vera (frisky ferals and etc) created by sefeiren
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  • Comments
  • It's like she's actively trying to be a bitch.

    She's like that one hillbilly uncle who shoots at beercans from the veranda and rambles on about how dem mexicans are stealin' arr jerbs.

    Except with gryhpons.

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  • It's really like her son fucking the shit out of her to the point where he busted 3 nuts slit-to-slit full hilt in her body means absolutely nothing to her as little as moments after the fact, and apparently forever after

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  • Seriously? You STILL have to have the last word? And you are STILL going on about the gryphon? Are you really that biased against her? Or is it you are truly jealous that she has a better relationship with him then with you?

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  • she will send her daughteres to drag him out of the cave !
    and have a femal gang rape ! poor kindle ! rape by his mom and 3 eldere sisteres !

    this is gonna be fucking awsom comic !!!

    best part dad dont give a shit ! he like nope to fucking wired bye !

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  • -Frazzledragon said:
    It's like she's actively trying to be a bitch.

    She's like that one hillbilly uncle who shoots at beercans from the veranda and rambles on about how dem mexicans are stealin' arr jerbs.

    Except with gryhpons.

    Them Gryphon's is stealin' our JEERRRRRRRRBS!

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  • -Frazzledragon said:
    It's like she's actively trying to be a bitch.

    She's like that one hillbilly uncle who shoots at beercans from the veranda and rambles on about how dem mexicans are stealin' arr jerbs.

    Except with gryhpons.

    I faintly hear JonTron somehow...

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  • Routganan said:
    So does she want her son to be like her father? I distinctly remember hating that part of him.

    Actually by being a bit of a bitch she's pointing out his father screws EVERYTHING, but possible he likes Gryphons, which would explain her intense distaste of them.

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  • -Frazzledragon said:
    It's like she's actively trying to be a bitch.

    She's like that one hillbilly uncle who shoots at beercans from the veranda and rambles on about how dem mexicans are stealin' arr jerbs.

    Except with gryhpons.

    So she's a racist.

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  • fizzymcbon said:
    Vera is just annoying as a character now. Zero emotional depth, like, at all.

    I think I could understand why... people can become like that due to abuse and neglect. They become bitter and cold inside... she's just repressing her true feelings, probably because she's come to believe they're worthless.

    Hope she opens up at some stage.

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  • Valmar said:
    I think I could understand why... people can become like that due to abuse and neglect. They become bitter and cold inside... she's just repressing her true feelings, probably because she's come to believe they're worthless.

    Hope she opens up at some stage.

    Id like to see that. Maybe a cry on kindle's shoulder, bawl her eyes out.

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  • fizzymcbon said:
    Vera is just annoying as a character now. Zero emotional depth, like, at all. I hope Thistle comes running back and snuggles with Kindle. :3

    Well just because you don't like her character doesn't mean she doesn't have any emotional depth. I mean we already saw her tender side lurking somewhere behind this angry, arrogant facade. Plus like we already learned she has been neglected, aggravated and maybe even abused for who knows how long so this is what to be expected of her personality

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  • tiamat5 said:
    Well just because you don't like her character doesn't mean she doesn't have any emotional depth. I mean we already saw her tender side lurking somewhere behind this angry, arrogant facade. Plus like we already learned she has been neglected, aggravated and maybe even abused for who knows how long so this is what to be expected of her personality

    I dunno, she's still pretty one dimensional. She has arrived to do nothing but have sex with Kindle. That happened and she thought it be a good idea to talk shit about his friend. Kindle annihilated her with a comeback and just as we were about to see some sense of remorse, she just comes out with that.

    To have your son tell you that you've failed as a mother is pretty heart stabbing thing to hear. But she couldn't give a shit about two corn cobs. She got what she wanted, gave one more snarky comment (which she shouldn't have said at all if she cared so any crocodile tears that may follow is just pointless) before finally leaving. Possibly. Her past is irrelevant to this particular situation.

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  • NiteFire said:
    I dunno, she's still pretty one dimensional. She has arrived to do nothing but have sex with Kindle. That happened and she thought it be a good idea to talk shit about his friend. Kindle annihilated her with a comeback and just as we were about to see some sense of remorse, she just comes out with that.

    To have your son tell you that you've failed as a mother is pretty heart stabbing thing to hear. But she couldn't give a shit about two corn cobs. She got what she wanted, gave one more snarky comment (which she shouldn't have said at all if she cared so any crocodile tears that may follow is just pointless) before finally leaving. Possibly. Her past is irrelevant to this particular situation.

    His friend WITH benefits, I might add..,

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  • NiteFire said:
    I dunno, she's still pretty one dimensional. She has arrived to do nothing but have sex with Kindle. That happened and she thought it be a good idea to talk shit about his friend. Kindle annihilated her with a comeback and just as we were about to see some sense of remorse, she just comes out with that.

    To have your son tell you that you've failed as a mother is pretty heart stabbing thing to hear. But she couldn't give a shit about two corn cobs. She got what she wanted, gave one more snarky comment (which she shouldn't have said at all if she cared so any crocodile tears that may follow is just pointless) before finally leaving. Possibly. Her past is irrelevant to this particular situation.

    When you are assaulted with negativity constantly it is hard to open up to anyone and show any other side of yourself. So of course you would seem one dimensional because that is the side you show everyone and you don't trust most people to see any other version of you. She has been hardened by whatever ordeals she has experienced and is probably afraid of seeming weak and helpless especially in front of her son who is also a male, which is why she came in so aggressively in the first place only to be treated tenderly by him instead.

