Going to the gym was a secret kind of weakness for Sherri, sure she could spend just a few hundred bucks and have a treadmill or an elliptical machine in her apartment. But there was always something sordid about going to the gym. Especially the one she went to, open 24 hours.
It was in just one of those naughty little evenings that Sherri stepped from one of the contraptions. Her body soaked in sweat as she caught her breath with the aid of a sip of those fancy five dollar water canteens. The evenings were always the best, sometimes you got creepers hanging around the sauna but other times you found all sorts of interesting people.
“Hey Pepper!” A voice came out from behind, her ears perking as she turned her head slightly aside to see a younger lupine male. “The upstairs cardio is closed off for the evening..”
“Ugh. Seriously?!” Sherri groaned as she turned fully to face him, her arms folding over her chest. “This is like the third time!”
“Yeah I know, but you can always use the muscle machines. They’re not so bad once you get used to them really..” He gave a gentle smile, trying to calm any tempers before they could flare. “You’ll work your core a lot better!”
Core. Whatever. It was all jargon and buzzwords to sell a membership. …But maybe she did need to work her core? Was she not working it enough?! Worrysome thoughts filled her mind as she stepped along the linoleum flooring that provided a fake sheen of ‘cleanliness’ to the gym. Not like anyone really cared in the deepest hours of the night.
It was the tapping sound that distracted the bull from his regimen. Ahri’s thick muscled biceps straining with pressure as he pumped his arm slowly upwards with a thick metallic iron weighing on each side. His head turning slightly to see a lithe canine strutting along the courtyard of the gym like she owned the place. “Casuals.” He gave a little snort of an exhale, watching her eyeing the muscle equipment.
Ahrin was hardcore for Gyms, it was like a religious ritual almost, from his gym bag with a spare change of clothes, always ironed, his Apple Iphone wrapped in a protective casing around his left bicep. Pristine ivory earbuds looped in his ears.
As for a shirt? Nah. He wouldn’t bother with that in the slightest. Part of going to the gym was to have every curvature in his muscles admired by gym bunnies and envied by the less focused. He’d never admit it, but he delighted in the way they admonished the bull with praise and envious praise.
His eyes couldn’t help but look at her again as she tried to set up herself in one of those multifaceted weight machines. He’d used them, but nothing beats a barbell, a protein shake, and a full serving of will power.
A moment of self conflict led him to walking over to the small girl, casually removing his earbuds. “Having trouble?"
“Nope!” Sherri hummed, being approached wasn’t strange, and while it wasn’t unwanted she had an image to maintain! A self-sufficient, strong, independent pei who didn’t need no man! …At least until she pulled a hook from one of the weights causing a sudden hatch release.
Ahri was nothing if not in tune with the gym equipment, a sense of Zen one could only achieve after countless hours of meditation! He was just about to mention the little hatch she was fidgeting with, luckily for her the weights coming down for her weren’t enough to overwhelm this bull! His left arm quickly catching the thick iron plates in his palm and looking down to Sherri with his most un-amused face he could conjure. “Right.” He spoke with a solemn grunt.
Sherri’s face was frozen as her eyes looked upwards, those iron slats just inches from pinning her underneath and leaving her with a nice little concussion. “..Thanks.” Sherri quickly removed herself from danger, relieving herself with a slight exhale. The second momentary peace shattered by a loud almost shattering sound inches from her. The sheer shock sending her body through a myriad of spasms, the hair standing on the back of her neck with her tail tightly curled into itself.
“No problem..” Muttered the statuesque bovine, his masculine frame about to turn away before looking back. “You should try free weights, you get a better workout.” With that he plugged his ears with those ivory earbuds. A few seconds meandering with her was fruitless, she was just a casual, her body wasn’t toned, shaped, perfect like some of the girls he knew.
Sherri chewed on her thumb for a moment, those canid incisors teasing at the padded fingertips as she watched him retreat. His scent was enticing to say the least.. And she did read somewhere that sex was one of the best workouts one could get.
Ahri was in complete and total peace, finally, the shredding sounds of guitar and thumps of drum elevating his heart-rate causing adrenaline to push through his veins. Empowering his muscles to bulge with vigor, all the while his mind stayed clear as he held the barbell weight with both of his arms. It wasn’t world record breaking, but it was enough to work out his muscles and keep them in peak condition. His eyes closed as the music flowed through him.
This is what he came here for! Meals of pure greens, protein, all to keep his body as close sculpted as those Greco Roman Statues of old. Moments of preparation cashed in for the second as he began to push the metal from its hilt.
