translucent bottomwear
Any article of bottomwear (pants, shorts, skirt, etc.) that are translucent.
- translucent_hakama
- translucent_loincloth
- translucent_kilt
- translucent_pants
- translucent_sarong
- translucent_shorts
- translucent_skirt
Bottomwear colors
- black_bottomwear
- blue_bottomwear
- brown_bottomwear
- green_bottomwear
- grey_bottomwear
- orange_bottomwear
- pink_bottomwear
- purple_bottomwear
- red_bottomwear
- tan_bottomwear
- teal_bottomwear
- white_bottomwear
- yellow_bottomwear
Color attributes
- translucent_bottomwear
Color counts
Translucent clothing tags
The following tags are aliased to this tag: see-through_bottomwear, see-thru_bottomwear, see_through_bottomwear, see_thru_bottomwear, sheer_bottomwear, transparent_bottomwear (learn more).
This tag implicates bottomwear, translucent_clothing (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: translucent_hakama, translucent_pants, translucent_shorts, translucent_skirt (learn more).
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