
This tag is for any franchise or intellectual property that is best recognized as its representation as an anime or manga series. Thig tag includes both anime and manga, because many series that belong in this tag will have both. It should not be used for purposes other than posts featuring content, characters (including fan characters), fictional species, or instances of cosplaying derived from a copyrighted anime or manga series or title.

A franchise or copyright should only qualify for one content category without overlap. A franchise that is best recognized as a video game series should not be given the anime/manga tag even if that series also has an anime. This tag should not be used for Pokémon, or any other franchise that implies video games as these are best recognized as video game franchises or IPs.

Good examples of series that should have this tag include Beastars (manga series) and Dog Days (anime series).

This tag should not be used for artwork that mimics an anime/manga style, but contains no copyrighted material from an anime/manga. Anime/manga related styles may be found under tags such as kemono, barazoku, and chibi.

List of animes/mangas (Incomplete)

Please add any that you feel would be a good fit for this tag. This list will be missing a lot of the lesser known titles.

See also

  • japanese - Theme tag for Japanese culture, clothing, food, locations etc. It is not an art style tag.