Species: werecreature
Someone who can transform into another being, with the most traditional example being a werewolf.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: lycan, were, were-hybrid, were_beast, were_hybrid, werebeast, wereform, wereshep_hybrid (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: werearachnid, wereavian, werebat, werebovine, werecamelid, werecanid, werecaprine, werecetacean, weredeer, weredragon, wereequine, wereeulipotyphlan, werefelid, werefish, weregiraffid, wereherpestid, werehyena, werekoopa, werelagomorph, weremarsupial, weremephitid, weremonotreme, weremustelid, wereorc, werepokemon, wereprocyonid, wererodent, werescalie, weresergal, wereshadow, weresuine, wereursid, werevivverid (learn more).