Here it is at long last ... Page 1.
These are a lot more pleasant to make,when they're planned on paper.That's the thing I didn't do the previous 2-3 times I tried to launch the comic.
It's finally here.
BIG WARNING,however ... These pages take ages to make and I'll be uploading one page every other week,if my relatives aren't nearby and if my eyes are stable.
If you haven't seen Vol.1 I'll leave a link to the Vol.1 pool ,but I must warn you!
I did Vol.1 when my species weren't quite polished and my artwork quality was DeviantArt-grade cancer.
If you want to spare yourself from witnessing my old work I'll summarize the story below the link.
Vol.1 - https://e621.net/pool/show/4374
Soy is a young girl that has little to no friends and writes in a diary. She has a massive crush on a guy from her group in university - Laze.
She moves in with him so she can be around him,but because she's really shy,she can't find an opportunity to express her feelings towards Laze.
Later down the line she has the misfortune to stumble upon Laze as he's getting out of the shower naked,while she's in heat.
That night she finds it really hard to satisfy herself with .. research materials .. so she sneaks in Laze's room.
She then takes his boxers off and gives him a blowjob as he sleeps.This is her first intimate whatever with a guy by this point.
A few days later Laze finds her diary in the bathroom,AWWWW SHIIIIIET!
The end.
MemberThis some multispecies university? If not it's a bit odd that a lot of the names are like "Judy" and "Greg". At least when the characters we meet are "Soy" and "Laze". Either way, do hope to see more of this comic. The first was nice and not bad like you make it out to be, at all.
MemberIt is,but this comic is arvion-specific.
The other comic I'm planning (if I ever get to it) will have other species present.
MemberFirst they were Stitch copies,now rabbits :D
MemberIt's finally here!
MemberYup.But it's gonna be hella slow ..
MemberThey'll figure you're a creep :D
TH3 M45T4R 5W4RD
MemberWhat would you say is the best way to approach and befriend any one of the Arvions? And I don't mean to use them for my own gain, if I sounded like that, just so you know.
MemberSimply by talking to them.
MemberTalking?? Omg thats so last century, seriously, who doing that these days? Or.. am I just an antisocial creep?
MemberArvions aren't primitive.Even if they were,they wouldn't let someone they don't know pet them and all that.
MemberYeah I know, I dont mean that, every species evolve like that, I just talking abount my own (un)social skills hehe.
MemberCool. I didn't know if this was basically "Arvion world for Arvions only" kinda thing, or not, so it's neat to know some backstory about a comic, even if it's not necessary to portray in the comic itself so I'm thankful you replied.
I hope to see more of this one and that you do manage to get around to more sequels.
MemberIf I draw more Personal Roomie stuff,it will be single "after everything" pictures.
How fast I'll finish it depends entirely on how my eyes are.Lots of issues ..
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