canon couple
post #4707228 post #3441352 post #3905194 post #3757556 post #3381164
Canon couple refers to a pair of characters from an official franchise, who are traditionally considered lovers; no fan characters and such.
A couple is canonized when the partners are explicitly stated in the original work to be or have once been in a relationship OR implications of a relationship are affirmed by the creator or an otherwise highly-involved writer, director, or producer. This may only apply to certain adaptations, as two characters may become depicted as a couple in one official work but not in another.
What is/isn't included
Examples of what this includes:
- Asgore Dreemurr × Toriel — In both Undertale and Deltarune, Asgore and Toriel were at one point married and had a son, Asriel Dreemurr, but have since divorced.
- Bonbon (MLP) × Lyra Heartstrings (MLP) — While these two have been a long time fanon couple, LyraBon was canonized in the final season of their series with a marriage proposal and wedding.
- Donald Duck × Daisy Duck — The character of Daisy Duck was created as a love interest for Donald Duck and has since been depicted romantically for over eighty years of Disney media.
- Nicole Watterson × Richard Watterson — These two have been married for the entirety of The Amazing World of Gumball's run.
- Sally Acorn × Sonic the Hedgehog — These two have been depicted romantically in Sonic SatAm and its spinoff comic series, in which they eventually married and had two children.
Examples of what are not included:
- Bea Santillo × Mae Borowski — Creator Scott Benson confirmed Bea as straight, meaning she would not pursue a relationship with Mae, who is just a friend.
- Felicity Parham × Richard Watterson — Felicity hates Richard's wife and their family; the only romantic context ever seen between these characters in The Amazing World of Gumball was a non-serious instance in "The Shippening", an episode parodying shipping culture.
- Jar Jar Binks × Lop (Star Wars Visions) — These characters have never met in any Star Wars media and have no knowledge of the other, let alone develop any feelings.
- Judy Hopps × Nick Wilde — The WildeHopps ship is the predominant Zootopia ship, even teased by co-director Rich More and encouraged by Nick's voice actor Jason Bateman, but Judy and Nick have not been outright said to date by any official media or creator statements.
- Mordecai (Regular Show) × Twilight Sparkle (MLP) — Mordetwi is a crackship between two characters that from copyrights of completely different ownership what would not feasibly allow an official crossover.
List of canon couples
Below is a semi-comprehensive list of canon couples, sorted by copyright alphabetically. Please add to this with discretion to what is canonical. Just because your favorite fanon ship doesn't go here doesn't mean it isn't good; it just isn't canon.
A* (Aardman Animation — Avatar)
- The Amazing World of Gumball
- Banana Barbara × Banana Bob
- Carrie Kreuger × Darwin Watterson
- Daniel Senicourt × Mary Senicourt
- Gaylord Robinson × Margaret Robinson
- Gumball Watterson × Penny Fitzgerald
- Harold Wilson × Jackie Wilson
- Joanna Watterson × Frankie Watterson
- Joanna Watterson × Louie Watterson
- Judith Fitzgerald × Patrick Fitzgerald
- Nicole Watterson × Richard Watterson
- Yuki Yoshida × Mr. Yoshida
B* (Balto — Bugsnax)
- Bojack Horseman
- Beatrice Horseman × Butterscotch Horseman
- Bojack Horseman × Princess Carolyn
- Bojack Horseman × Wanda Pierce
- Diane Nguyen × Guy
- Diane Nguyen × Mr. Peanutbutter
- Katrina Peanutbutter × Mr. Peanutbutter
- Mr. Peanutbutter × Pickles Aplenty
- Princess Carolyn × Ralph Stilton
- Princess Carolyn × Rutabaga Rabitowitz
- Princess Carolyn × Vincent Adultman
C* (Chikn Nuggit — Crash Bandicoot)
D* (A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo — DreamWorks)
- A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo
- 101 Dalmatians
- Pongo × Perdita
- Roger Radcliffe/Dearly × Anita Radcliffe/Dearly
- 101 Dalmatian Street
- Robin Hood (1973)
- Dream SMP (Only applies to in-game characters)
E* (Echo Project — El Arca)
F* (Fairly OddParents, The — Futurama)
G* (Garfield — Guardians of Ga'Hoole)
H* (Hamtaro — Housepets!)
