Topic: "Do we have a tag for that" thread

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

This is kinda hilariously specific, but is there a tag for a character having their body used for a practical or mundane purpose?


post #2146691 The Lampent here being used as an actual light source.
post #1953400 Jolteon using itself as a battery.
post #1395396 Charizard cooking using its own tail flame.

I just noticed these are all Pokemon and assure you that was complete coincidence.

Edit: It occurs to me that this might be better set material.

Updated by anonymous

Maybe offtopic, I just didn't whether there was a more appropriate thread for this:

post #2149602

I feel rather strongly that the anatomy here, being seen from the rear, has been misidentified. To my eyes, this is not female pussy plump_labia, but is instead gynomorph balls (and I'm not contesting the various tags for breasts and anus). The current sex tagging comes from the original poster, so there hasn't been a tag war (yet). That said, I've also seen how contentious some of these "discussions" have become, especially where a character's sex is concerned, so I wanted to get others' opinions instead of just making a tag change.

Hopefully this isn't an abuse of the existing thread. If it is, my apologies and I would appreciate advice regarding where a more appropriate place would have been, which I will endeavor to remember in the future. Maybe a comment under the image would have been best, but that's usually where the tag wars begin...

Edit: For a more on-point tagging question, if the above post is mistagged, does that imply post #2149601 needs similar fixes, as appropriate? Taken on its own, it is more ambiguous due to the bits being somewhat obstructed. However, it is also specifically linked as a parent to the above image, and especially taken as a pair it seems inconsistent and confusing to possibly tag one female and the other gynomorph. It seems to me that common sense would be to tag the character's sex consistently in this case.

Edit2: It's late in my timezone, and I'm apparently quite tired and my brain isn't working. Sorry about the needless bump, I see how the image is censored now (I didn't "process" the white blobs as hearts instead of fur shading somehow).

Updated by anonymous



donteven said:
post #2155235

Does black-and-white screentone like in this picture count as greyscale or black_and_white?

It'd definitely be be monochrome but black_and_white is for when the only colours are "black" and "white" with no grey. With the lines being grey I'd say to tag it as monochrome, greyscale and dithering.

Updated by anonymous

Pup said:
It'd definitely be be monochrome but black_and_white is for when the only colours are "black" and "white" with no grey. With the lines being grey I'd say to tag it as monochrome, greyscale and dithering.

Huh, didn't even notice that about the lines. Sounds good.

Updated by anonymous

I, uh, really have no idea how to rate this post. I've erred on the side of caution for the time being.
post #2158178

Does this count as tail_sex? Is tail-performing-ear_penetration considered Explicit or just Questionable?

Updated by anonymous

Another question: Should specific size difference tags like, for example, larger_anthro be used when there are only anthros in the picture?

Updated by anonymous

donteven said:
Another question: Should specific size difference tags like, for example, larger_anthro be used when there are only anthros in the picture?

I'm not absolutely certain, but I've always treated it in the same way as the gender variants of the larger_* and smaller_* tags.

If a post features only one larger_male and one smaller_male in it, I'd tag it accordingly with duo, larger_male, and smaller_male. The same goes for a post that only has two anthro characters with a size_difference between them, I'd tag it with duo, larger_anthro, and smaller_anthro.

Updated by anonymous

Is there a keyword for doms displaying submissive tendencies? Not like power bottoms, but more like doms who act like doms and do dominating things, but they have things like a dildo up their butt, a ball gag in their mouth, a belly full of cum, etc.

Basically doms who can convincingly act like doms while also giving off a vibe that they could go full-on sub at the drop of a hat.

Updated by anonymous

Sinking_Stone said:
Is there a keyword for doms displaying submissive tendencies? Not like power bottoms, but more like doms who act like doms and do dominating things, but they have things like a dildo up their butt, a ball gag in their mouth, a belly full of cum, etc.

Basically doms who can convincingly act like doms while also giving off a vibe that they could go full-on sub at the drop of a hat.

The best I could find was dominant_submissive, which currently has a whopping total of 1 posts tagged with it. Though this tag seems like the polar opposite of what you're looking for.

Creating a new tag for what you're looking for would probably be better, something like submissive_dom or submissive_dominant.

Updated by anonymous

This is a slight deviation from the topic, but what about this? "Abstract" exists as a tag, but does not have a wiki entry. And it's been used haphazardly. How SHOULD it be used? Like the Wikipedia definition of 'abstract art' where the art piece does not depict a perfectly realistic subject?

Updated by anonymous

GenkinDanshou said:
This is a slight deviation from the topic, but what about this? "Abstract" exists as a tag, but does not have a wiki entry. And it's been used haphazardly. How SHOULD it be used? Like the Wikipedia definition of 'abstract art' where the art piece does not depict a perfectly realistic subject?

That sounds about right, though I think abstract should be disambiguated (since it could be a typo for a handful of other tags ) or aliased to either surreal, surrealism, or abstract_art since each of these tags appear to be used in the same way.

Updated by anonymous

I'm wondering if there's a tag for size differences that would be considered paradoxical to characters species.

