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  • ♪♫ Boots and pants and boots and pants boots and pants boots and pants ♫♪

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  • As usual these are great, except for being so in your face about the "no vaginal. anal sex is the best. everyone likes having dicks." thing.

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  • -8
  • This is the fucking sexiest pone game you made yet and I recommend you just add onto this one like you can fuck other pone girls and add new positions to it later on.

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  • lulzie said:
    Yeah right, downvote. Even though he is fighting against fetish bashing, with fetish bashing, it just has a hateful and hypocritical tone to it.

    Im not saying bad things about your fetish, im just saying that he is basically fighting fire with fire. Its plain as day.

    Did... did you just reply to your own comment as if it was someone elses?

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  • Malto said:
    Did... did you just reply to your own comment as if it was someone elses?

    he probably still thinks he's on 4chan or something

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  • lulzie said:
    As usual these are great, except for being so in your face about the "no vaginal. anal sex is the best. everyone likes having dicks." thing.

    lulzie said:
    Yeah right, downvote. Even though he is fighting against fetish bashing, with fetish bashing, it just has a hateful and hypocritical tone to it.

    Im not saying bad things about your fetish, im just saying that he is basically fighting fire with fire. Its plain as day.

    mittsies had done multiple vaginal penetration animations before and they have all been glorious IMO

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  • Still trying to figure out why its such a big deal that an artist prefers to animate anal over vaginal. Seems like the people complaining are trying to superimpose their fantasies and preferences into works which they 1, don't pay for and 2, dont support or create.

    Its kinda rude imo. Plenty of animations on the internet. If you want a vaginal fix, there are plenty of animations for that.

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  • The most thing I like here is her face. Really, so adorable and well done.
    by the way, Mittsies, why did you disguise her real name and stuff? Decided to be more stealthy or what?

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  • Great as always, only things I would change would be pubic hair color to a darker shade, it kinda blends with the skin color.

    also a lil tongue to ponut action

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  • Malikfoxen said:
    Still trying to figure out why its such a big deal that an artist prefers to animate anal over vaginal. Seems like the people complaining are trying to superimpose their fantasies and preferences into works which they 1, don't pay for and 2, dont support or create.

    Its kinda rude imo. Plenty of animations on the internet. If you want a vaginal fix, there are plenty of animations for that.

    I think I can understand part of the train of thought. It would be really nice to see an artist break from a particular style (art, content, whatever) if the viewer thinks it's starting to become over-used, or if the viewer has themselves been over-saturated with that particular type of content (or fetish) and would like to see something different out of an artist they like (like, say, Braeburned doing straight art, or Zone making a pony flash).

    I won't claim to understand why folks would go utterly apeshit over it, though. That just seems counter-productive.

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  • lulzie said:
    "no vaginal. anal sex is the best. everyone likes having dicks."

    puddingcup said:
    mittsies needs to learn to stop doing anal so much and do more pussy fuckin

    Malikfoxen said:
    Still trying to figure out why its such a big deal that an artist prefers to animate anal over vaginal.

    BrightShadow said:
    It would be really nice to see an artist break from a particular style

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  • lulzie said:
    Yeah right, downvote. Even though he is fighting against fetish bashing, with fetish bashing, it just has a hateful and hypocritical tone to it.

    "it just has a hateful and hypocritical tone to it."
    Haha this is probably one of the funniest ways to describe not having a vaginal scene Ive heard. I think Mittsies just committed a hate crime. Also to lulzie dont take this post the wrong way I just thought that was a funny way of putting it.

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  • "Starring that pink horse from that little girl's toy commercial"
    "Hey, I have an idea. You should enter the annual pushing buttons contest. You'd win first prize!"

    Damnit Mittsies, stop making me laugh so much.

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  • puddingcup said:
    mittsies needs to learn to stop doing anal so much and do more pussy fuckin

    You need to learn to stop complaining.

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  • Malikfoxen said:
    Still trying to figure out why its such a big deal that an artist prefers to animate anal over vaginal. Seems like the people complaining are trying to superimpose their fantasies and preferences into works which they 1, don't pay for and 2, dont support or create.

    Its kinda rude imo. Plenty of animations on the internet. If you want a vaginal fix, there are plenty of animations for that.

    It's rude, sure, but remember the fact that the majority of animators are fucking awful. Sturgeon's law.
    I'm not about to complain to an artist for doing what they like, but I understand why some people do. It sounds dumb, but it's a compliment if anything. Those people value said artist so much, they'd rather see preferred content from them rather than just go off in search of others.

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  • First flash that really made me want to whip my dick out and start stroking right away. 10/10. Would be awesome to see some other ponies, even if it's just a re-skin of this flash because let's face it, this is amazing.

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