Copyright: beetlejuice

Beetlejuice is an American dark fantasy comedy horror media franchise that originated with the film Beetlejuice (1988). The franchise centers around a devious trickster entity named Betelgeuse (after the star due to being part of the constellation named after the Greek god Orion, who is famous for his hunting prowess and desire to kill every animal on earth; the name is pronounced and often spelled "Beetlejuice") who can either be summoned or banished by saying his name three times. Betelgeuse's precise nature differs according to the medium he appears in. He has been depicted as a ghost, a demon, and a supernatural monster, with motivations ranging from a love of chaos to a desire for human companionship. Each entry in the series involves Betelgeuse's interactions with Lydia Deetz, a goth fascinated with the "strange and unusual". Across the various entries in the franchise, the pair have been presented as enemies, best friends, and uneasy allies.

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