Species: dragon
"Dragon" is a loose term that encompass several mythological species.
Dragon tags
Dragon Types
- dragon
- aquatic_dragon
- dragon_humanoid - primarily human with draconic features
- eastern_dragon (chinese_dragon)
- feathered_dragon
- furred_dragon
- hydra - has multiple heads
- western_dragon
- winged_dragon
- wingless_dragon
- wyrm_(dragon) - is extremely elongated with no wings
- wyvern - has two legs and two wings
- scalie
Western Dragons
Western style dragons usually feature a intelligent carnivorous reptile with a penchant for causing pain and suffering to those around them, though some of them, like Toothless, Draco, Saphira, and the draconic characters from the Spyro franchise, are represented positively. They do not necessarily have wings, however it is common to see them with them, and the ones with them are usually able to fly. Winged western-style dragons without forelegs are often referred to as wyverns. However, even legs seem to be optional in some mythologies which picture dragons as giant serpents. Many myths around them are associated with human sacrifice, typically virgins.
Eastern Dragons
Eastern Dragons typically are wingless and fly, and are generally benevolent vegetarians. They are typically associated with good luck. Eastern dragons sometimes have manes of fur, or are covered in fur or feathers.
post #2515014 post #1247471
Wyverns are similar to western dragons but lack a second set of forelimbs. They are often depicted as less intelligent than their six-limbed counterparts. Traditionally, they may be venomous instead of fire-breathing and sport a dangerous tail.
Note that dragons, especially western ones, are notoriously difficult to pigeonhole into the anthro and feral tag categories. As a rule of thumb, dragons with longer necks tend to be feral, while the ones with short necks and human-like shoulders are anthro. Chimeras featuring dragons are also common.
A dragon can typically be described by a lot of the criteria below.
Don't hesitate to click on the wiki of each of the body part to know everything you can add.
Body Parts
- scales
- spikes (anatomy)
- tail_spines - sharp protuberances larger than spikes (larger than spiked_tail).
- ridge (anatomy) - A row of blunt protrusions, not sharp enough to stab anyone
- frill (anatomy) - kind of flats protuberances, often membranous (like fish fins)
- head_frill - Frill that runs along the top of the head (to not confuse with ear_frill)
- ear_frill
- dorsal_frill
- tail_frill
Not to be confused with
- demon - While they can have dragon-like qualities to them, demons are not usually draconic outside of demon dragons.
- kobold - While the Dungeons & Dragons/Pathfinder version of this species may be draconic, they are not real dragons.
- other species with just horn or long_ears
See also
The following tags are aliased to this tag: black_dragon, blue_dragon, derg, dragon_(species), dragon_girl, dragon_on_anthro, dragon_on_dragon, dragon_prey, dragonboy, dragoness, dragongirl, dragonoid, dragons, drake_(species), fire_dragon, gray_dragon, green_dragon, grey_dragon, larger_dragon, mobian_dragon, orange_dragon, pink_dragon, purple_dragon, red_dragon, white_dragon, yellow_dragon (learn more).
This tag implicates mythological_scalie (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: angel_dragon, aquatic_dragon, dragon_(dnd), dragon_humanoid, dragon_naga, dragon_taur, dragonification, dragonoid_(dark_souls), eastern_dragon, elemental_dragon, ender_dragon, fairy_dragon, feathered_dragon, frilled_petal_dragon, furred_dragon, kirin, longma, mimic_dragon, weredragon, western_dragon, wingless_dragon, wyrm_(dragon) (learn more).
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