? Is this a bug?

    same here im stuck on there.i guess our lovely fenoxo (i mean that) didnt code the game past that so dont bother doing that quest,just go around beating shit up.although dont go too high of a level till he does cuz then it gets boring


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  • WhiteWhiskey said:
    So...Any suggestion for an Adobe Flash alternate that will work with Firefox?

    There really is none, and the ones that exist (Gnash) only work partially, and only with older Flash attributes (version 9 iirc).

    Chrome's Flash player is a slightly different version and might work as a sort of backup Flash player. I did this for a while to prevent having to install Flash system-wide (at the time Safari was my main browser and Flash was very crash-prone at the time).

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  • aurel said:
    Is anyone capable of reading and basic problem solving anymore?

    if you would read some of the comments..
    You would find people talking about how broken this version is.
    Heck, you could even read the description, and find that building 9.4 has failed, and later they released 9.4C with bugs fixed... and if you would look at the fucking file, you would notice, that it is version 9.fucking 4. no C.

    You may
    1. use post #612929 version 9.2, which works, and is basically identical.
    2. go to source code page and use the very very latest version, which (probably) is not broken.
    3. try to solve your problems before going drama queen... you came up with nothing in 2 days.. jeez
    Any normal person would solve the problem in 40 seconds.

    k,first off, im not good at sourcing,second of all, when i checked 8 hours ago,it said that THIS was the newer one and that the bug was FIXED. have a nice day

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  • Wouldfuckagain100/10 said:
    You have to go to the mountians as a low level with silly mode activated and a minotaur gang will show up, than they sadly show up to stop you from getting the time of your li, i mean raped.

    silly mode activated how?

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  • aurel said:
    Got two chances:
    1. come up with bimbo liqueur, she will remove all piercings for it (maybe.. 3rd one is the bitchy piercing)
    That stuff is hard to come up with.. soo gl
    2. continuously beat up ceraph, every single time. It will take a lot of battles, rape her several times too..
    Until you are ready, avoid her, one more loss and you are done for.
    Eventually she will surrender, and once shes your slave, you can just ask to remove those piercings.
    ...however, its tricky without main attack...
    Possibilities: (if you got some way of attacking)
    try with white magic (beat up withes in the desert, until you get all 3 white magic skills), training with jojo (the rat) also gives a strong attack... however.. meh, those magics are kinda dum..
    Get some TF which would give you useful skills.
    shark, snake <--- better ones.. spider, bee, ghost
    if you got no way of attacking (epic faaaail :p)
    try firebreath.. If you never fought akhbal (what big cat in deepwoods), submit until you get the skill. (but its as unstable as is powerful)
    train with kelt (explore farm), until 100% bow skill, (careful, hes evil).. bow is just as powerful as a normal attack. <--- best bet overall
    Tease attack?.. risky, due first piercing.. it also sucks.
    get useful TF..
    bee: can sting... and can be received without fighting... however, your previous actions may prevent you from talking to them. Try to offer your service to the bees, will wreak your ass, but will give you magic books and honey (both good).. watch out if its special honey.. can use it, but may lead to bad end.
    ghost: can get it from that ghost at town ruins... will earn you posses ability.. it sucks, but its better than nothing.
    tigershark: lake: sex with izma may get you teeth to go tigershark.. dem bite hard ^^

    I know where she is so what i did was...beat her like 3 times fucked her 2 times run from her or denying her offer To be a slave what am i doing wrong :(

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  • Masked-Shapeshifter said:
    Y is it everytime i go into Lethice's stronghold and press "go" nothing happens?

    Where is her stronghold?

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  • I have helia in my camp AS lover and i can go To a dungeon with her To fight the harpy Queen but i cant get out of the dungeon.what do i have To do?

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  • NightRunner said:
    I have helia in my camp AS lover and i can go To a dungeon with her To fight the harpy Queen but i cant get out of the dungeon.what do i have To do?

    The quest is called Tower of the Phoenix and if you kill the harpy Queen and the other bitch To get the key's and free helia's father in the dungeon nothing happenes.

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  • aurel said:
    Yea, well, sorry, but you know... the place got like 9 rooms.. (guessing it, sry).. 3? sexable characters, all of which i prefered to stay away from.. and a lever.
    It is simply not possible to have been "all over the dungeon" and not having pulled the lever, which is THE ONLY
    interactive object.

    Its on the west/south side of the cavern "pharmacy", pull the lever, go back to the center, and north.

    Excuse me but can you help me,the Tower of the Phoenix quest is done but when i talk To the prisoner nothing happens cant get out of the Tower.

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  • ]aurel said Thats in town ruins... you find town ruins by exploring around lake, find a road, follow it. After you found it it will be in places tab, 2nd page.
    Warning, Amily is a massive bitch, practically, Raphael's sister. A lot of things will perma ban you from encountering her.
    1. if you haven't encountered her, and you are a herm, you will never encounter her
    2. high corruption? never encounter her.
    3. encountered her, but then got above tiny 12 corruption? well fuck you! :D shes gone forever
    3. you messed with jojo? oops... load save game
    4. you did absolutely anything --> shes gone forever
    nooow on to recruiting guide:
    she wants to rebuild the mouse race, thankfully genetics do not exist in this world (dump her, better help Ember)...
    anyyway. You, or her, need to get 4-5 mouse births, and she will move in with you.
    noow the bitchyness:
    1. as a human, your chances for pregnancy is.. ~5%.. I guess.. soo, gl, it will take fucking forever to get her pregnant, and the pregnancy is just as long.
    2. use things you find around to help you? ... corruption level raises, she bitches out.
    3. go female, she will become a herm (bitch), eat pink eggs, will get her recruited in no time.
    4. get corrupted after encountering her and fuck her up (2nd way to recruit her)
    yo dont talk in gibberish :<
    i dunno lol
    best guess is sphinx guarding sand witches dungeon.. does pawjobs :p


    I have her as lover now footjob...did i fuck up? Or what happened?

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  • hey fenoxo can you add more options like for example when u make love to ember and she give birth why can't you raise her like helia's daughter? and i was wondering if you come consider making this a downloadable game or something of that sort

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  • NightRunner said:
    Excuse me but can you help me,the Tower of the Phoenix quest is done but when i talk To the prisoner nothing happens cant get out of the Tower.

    you have to play on a older version to finish it then once u complete it then u can go back to new version

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  • Is there any way to bring back kelt? i read on the wiki i could use a program to alter the save file but does anyone know how exactly? not exactly a techie here

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  • After defeating the harpy queen and save Helia's father, I realised that I can't get the heck out from the harpy queen castle.I think it a bug or I'm an idiot

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  • LunaticBrony2468 said:
    After defeating the harpy queen and save Helia's father, I realised that I can't get the heck out from the harpy queen castle.I think it a bug or I'm an idiot

    Yep, I'm an idiot! I just realized that this is the broken version... I should read the comments first

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  • Interesting game. I've been playing it, but have yet to see anything animated; are there animation scenes that I'm not aware of?

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  • Ariel19_98 said:
    Is there a way to do cock vore or be cockvored?

    sorry but there isn't a way to, the only vore scenes in the game is letting yourself be beaten by a tenticale monster 3 times

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  • zalroth said:
    how can i make my naga get taller?

    save game, drink minitaur blood, profit

    although if it ends up transforming you you just reload and try again until you only get taller

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