Species: hydralisk (starcraft)

post #87961

Hydralisk are a Zerg combat unit featured in the Starcraft series. They are a class of frontline Zerg infantry units specializing in ranged combat. They attack by launching poisonous spines from their bodies powerful enough to pierce metal. At close range they can use their large and powerful tri-blade scythe like claws to slice enemies instead of shooting them. Hydralisks make up the backbone of Zerg armies, using their ranged options to support Zerglings as they engage directly with enemy ground units while also being decently powerful at taking out enemy air units.

The average hydralisk in is 5.4m long, 2.1-3.5m tall, and weighed anything from 390 kg to 3500kg. Their bodies are covered in armor plates of chitinous carapaces. Their lower bodies are serpentine in shape, soft and thick but flexible and leathery. Hydralisks use this to slither about at comparably slower speeds compared to other Zerg ground units. But they have the ability to slither up sheer surfaces and poles.

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