It was in that same second that he felt a sudden plop of pressure on his abdomen, his body leaned up slightly noticing those bent ears, it was her! “What do you want?!” He spoke in a hoarse exhales, balancing the metal weights in his hands. He couldn’t start with a distraction like her!
“Well I recall you told me to do free weights, so I figured we could be spot partners..” She mused while straddling his lap. Her hands balancing herself on that chiseled frame of his, her eyes staring at him while he snorted trying to collect himself. “It’s part of the regulations after all..”
“Girlie I appreciate your enthusi-AY!! Whaddaya think you’re doin!?” The bull exclaimed, his palms centered with pressure from those huge weights on either side, his arms straining to push the iron bar back onto its rack! And all the while he had that little canine slowly peeling away at his gym shorts!
Sherri gave a tedious little grin as she stared him down, how could that little creature keep that gigantic hulking mass of muscle and testosterone pinned underneath her thighs? Well mother nature would have something to say about it, a slight brushing of his gym shorts away and Sherri could firmly feel his girth pulsing against her digits. “Seems like he’s ready to go..”
Sherri mused as she spoke slowly sliding her body along his, it was at that moment that he realized that she wasn’t wearing shorts! He could feel his body shuddering when that delightful flesh stroked itself against his body. His thick tree trunk arms falling to the wayside, his palms resting comfortably on top of those juicy thighs. “Hngh.. You better finish what you start girlie.” He grumbled, his workout schedule was completely ruined!
Sherri had plans of finishing from the moment she straddled on top of this big ol’ buck, the way his body felt underneath her, those thick ripples of muscle making her body tingle with pure delight. Her nostrils flared wide open as she slowly lifted her hips. Her arm behind her hip, stroking along the thick vein on the underside of his shaft. “Mrrf..” She cooed, biting down on her lower lip as her hips pressed downwards. The cocktip slicking itself against her moistened entrance.
There was just something about exhibitionism that got Sherri tingling, her little pawtoes curling so tightly in her running shoes. Being on top was pretty enjoyable to, controlling the way her hips slid the cock against her body, smearing the girth with her mound, soaking it with her juices.
Ahri had enjoyed a woman’s touch in many places, many ways, and in just as many positions, but he’d never had a girl assert herself while he was in the middle of bench-pressing almost two hundred pounds! There was a sort of calming sensation to it all, just him relaxing his body with a short little grunt. His fingertips clasping onto those juicy thighs a slight squeeze when she began to grind against him. The way that steamy hot girth of his pressed against that warm little slit, his entire body gave a little push, trying to ease his way inside!
She tensed as she felt that girth pressing against her velvet depths, her back arching slightly upwards as she finally gave him the reward of her body. Descending downwards against his shaft, feeling that hot meat spread those precious puffy pussy lips of hers. The depths of which swarmed his cocktip with nectar, her wiggling hips slathering his meat with her body’s natural lubricant. Sherri’s lips pursed together giving out a tepid little groan, balancing her body with his, just letting herself slowly be filled with inch after inch of hot bull meat.
The bull just watched in a mix of awe and lust, his digits squeezing into her juicy thighs, almost tasting her flesh with his fingers. His eyes crossing and his nostrils giving out a very blatant bovine snort! “You ever done this before?” He his maw finally opening to try and refill his lungs of oxygen. His body straining to keep from erupting inside of her, especially when a trickle of that nectar spilled down his shaft, teasing against the thick potent orbs between his thighs.
Brown hues hid from the world as her journey completed itself, her entire body hilting his shaft, just feeling the entire bulk pulse and throb inside. Sherri’s lower lip would have bust open from her canine incisors if she were any more in the zone. However his words made those bent ears flicker slightly, those lovely brown hues opening seconds after.
“Oh, yeah definitely! Just make sure you give me room or you might pinch your lemons.” Sherri said matter of factly as she slowly situated herself a bit more. Both hands resting on his abdomen as her lips turned into a brighter grin.
“Pinch my le-“ His eyes peered for a moment and without hesitation his legs opened a bit wider, giving the lusty lass more room to work with. “Now what..?” He grunted massaging his hands up and down her sides, loving the way that soft puppy fur felt between his digits.
“Grab that barbell.” Sherri half motioned with her nose.
“..You’re joking.” Ahri glared at her, just how crazy was this bitch!?
“Well I guess you don’t need a spot if you’re done..” Sherri gave just the smallest tug of her hips, the swollen beef almost slipping out from inside.
