Copyright: ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny

post #4622425

All rise for the anthem of the internet.

The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, often shortened to The Ultimate Showdown, is a music video written and performed by Neil Cicierega under the pseudonym "Lemon Demon", with art and Adobe Flash (now known as Adobe Animate) animation by Shawn Vulliez/altffour. It was released December 22nd, 2005 and originally uploaded to Newgrounds.

The song describes a massive century long battle royale to the death taking place in Tokyo, Japan between numerous fictional, historical, and celebrity figures, including...

The song has inspired numerous parodies and references including The Ultimate Orgy of Homosexuality, The Ultimate Smash Bros. By SMG4, SCP-7772, and the 15th Anniversary Re-Animation Collaboration.

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