Copyright: not gay unless balls are touching

post #26896 post #3814548 post #2915746

A common "rule" on the internet, observed since at least 2006, around sex (generally between two men) not counting as being gay unless their balls touch each other. This is often brought up via text or pictograms in orientation play, either by a character who is in denial, by a character to convince the other that he can't deny being gay anymore, or by both characters questionning whether this counts. This may or may not be cancelled out by saying "no homo" before, during, or afterwards.

The original wording doesn't state that both characters have to be male, so this could also be used to play around other common orientation-play questions, such as the equally old "Are dickgirls/traps/femboys gay?", or likewise around whether male scalies, andromorphs or sackless gynomorphs are "safe" due to their lack of balls.

This sort of arcane rules around gayness is naturally why e6 tags read male/male and gynomorph/male instead of gay.

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