entwined arms
post #1329010 post #3955524 post #3875186
Entwined arms refers to when a character joins their arm tightly with the arm of another character on the side.
It is a sign of closeness between characters, either as a romantic couple or as a tight companionship.
Not to be confused with arm_grab, holding_arm or holding_arms, who refer to directly grabbing the arm of another character.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: arm_entwined, arm_entwining, arm_interlaced, arm_interlacing, arm_interlinked, arm_interlinking, arm_interlocked, arm_interlocking, arm_intertwined, arm_intertwining, arm_twined, arms_entwined, arms_entwining, arms_interlaced, arms_interlacing, arms_interlinked, arms_interlinking, arms_interlocked, arms_interlocking, arms_intertwined, arms_intertwining, arms_twined, entwined_arm, entwining_arm, entwining_arms, interlaced_arm, interlaced_arms, interlacing_arm, interlacing_arms, interlinked_arm, interlinked_arms, interlinking_arm, interlinking_arms, interlocked_arm, interlocked_arms, interlocking_arm, interlocking_arms, intertwined_arm, intertwined_arms, intertwining_arm, intertwining_arms, twined_arm, twined_arms (learn more).