For example, the larger rat & smaller domestic cat combo linked below

post #2164272

Updated by anonymous

00cbf57d said:
I'm wondering if there's a tag for size differences that would be considered paradoxical to characters species.

For example, the larger rat & smaller domestic cat combo linked below

I don't think there is. Closest thing would be predator/prey in combination with size difference.
Maybe with role_reversal too?

Updated by anonymous

Do we have a tag for curved "blade" feet such as those on high-end IRL prosthetics(but would also cover robot characters with that type of leg, which isn't covered by "prothetic leg")?

post #2176396


furz said:
Is there a more used tag for belt_accessory and/or belt_anklet?

The belt_accessory tag may be the best tag for this, but it is simply not widely used currently. Though I wonder if a rewording of the tag may be beneficial, otherwise it could get confused with other objects like belt_pouch (perhaps belt_as_an_accessory, or something similar to that).

Though some implications to it may be needed, as several more specific tags that could be considered subsets of belt_accessory include:

These Tags

Let's say you have two characters in a picture, a fox and a snake. The snake is constricting the fox, but the fox is penetrating the snake. Is there a tag for this? It seems like most times when constriction and sex are both taking place, it's the constrictor doing the penetrating, and I'd like help finding the opposite.

thirtyeight said:
Let's say you have two characters in a picture, a fox and a snake. The snake is constricting the fox, but the fox is penetrating the snake. Is there a tag for this? It seems like most times when constriction and sex are both taking place, it's the constrictor doing the penetrating, and I'd like help finding the opposite.

It’s not perfect but if you’re looking for female constrictors with this action you could add female_domination to the search

donteven said:
I, uh, really have no idea how to rate this post. I've erred on the side of caution for the time being.
post #2158178

Does this count as tail_sex? Is tail-performing-ear_penetration considered Explicit or just Questionable?

Tails aren’t sex organs so they need to go deeper than that. It looks like she’s tickling her to me

g273435d said:
Is there a name for this pose where the person is standing on the sole of one foot and the tip of the other foot?

A quick search online didn't yield any distinct names.
There's a one_heel_raised tag that's barely being used, which together with standing and crossed_legs gets close to what you're looking for.

post #205708

This is more a case of 'we have a tag for that now'.
It seems like there was an edit war in the past over where Artica was being penetrated in the above post, and it was locked to anal_penetration (and therefore also anal).

The ambiguous_penetration tag came along afterward, and seems like a perfect fit here. I just don't know who to contact to get it unlocked and changed. Anyone know?


We have advertisement for posts that contain advertisements for real-world products or services like art packs or patreons. We also have fake_advertisement for joke advertisements, typically for nonsensical products and/or parodies of real-world advertisements.

Do we have a tag for advertisements that take place within fiction that wasn't created as a joke? Such as those that appear in the background to reinforce the setting, or that are actually a component of the plot.
post #883842 post #2262283

rawrior said:
Is there a tag for "dick comparisons", like in top left of post #1641362?

There's penis_on_belly but that seems largely untagged.

Do you mean comparing penises to each other, or comparing a penis to something else?

For the former, there's comparing_penis. The latter could be covered by just comparing alone, but I'm not sure if there's a specific tag just for that.

Is there a tag for pushing the partner's head deeper during oral? It's not uncommon during BJs

genjar said:
Close, but not quite the same. Though most of the multiple version posts are clothed/unclothed versions, so maybe we don't need a new, more specific tag for that.

After taking a closer look, there is a more specific tag only for clothed/unclothed versions : off/on


Former Staff

haryldson said:
After taking a closer look, there is a more specific tag only for clothed/unclothed versions : off/on

Aha, I knew that this seemed familiar, though I would've never guessed to look under there. Thanks.


Former Staff

strikerman said:
Is there a tag that's like the opposite of interspecies, two members of the same species together? Can't exactly search fox duo fox_only_plz.

There isn't. The theory is that you just search for -interspecies to find same species. Though that relies on interspecies actually being tagged...

True, but that would also get a lot of false positives with ambiguous species/unknown species, or with groups that technically wouldn't be tagged with interspecies per the wiki page ("A good rule of thumb is if they can realistically breed offspring this should not be used.") but aren't actually the same species, like lion + tiger.

strikerman said:
True, but that would also get a lot of false positives with ambiguous species/unknown species, or with groups that technically wouldn't be tagged with interspecies per the wiki page ("A good rule of thumb is if they can realistically breed offspring this should not be used.") but aren't actually the same species, like lion + tiger.

Also doesn't work if there's an imagine showing a same-species couple and an interspecies couple in the same picture.

strikerman said:
Is there a tag that's like the opposite of interspecies, two members of the same species together? Can't exactly search fox duo fox_only_plz.

d.d.m. said:
The tag same_species_sex is currently aliased to invalid_tag. There is same-species bestiality, but it seems to be only for anthro on feral posts.

I was the one who started it and someone else on the forum said it made sense and to go ahead. The tag was turned invalid, though

Perhaps I should have gone for a better name. What is the same in Latin?

sorrowless said:
I was the one who started it and someone else on the forum said it made sense and to go ahead. The tag was turned invalid, though

Perhaps I should have gone for a better name. What is the same in Latin?