    And now that she has experienced it she seems uncertain where to go from here. Even though she hides it beneath this cruel exterior she still at some level seems regretful of her actions both present and past. But if all you have received for a long time is hate, neglect and being looked down on it is not easy to open up and let your real emotions flow out. And it seems to make it worse that she seems to have stronger emotions for her son that even she realized. But this is the mask she decided to put on and it is not easy to take it off.

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  • -Frazzledragon said:
    It's like she's actively trying to be a bitch.

    She's like that one hillbilly uncle who shoots at beercans from the veranda and rambles on about how dem mexicans are stealin' arr jerbs.

    Except with gryhpons.


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  • tiamat5 said:
    Well just because you don't like her character doesn't mean she doesn't have any emotional depth. I mean we already saw her tender side lurking somewhere behind this angry, arrogant facade. Plus like we already learned she has been neglected, aggravated and maybe even abused for who knows how long so this is what to be expected of her personality

    tiamat5 said:
    When you are assaulted with negativity constantly it is hard to open up to anyone and show any other side of yourself. So of course you would seem one dimensional because that is the side you show everyone and you don't trust most people to see any other version of you. She has been hardened by whatever ordeals she has experienced and is probably afraid of seeming weak and helpless especially in front of her son who is also a male, which is why she came in so aggressively in the first place only to be treated tenderly by him instead.

    And now that she has experienced it she seems uncertain where to go from here. Even though she hides it beneath this cruel exterior she still at some level seems regretful of her actions both present and past. But if all you have received for a long time is hate, neglect and being looked down on it is not easy to open up and let your real emotions flow out. And it seems to make it worse that she seems to have stronger emotions for her son that even she realized. But this is the mask she decided to put on and it is not easy to take it off.

    Both of these, many times over.

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  • Yea she didn't have to tell him to take care of himself. That bit about the gryphon just kinda felt like a cover up so she wouldn't feel like she was showing weakness. I mean before it felt like she planed on killing him after she got what she wanted, but now it seems like she just might actually leave him alone. I personally still like Vera, this comic, IMO, showed that she still has a heart, even though she tries and hides it.

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  • Welp... She couldn't help herself... Even after realizing that she has made her son feel miserable, pissed off, regretful, and scared by the fact he has just did his mother. Leave him alone damn it!

    (It's really good man! Keep up the good work!)

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  • fizzymcbon said:
    Vera is just annoying as a character now. Zero emotional depth, like, at all. I hope Thistle comes running back and snuggles with Kindle. :3

    I wouldn't say she has zero emotional depth, she's focused on what she wants and how she views the world.

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  • fizzymcbon said:
    Well it's no suprise she's been abused. She's a huge conceited cunt who only thinks about herself. It's hard to feel sorry for her.

    Is it that she is abused because how she behaves or is she like this because she is abused? From her flashback about Kindle she seemed to have been nice at some point because the memory brought tears to her eyes

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  • Valmar said:
    Both of these, many times over.

    KalabarFrost said:
    Yea she didn't have to tell him to take care of himself. That bit about the gryphon just kinda felt like a cover up so she wouldn't feel like she was showing weakness. I mean before it felt like she planed on killing him after she got what she wanted, but now it seems like she just might actually leave him alone. I personally still like Vera, this comic, IMO, showed that she still has a heart, even though she tries and hides it.

    Yea actually, she basicly had to have a 'last word' because that's how she hides that small scared reality of what she actually is. We've seen several times when she's caught off guard by how kindle reacts she's still got a tender heart in there somewhere and is frightened at such surprises. years of putting up with his father (and optionally what happened to the daughters which may or may not be entirely the truth...we can't be sure with lack of evidence shown or given) Has taught her that if you don't want to be walked play the part of someone who cares little of what others think of you.

    Or to quote a part of what's already been said...

    tiamat5 said:
    When you are assaulted with negativity constantly it is hard to open up to anyone and show any other side of yourself. So of course you would seem one dimensional because that is the side you show everyone and you don't trust most people to see any other version of you.

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  • Gonna comment about how Vera is really just emotionally battered and (whats the reverse of cuckolded?) cheated on by her mate, whom she supposedly was deeply in love with judging by how she 'saw' him alongside Kindle earlier. How she's tired of being put back and treated badly, how her daughters are being kept from producing a male heir to threaten his rule, and how her son basically doesnt seem to care what happens to his family after all. Of course she'd put up this front, of being in charge and queenly and demanding. It's the only time she's really felt in charge in a while, likely, even if only in bits and pieces. The gryphon thing is really just her trying to get to him, since he's been getting to her.

    Also what a few others have already said above :3

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  • I see all this as a facade. She's just trying to act tough and continue bashing on gryphons so she doesn't look weak. Deep down though, she's been torn apart because the last glimmer of hope she had to reconcile with her son is gone due to her own mistakes and her own bitterness.

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  • Desura said:
    I see all this as a facade. She's just trying to act tough and continue bashing on gryphons so she doesn't look weak. Deep down though, she's been torn apart because the last glimmer of hope she had to reconcile with her son is gone due to her own mistakes and her own bitterness.

    post #720880

    This image seems to say it all... she's broken inside.

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  • I legit want to see a second comic where she comes to him saying it didn't work and her age has made pregnancy more difficult for her, but also that at some point she was raped by a gryphon and loved it and that helps convince him to be with her again.

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