tag group:fashion

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This is a group of all fashion style tags.

Note that fashion styles in this context typically refer to overall presentation rather than strictly clothing - a nude character can still be goth, for example.

  • (*) means a tag needs a wiki.
  • (!) means a tag has less than 10 uses as of last update. This doesn't mean that the tag is invalid, usually just that it's a less common style or undertagged.
  • (?) means the tag does not currently exist, but it is a real style so hypothetically could be tagged.
  • (~) means an implication is missing.

Last updated: June 14, 2024

Visual guide

Note that all of these styles have a wide range of diversity within them, these examples do not reflect every possible way the style can be depicted. Instead, this section serves as a quick at-a-glance reference to the common depictions of these styles.

Common styles
Uncommon styles
Common substyles

Tags marked with a ^ are listed in the visual guide.

Alternative Fashion

Alternative fashion





Other styles

Other styles

Related tags

Related tags

See also

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