kathrin vaughan, keith keiser, and natani (twokinds) created by tom fischbach
Parent: post #69320 (learn more) show ยป
  • Comments
  • I wouldn't call it a bad deed.

    With all furry fetishes, why do they see wearing someone else's panties as some heinous act?

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  • oxymoron_02 said:
    I wouldn't call it a bad deed.

    With all furry fetishes, why do they see wearing someone else's panties as some heinous act?

    It's basically theft. It's like using someone's car without their permission (not in scale, of course).

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  • oxymoron_02 said:
    I wouldn't call it a bad deed.

    With all furry fetishes, why do they see wearing someone else's panties as some heinous act?

    It's just something to gripe about... And besides, there's far worse things on this site...

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  • KloH0und said:
    It's basically theft. It's like using someone's car without their permission (not in scale, of course).

    Yeah, because you can compare a thing that might cost some few bucks, to something that's like a few thousand bucks... -.-
    It's just a pair of panties! You don't turn out to be poor as fuck if someone borrows/steals it...

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  • I thought it was a big deal because underwear is intrinsically intimate and rubbed against the naughty parts on people all day. It's intrinsically perverted.

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  • CustomFox said:
    Yeah, because you can compare a thing that might cost some few bucks, to something that's like a few thousand bucks... -.-
    It's just a pair of panties! You don't turn out to be poor as fuck if someone borrows/steals it...

    I take it you didn't read what was in the parenthesis?

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  • blargflarg said:
    twokinds is the shittiest piece of shit that ever shat

    Stop bitchin and start blacklistin, if you got a problem with it. I hate it when trolls jump online and tell ppl what they like and/or don't like.... like what i just did...

    *Slaps self*

    Never mind.

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