5 panel comic
post #4532580 post #4421457 post #4384384
A comic page composed of five panels.
The page is generally represented as five panels separated by a combination of horizontal, vertical or even diagonal lines.
Tags About Panels
Tags About Panels
Numbers of Panels
Panels Traits
Specialized Panels
- borderless_panel (open panel) - The term for an unframed comic panel.
- cutaway - A context dependent frame showing additional content within a scene, usually an inset.
- fade_panel - A black, white, or greyscale panel used to imitate a fade transition.
- horizontal_panel / vertical_panel
- inset (currently aliased to cutaway) - Any comic panel that is fully contained within another image. See also panel_overlap
Panels Actions
Design Themes
- panel_interaction - Interacting with the gutter space, or the panel itself in some creative way.
- panel_overlap - A panel that overlaps another panel.
- panel_skew - Adjacent panels sharing a slanted border.
- panel_symmetry
- panel_tilt - A panel that has been rotated.