may (month)

May is the fifth month of the Julian and Gregorian calendars, lasting for 31 days. In the Northern Hemisphere, May is the second full month of spring and in the Southern Hemisphere, the second full month of autumn. It is named after Maia, the Greek goddess of fertility.

May's birthstone is the emerald, representing love and success. May's flowers are the lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) and the common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). In regards to the western zodiac, May is under the sign of Taurus until the 20th, when the sign of Gemini begins.

Note: This should only be tagged when a monthly calendar is in the picture or when the picture is visibly May-themed. It should not be tagged for a themed art month (such as Inktober) or the month a post was originally created.


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