Character: kayden wade

Kayden was born on February 4th, 1992. Growing up in the northeastern part of Canada. After graduating high school and not sure what path to pick. Kayden joined the Canadian Army in 2013 and fought alongside the United States in multiple battles in Central America. In 2019, C.A.M. asked Kayden to join the Special Ops group due to his close-quarters combat skills.

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absurd_res accessory anthro armor avali_patch biped body_hair boots bottomwear c.a.m. canid canine canis clothed clothing combat_boots cybernetics digital_drawing_(artwork) digital_media_(artwork) digitigrade dog_tags door_breacher english_description english_text f.e.w. fingers fluffy fluffy_ears fluffy_hair fluffy_tail footwear fox fur gloves gun hair handwear headgear headwear helmet hi_res jewelry kayden_wade kradee machine male mammal metal military military_clothing military_uniform model_sheet mog12 mp5 multicolored_body multicolored_fur multicolored_hair necklace ranged_weapon red_background red_body red_eyes red_fur red_hair shotgun simple_background soldier solo special_forces submachine_gun tail tail_tuft text topwear tuft two_tone_body two_tone_fur two_tone_hair uniform warrior weapon white_body white_fur white_hair