Character: froststrike

First Name: Froststrike
Last Name: Diamond
Gender: Male
Tribe: IceWing
Age: 0-18 (Depends on what version I use)
Height (On all fours): 15.7 feet
Height: (On hind-legs): 21.3 feet
Length: 21.4 feet
Wingspan: 28.1 feet
BloodColor: Dark-Blue
MaxRunSpeed: 11-28mph
MaxFlightSpeed: 21-113mph
Diet: Meat (And the occasional fruit)
Family: The Diamond Royal Family
Mother: Glaze Diamond
Father: Wolf Shrapnel
Siblings: Cypress Diamond
Time When alive: 8161AS-8284AS (After Scorching)

Froststrike has a strong, simi-bulky, simi-sleek build. His tail and ears are unusually large, increasing his tail strength tremendously and his hearing ability greatly. His primary scales are a light, bright blue that shimmer in the sunlight. His underbelly is a deep blue color. Along his neck, he had a deep blue and a light blue stripe that fade together and fade into his primary color. Along his tail, he has a light blue stripe that fades into his primary scales and into his underscales. His wing membranes are a darkish shade of blue. His horns, claws, and spikes are a dark navy blue that have a frosty blue color fading at the tips of his horns and spikes. Surrounding his eyes, is a sharp, egg shape that is a dark navy blue color. His lower jaw is a deep blue and his upper jaw along with the sides of his head are a bright, light blue. His nose is a dark navy blue. Along the top of his snout and along the top of his head, is a deep blue center stripe along with a light blue color next to the center stripe. The stripes fade together. His eyes themselves are unique. The pupil are a very, very pale blue. The irises are a deep, light blue color.

Froststrike is blind and cannot see. However, he has an ability that allows him to sense his surroundings, know the time of day, and know north from south. He doesn’t know how he knows his surroundings, just that he can. His ability allows him ‘see’ 360* around him. He says that he can ‘feel’ object around him without touching it. His field of view can be large, but the farther something is, the less clearly he can describe and make out an object. When a dragon is close enough, he can sense and make out the dragon’s facial expressions. The older he gets, the larger his field of view gets.
However, when in very large groups of dragons or in a large crowd of dragons, he tends to get easily overwhelmed and sometimes shuts down. This is due to the fact that him sensing so many dragons at once gives his brain sensory overload and causes him to shut down.
However, over time, he had learned to control his ability, but this results in reduced sensory range. He also has learn to better process the information his senses gather, reducing the times he gets sensory overload. With him actually being able to do this, makes him a very intelligent dragon.
Froststrike is also an incredible fighter. His ability being able to let him know where an opponent is at all times, along with his strength and incredible fighting skills, makes him a formidable fighter in every situation, excluding aerial situations. (Think Mewtwo but as a fighter, an extremely powerful fighter that with time, cannot be defeated in a 1v1)

Froststrike likes to keep to himself. Despite him being royalty, he doesn’t like being treated like royalty and mostly leaves out his royal side when talking to someone new. He likes to figure things out and how something works. He likes to make gadgets and trinkets with his claws. When someone is teasing, being mean, bullying him, or something similar, he keeps to himself and doesn’t act out. However there is a limit to how much he can take and when that limit overflows, he acts out violently. It’s a bit difficult to make friends due to his traits but when he does make a friend he tries to keep them. He also doesn’t like to have a large social circle. He has a sister that he loves so deeply that he would do anything to keep her safe.

Key Character Traits:
-Has some social anxiety
-Aware of surroundings
-Blind but not blind
-Finds creative solutions
-On the higher end of the Autism Spectrum
-Has ’odd’ looks for an IceWing
-Powerful fighter

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abdominal_bulge absurd_res black_body blue_body blue_claws blue_horn blue_tongue blue_wings bodily_fluids chivaran claws comic dragon european_mythology eyes_closed female feral froststrike hi_res horn icewing_(wof) licking licking_lips lying male membrane_(anatomy) mythological_creature mythological_scalie mythology neck_bulge nightwing_(wof) on_back open_mouth saliva saliva_string scalie simple_background starseeker_(oc) swallowing tail teeth tongue vore western_dragon wings wings_of_fire