It'd be intraspecies if you want to be fancy, although that may be too similar to "interspecies". Still, it's better than nothing.

29446905 said:
post #205708

This is more a case of 'we have a tag for that now'.
It seems like there was an edit war in the past over where Artica was being penetrated in the above post, and it was locked to anal_penetration (and therefore also anal).

The ambiguous_penetration tag came along afterward, and seems like a perfect fit here. I just don't know who to contact to get it unlocked and changed. Anyone know?

I don't know how it took me so long to notice this question, but...Just in case nobody's answered you via private message: To request that a locked tag be reviewed, go to the actual post. Scroll down the sidebar on the left until you find a link labeled "Report." Select "Tagging Abuse" as the reason for report. Make your case in the text box below.

But be prepared for the possibility that staff may decide the locked tag is not, in fact, incorrect at all.

strikerman said:
It'd be intraspecies if you want to be fancy, although that may be too similar to "interspecies". Still, it's better than nothing.

That tag name sounds pretty good. Hope that tag could get a second chance


Former Staff

strikerman said:
Is there a proper term for those bells that sit on counters in shops?
post #2306156

Call bell, also known as counter bell. But no tags for it, looks like everything is lumped under bell. Might as well make a new tag for it. Those are pretty different from cowbells, etc. Though the only other ones I could find after a brief search are post #243889 and post #2261736.

genjar said:
Call bell, also known as counter bell. But no tags for it, looks like everything is lumped under bell. Might as well make a new tag for it. Those are pretty different from cowbells, etc. Though the only other ones I could find after a brief search are post #243889 and post #2261736.

Yeah, no harm in being more specific for this kinda stuff. call_bell sounds good to me.

post #2306683

A couple of questions using this pic as an example

If the character is on arms and legs but raises one of their limbs, does that still count as all_fours?

And is there a tag for multiple tentacles twisting into one, a la Twizzlers?

g273435d said:

post #2306683

A couple of questions using this pic as an example

If the character is on arms and legs but raises one of their limbs, does that still count as all_fours?

And is there a tag for multiple tentacles twisting into one, a la Twizzlers?

For that pose, I'd say it gravitates more towards on_side + raised_leg + spread_legs. Though if the character were turned so that their belly is facing the ground, I'd think that all_fours + raised_leg would apply (as well as spread_legs sometimes). (Edit: After seeing she's slightly lifted above the ground, I'm not sure on_side would apply to this example)

For the tentacles, I'd think entwined_tentacles would be the tag to use since it matches with the format of the other entwined_* tags, however it currently isn't tagged on anything. I'll add the tag to the above example, and something else can be used later if needed.


Is there a way to tag anatomy that blatantly goes against the canon for well-defined fictional species? I'm a big sergal fan but I'd really like a way to filter out art that clearly goes against canon anatomy. This problem can be partially fixed using for example the non-mammal_breasts tag (even though it's rarely applied where appropriate, something I'm planning on fixing), but in a lot of cases the anatomical mistakes aren't covered by things that are commonly tagged on here.


Is there a tag for food dripping or spilling in a suggestive way? And if there isn't, what should it be? The classic example being a popsicle or ice cream dripping on the breasts of the person eating it, although it may be worthwhile to come up with a tag that's more general to other foods and body parts.
post #369248 post #1346503 post #1349622

Do we have a tag for a feminine male on top/penetrating? I know there's small_dom_big_sub but that doesn't necessarily mean the dom is feminine. There's also girly_penetrating, but for some reason that was aliased to penetrating despite the two tags being different. girly_penetrating even has a wiki page describing it and it's exactly what I'm looking for, but it doesn't work because of the alias.


post #2275620
post #2153598
post #2072114
post #1911133

meepnaysh said:
Do we have a tag for a feminine male on top/penetrating? I know there's small_dom_big_sub but that doesn't necessarily mean the dom is feminine. There's also girly_penetrating, but for some reason that was aliased to penetrating despite the two tags being different. girly_penetrating even has a wiki page describing it and it's exactly what I'm looking for, but it doesn't work because of the alias.


post #2275620
post #2153598
post #2072114
post #1911133

The x_on_top tags exist but they are very undertagged. They might help

sorrowless said:
I’m surprised there isn’t a tag for g spot stimulation

Might be hard to prove that the post specifically shows someone's g-spot being stimulated.


Former Staff

Do we have any tag for this:
post #2113989

Characters who have multiple genitalia in completely different parts of the body? It's most common for nagas and taurs. multi_genitalia doesn't really do the job when filtering these, 99% of those are clustered together.

Is there a tag for belly frottage? Like penis_frottage only between two characters who are either pregnant, cum or vore filled?

g273435d said:
What are these horizontal lines over the characters' pupils called?

If those lines represent blinking or eye movement then motion_lines, if it's a blush that extends over the eyes then blush_lines.

Anyone know of a tag for the ring of (usually dark) flesh at the tip of a sheath? post #1687819
Anyone know of a tag for the Y-shaped sheath opening? post #1814241