- A Hat in Time
- Crow Agent × Crow Agent
- Prince × Queen Vanessa
- Homestuck
- Aranea Serket × Porrim Maryam
- Damara Megido × Rufioh Nitram
- Dave Strider × Karkat Vantas
- Dirk Strider × Jake English
- Feferi Peixes × Sollux Captor
- Horus Zahhak × Rufioh Nitram
- John Egbert × Vriska Serket
- Kanaya Maryam × Rose Lalonde
- Kurlos Makara × Meulin Leijon
- Latula Pyrope × Mituna Captor
- Meenah Peixes × Vriska Serket
I* (*needs examples*)
J* (Jak and Daxter — JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
K* (*needs more examples*)
L* (Lackadaisy — The Loud House)
M* (Magnus Archives, The — My Little Pony)
- My Little Pony
- Equestria Girls
- Friendship is Magic
- Auntie Holiday × Auntie Lofty
- Big Macintosh × Sugar Belle
- Bonbon × Lyra Heartstrings
- Bow Hothoof × Windy Whistles
- Bright Mac × Pear Butter
- Carrot Cake × Cup Cake
- Cheese Sandwich × Pinkie Pie
- Clear Sky × Quibble Pants
- Cloudy Quartz × Igneous Rock
- Cookie Crumbles × Hondo Flanks
- Gentle Breeze × Posey Shy
- Maud Pie × Mudbriar
- Night Light × Twilight Velvet
- Princess Mi Amora Cadenza × Shining Armor
N* (Night in the Woods — Nu: Carnival)
O* (Octodad — Overlord)
P* (Pit People — Princess Tutu)
Q* (*needs more examples*)
- QSMP (Only applies to in-game characters)
R* (Raptor Red — The Rising of the Shield Hero)
S* (Sahara — Steven Universe)
- Sonic the Hedgehog series
- Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons
- Sonic the Hedgehog comics
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie)
- Pre-Genesis Wave
- Queen Alicia Acorn × King Maximillian Acorn
- Princess Alicia Acorn × Jeffrey St. Croix
- Princess Alicia Acorn × Patch D'Coolette
- Princess Alicia Acorn × Scourge the Hedgehog
- Bernadette Hedgehog × Jules Hedgehog
- Buns Rabbot × Scourge the Hedgehog
- Julie-Su × Knuckles the Echidna
- Fiona Fox × Miles Prower
- Fiona Fox × Scourge the Hedgehog
- Sally Acorn × Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW)
- Sonic the Hedgehog games
- Sonic the Hedgehog films
T* (Terraria — TwoKinds)
U* (UberQuest — Undertale Yellow)
V* (*needs examples*)
W* (Wakfu — Wolves of the Beyond)
- Warriors
- Appledusk × Mapleshade
- Appledusk × Reedshine
- Barley × Ravenpaw
- Berrynose × Honeyfern
- Berrynose × Poppyfrost
- Billystorm × Leafstar
- Birchfall × Whitewing
- Blossomfall × Thornclaw
- Bluestar × Oakheart
- Brackenfur × Sorreltail
- Brambleclaw × Squirrelstar
- Breezepelt × Heathertail
- Brightheart × Cloudtail
- Bright Stream × Skystar
- Brindleface × Whitestorm
- Bristlefrost × Rootspring
- Brook × Stormfur
- Bumblestripe × Dovewing
- Cinderheart × Lionblaze
- Crookedstar × Willowbreeze
- Crowfeather × Feathertail
- Crowfeather × Leafpool
- Crowfeather × Nightcloud
- Daisy × Spiderleg
- Dovewing × Tigerheart
- Dustpelt × Ferncloud
- Fernsong × Ivypool
- Firestar × Sandstorm
- Finleap × Twigbranch
- Frostfur × Lionheart
- Gorsestar × Windstar
- Graystripe × Millie
- Graystripe × Silverstream
- Gray Wing × Slate
- Gray Wing × Turtle Tail
- Goldenflower × Tigerstar
- Half Moon × Jayfeather
- Hawkwing × Pebbleshine
- Heathertail × Lionblaze
- Larksong × Sparkpelt
- Micah × Moth Flight
- Needletail × Rain
- Nightheart × Sunbeam
- Onestar × Smoke
- Raggedstar × Yellowfang
- Rowanclaw × Tawnypelt
- Sasha × Tigerstar
- Skystar × Star Flower
- Skystar × Storm
- Snowfur × Thistleclaw
- Spotfur × Stemleaf
- Tree × Violetshine
- Whitestorm × Willowpelt
X* (*needs examples*)
Y* (Yarichin Bitch Club — Yo-Kai Watch)
Z* (*needs examples*)
See also
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