“God this is crazy!” Ahri groaned as his palms left the comfort of that luscious pei, his fingers curling into the metal while his eyes closed. Taking a deep breath and pushing against the bar, slowly lifting it from its latch.
That’s exactly what Sherri needed, her tail lifting high into the air as she started to do a rep of her own, her hips pushing upwards, letting some of that cock, soaked in nectar taste the air chilled from the vents above. Only to suddenly become squeezed in Sherri’s depths once more!
The sudden push of hips against his body, it almost made him lose control of his grip! Sherri lewdly panting, her tongue almost hanging from the side of her maw, drooling lightly down her chin as she watched sweat build up against his pores. The glistening moisture streaming down his bronzed muscled body!
His heart rate was pumping as he completed his first rep, pushing that large two hundred pound pair of weights overhead letting out an exasperated groan! Watching the stranger girl’s body slowly rocking herself up and down on his girth, as he strained to keep from breaking his neck! It was at that very moment that his body began to shift into overdrive, adrenaline pumping into his arteries, surging throughout his body. Like his entire body was charged with a sped up guitar solo!
He didn’t even notice himself pumping the metal in his arms, while up and down Sherri rocked her body, going faster and faster. His body was surging in a way he’d never experienced, the dopamine and adrenaline combining themselves in his nerve endings. Every pump of metal with his biceps sending pleasure through his veins, every second that cock squished into Sherri’s depths.
Sherri had half expected him to give up after the fifth rep, but she couldn’t help but be impressed, those thick powerful grunts of his as veins surged in his biceps. They looked so delectable she was almost inclined to give one of them a lick but she wasn’t going to test his willpower at this moment! Sherri was in sync with him, in every second, this stranger was filling her with his beefy dick making her pant for air.
Her body straining with pleasure as her lil pawtoes curled again, he was bucking his hips aswell! The tip probing against the very edge of her body almost jostling her off her balance!
Sherri’s ears perked, eyes looking up, seeing him with veins bulging in his neck. “You okay..?” Sherri gulped, suddenly noticing his hands released the barbell.
“Yeah.. I’m great..” He grinned down to her. “Finished my reps.” With that he clutched the female close to his body, his large palm cradling her back with her breasts smushed against his firm pectorals. Her hips slightly splayed a bit wider to keep his lemons safe.
Sherri could barely speak, her voice suddenly going from a whimper to a heavy bark when his thighs began to pump his cock into her glistening wet snatch. “Today is leg day..” He grunted into her ear, his wet tongue lewdly slipping along the roll of her ear. The eager bull keeping his grunts as low as possible, just hearing the sound of his body fitting into hers, pump after pump.
She thought she might have bitten off more than she could chew at first, but it was an ecstasy she couldn’t help but adore, the way he held her so tightly her arms looped around his neck while short powerful thrusts bore inside of her body. Her entire body was shaking, sweat dripping down her pores as she squished against his frame, panting for air.
Sherri felt her body lean back, clutching her digits into his mane as her lips pointed upwards, lewdly groaning out in orgasm as Ahri pushed his hips upwards with a more dedicated thrust. Cum bubbling at the tip before firing off his heavy load! It slathered Sherri’s insides in that hot creamy nectar, making her seethe. Like the first moment when you step into a hot tub from a crisp cool air, the heat almost unbearable but relaxing at the same time!
Ahri grunted slightly as he finally slumped back, his back fully leaning against the barbell with Sherri’s body resting against his. A slight happy little glow showing along his body as he looked down to that little purdy girl in his grasp. “Mhnnf.” He grunted, licking his chops with wonder at how delicious she was.
“Ahnn.. hy.Yeah.. I should. You know, towel, clean up when.. we’re done right?” Sherri panted as she looked up to him, drool spilling down her cheek with a glazed over look in her eyes.
“Done..? Oh babe, I just STARTED my work out.” Ahri sneered, gently squeezing his palm on that delicious buttcheek of hers.
Yeah. She definitely bit off more than she could chew.
BlockedHard to pump iron when your pumping pussy too.
Captain No Name
Dick Dickinson
MemberOh the magical power of blacklisting, I wish people would recognize it more. :v
Lance Armstrong
Former StaffTwo lines:
larger_male female
smaller_female male
user 109553
Memberi love how you get butthurt with a simple question, and i said larger male, not larger female
BlockedSilly girl. That isn't how you spot someone.
MemberWhy she got an undo button on her ass cheek tho
MemberIt's the tap symbol from Magic the Gathering. Get it? Tap that ass? Hurr. :x
MemberThe comments on the parent post now make sense
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MemberThere isn't a good reason for this to be down voted.
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