Meta: comic

post #1554239 post #672692 post #1526406

Tagged for posts that tell a story with sequential panels of events or dialogue. Note, however, that a single panel can take up an entire page (i.e., an entire post) of a multi-page comic. However, the single-panel pages must still retain some comic structure, such as frames or page numbering.

  • Comics should be pooled together.
  • The cover of a comic pool should be tagged as cover page.
  • For single-page stories that don't use panels or that have decidedly shallow narratives, tag sequence instead.
  • If a sequence of posts lacks comic elements such as frames and page numbering, it's just a pool instead of a comic.
  • Character count is tagged by the scene. For example, if the page depicts three characters having dinner at the same table, it should be tagged as a group even if they're shown in separate panels. Likewise, if a single character is seen three times in three separate panels, it still counts as solo.

Do not confuse with

Comic features


Comic length
Cover pages
Special pages
Page elements
Narrative elements
Text containers

Panel concepts

A comic panel is a drawing that represents a frozen moment in time. A panel is sometimes described as a frame for the purpose of counting panels.

Specialized panels
  • borderless_panel (open panel) - The term for an unframed comic panel.
  • cutaway - A context dependent frame showing additional content within a scene, usually an inset.
  • fade_panel - A black, white, or greyscale panel used to imitate a fade transition.
  • horizontal_panel / vertical_panel
  • inset (currently aliased to cutaway) - Any comic panel that is fully contained within another image. See also panel_overlap
Design themes

Content themes

Content generally refers to anything contained within a comic panel (excluding insets, and usually narrative graphics as well) with a primary focus on the scene, and its characters. Several concepts are organized based on whether a concept relates to the comic panel container itself, or its contents.


A comic layout is the specific organization of panels on a single page.


A layout category suggests that the entire comic page conforms to a certain standard outlined by a layout tag. For features that only partially apply to the layout, consider using the tag format <tag name here>_(layout) instead.

Components of layouts

A layout component is a feature of a comic page that may only partially describe the layout of the page.

Related tags

See also

The following tags are aliased to this tag: comic_page, comic_strip, comics, cómic, dojin, doujin, doujinshi, manga (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: 2koma, 4koma, animated_comic, end_page, first_page, interactive_comic, one_page_comic, one_panel_comic (learn more).

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