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"I realized when I messed up... I can see that day clearly. Nidorina was my best pokemon, and thus I felt the need to give her a little more liberty. I would leave her out of her pokeball longer, share more treats with her, train with her more. Eventually she didn't need the pokeball anymore. I felt we would have a stronger bond as pokemon and trainer, since this new tactic we won almost every single battle, it's like we had a strong connection, she could read my mind and figure out my strategies without me calling them out. It was the best thing ever...
But the more she stayed out of her pokeball the more she interacted with me. She would eat with me, steal some of my food sometimes. Then her pokebed wasn't good enough and she'd sleep right next to my bed, then she began to sleep by the foot of the bed... next thing you know I'd wake up with her cuddled up to me in every which way you could imagine. I didn't mind, after all she was winning me so many battles what trainer wouldn't spoil their pokemon with such high rated combat? I was a fool... I should of seen it coming. Eventually she got the courage to even want to bathe with me, thinking back on it now how could I be more blind?
I knew I shouldn't had left her out of her pokeball. Thinking back on it, I could feel all those jealous stings and stares whenever my girlfriend was over. I never thought my nidorina would pay much mind to all the times me and my girlfriend would kiss, make out... make love. She'd always go hide in the closet and I figured that was her way of giving us privacy but the entire time she watched... she learned. Then one day after a fight between me and my girlfriend it was all over and as I laid sulking on my bed, my nidorina went for broke. She straddled my chest, I didn't think anything of it, she'd do this whenever she was playful but... then she kissed me. As I laid there stunned, confused, and oddly aroused I had my first taste of poison... and just as easy got addicted.
Everything went so fast, I couldn't tell how long we had laid there embracing each other, comforting each other. What was suppose to be an innocent kiss evolved to intimate touching. It was hard at first, but she worked me like a pro in no time. I can't imagine a day that goes by without her tugging at my clothes. I was the trainer.. but she was the one in control. Most of my friends thought she was a trouble maker what with all the scratches and bites, heh... they had no idea".
MemberAin't that a ruining comment for a fantastic picture. No.
Zoroark the Furvert
MemberClever girl...
She was watching, and waiting.., waiting for the prey to finally lower his guard for her. And tonight... tonight she feasts, on your ignorance!!! Muahahahahah >:3
...seriously? Don't act like a victim. Pokemon are social creatures and they interact more with those why have a better bond with. (which is why I keep my gals plenty happy; exercised, entertained, fed, and PokeAmie'd.)
Just be lucky that's not a Nidorino, and he didn't just spontaneously evolved while inside your ass. XD
Anyways, cool story and a nice pic to go with it. ^_^
Memberapparently the Prostate is a Moon Stone?
Member"I had my first taste of poison... and just as easy got addicted"
And then he died.
But seriously this is very well drawn.
MemberNow we need the next picture but this time she is a Nidoqueen! Make it so!
MemberAre those bite marks on Nidorina?
MemberTFW your strongest pokemon is only a Nidorina.
MemberJust cause you're a man doesn't mean you can't have sex with me~
-Sassy Nidorina, 2015
MemberJust have an antidote ready, in case of poison point.
Azimuth Elevation
BlockedPoison point, nidorina's signature venereal disease.
MemberI'm pretty sure this is only funny when thats what actually happens.
MemberWhat was I on a year ago? I'm ashamed of myself...
MemberI didn't even notice that was a year ago. Now I'm the one ashamed.
MemberIt's a palcomix reference, not literal exclamation
MemberThis is the funniest comment on e6. +1
user 431577
Memberufff Nidoqueen in a future, poor trainer, death for snus_snus
MemberI wonder how she got that bite mark
MemberHow could you say something so controversial, yet so brave?
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