Topic: Tag Projects

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

manitka said:

snpthecat said:

Woops! Sorry I realized the error too late!

Tag project goal here is to clean up eyemask / eye_mask for worn masks only (e.g. the incredibles) then mask_(markings) for body markings (e.g. splatoon inkling)

kevsnowcat said:
Going through older art on a custom search and started noticing a lot of art that's clearly a snow_leopard tagged both leopard and snow_leopard. Not sure if a batch removal of the leopard tag from "snow_leopard solo" that's not also tagged hybrid would be a good idea or not. Though it would probably end up with less mistagged than the current results.

The search would be about 100x less mistagged every single post tagged with both leopard and snow_leopard was batch edited to remove leopard. The errors this would create would be a tiny fraction of how widespread this error is, and people are still doing it.

<clothing>_<form> and <clothing>_<gender> are severely undertagged:

Muscle and fat types are severely undertagged:

<figure>_<form> and <figure>_<gender> are undertagged:

dominant and submissive also have forms and genders undertagged:




spuriouszabaione said:
Thanks for the heads up! Fixed the link. I thought the number at the end of the URL was the thing to attach to the forum-hashtag-link format but dayum that wasn't the case

It's the thing to attach to a topic-hashtag-link. e.g. topic #54380 is to that forum topic, while a forum-hashtag-link is a specific forum post, e.g. forum #435939 is to your specific post that I'm responding to.

Many instances of areola seem to be mistagged as aureola. Worth a cleanup.

Additionally, I've been attempting cleanup of the virgin tag, but I'm only one person so help would be appreciated. Such posts should be tagged with more objective indicators of virginity (stated virginity, stated virginity in description, or cherry popping) if they exist, or the virgin tag should be removed.

(stated virginity in description violates TWYS, but it's intended as a temporary tag for that edge case. It will either be reworked or aliased to a future virgin_(lore) tag depending on how the virginity lore discussion resolves. See that thread for additional edge cases.)


gathering some opinion on posts with no artist tagged

currently, there are unknown_artist to refer to posts where artists are not found.

but not all arttags:0 can be tagged with unknown artists since they might be found from a source or signature on the picture
so we actually don't have a tag to request help tagging artists (artist_request is aliased unknown_artist)

it's hard to know if unknown_artist is simple to be find.

so it would be great if we have something like artist_request for posts with source or artist signature, differentiate actually unknown vs potentially findable, just not yet tagged

no artist tag, no source/signature -> unkonw_artist + source_request (unknown_artist since it's quite hard/unlikely to find artist via reverse search)
no artist tag but have source/signature -> artist_request

what artist request can turn to
no artist tag, have source, but source dead -> unavailable_at_source
no artist tag but have source/signature but not able to determine artist -> unknown_artist
artist found -> tag the artist name
artist wants to remain anonymous -> anonymous_artist


eiffelwong1 said:
gathering some opinion on posts with no artist tagged

currently, there are unknown_artist to refer to posts where artists are not found.

but not all arttags:0 can be tagged with unknown artists since they might be found from a source or signature on the picture
so we actually don't have a tag to request help tagging artists (separated from unknown_artist), where other help request tags that I know are translation_request source_request character_request

so it would be great if we have something like artist_request for posts with source or artist signature, differentiate actually unknown vs potentially findable, just not yet tagged

no artist tag, no source/signature -> unkonw_artist + source_request (unknown_artist since it's quite hard/unlikely to find artist via reverse search)
no artist tag but have source/signature -> artist_request

what artist request can turn to
no artist tag, have source, but source dead -> unavailable_at_source
no artist tag but have source/signature but not able to determine artist -> unknown_artist
artist found -> tag the artist name
artist wants to remain anonymous -> anonymous_artist

Use a BUR and unalias artist request and tagme (artist) from unknown artist

The bulk update request #10157 is pending approval.

remove alias artist_request (0) -> unknown_artist (58077)
remove alias tagme_(artist) (0) -> unknown_artist (58077)

Reason: gathering some opinion on posts with no artist tagged

currently, there are unknown_artist to refer to posts where artists are not found.

but not all arttags:0 can be tagged with unknown artists since they might be found from a source or signature on the picture
so we actually don't have a tag to request help tagging artists (artist_request is aliased unknown_artist)

it's hard to know if unknown_artist is simple to be find.

so it would be great if we have something like artist_request for posts with source or artist signature, which are easier to find an artist, differentiate actually unknown vs potentially findable, could help the taggin effort

no artist tag, no source/signature -> unkonw_artist + source_request (unknown_artist since it's quite hard/unlikely to find artist via reverse search)
no artist tag but have source/signature -> artist_request

what artist request can turn to
no artist tag, have source, but source dead -> unavailable_at_source
no artist tag but have source/signature but not able to determine artist -> unknown_artist
artist found -> tag the artist name
artist wants to remain anonymous -> anonymous_artist

Next time make a new topic instead of placing it in this thread. It's best not to put BURs in stickied threads



eiffelwong1 said:
currently, there are unknown_artist to refer to posts where artists are not found.

but not all arttags:0 can be tagged with unknown artists since they might be found from a source or signature on the picture
so we actually don't have a tag to request help tagging artists (artist_request is aliased unknown_artist)

it's hard to know if unknown_artist is simple to be find.

unknown_artist just means the tagger doesn't know who the artist is, it's completely unknown if they're easy to find or not, and people should try to find out if possible. If someone knows it's easy to find, they would had to have found it and it wouldn't be unknown_artist. If people don't know who the artist is, it's obviously not that easy to find.



snpthecat said:
So what do you think of species request and unknown species? (or unknown character)

species_request seems odd to me, since we aren't that precise with individualizing depictions of species. Given that we mostly deal with fictional creatures, we can't be that specific with tagging each individual design of some species (despite the amount of variation dragon designs can have, it's still a dragon, and if something looks close enough to a dog, it can just be tagged canine, as examples; or if it looks like a mix of pre-established species, tag those species with hybrid). If it's that stand-out that you can't tell what to tag it as, or you genuinely think it looks like a distinct species different from anything else you could tag it as, unknown_species works fine; someone more familiar with the creature can replace it if they know (or if we know there isn't a name and agree it should have a distinct species tag, it should be replaced with a placeholder). So species request should be aliased to unknown species, IMO.

unknown character seems pointless. Generic, unnamed characters shouldn't be tagged unknown character (that would be most images here), and it's not helpful to have multiple distinct characters under the same unknown character tag, making it impossible to search for other pics with the same visually identifiable character. If it's identifiable across multiple images, but we don't know their name, they should be given a placeholder name that uniquely identifies them across images. If you don't know their name and don't know of other pics with them, how do you know it's a character worth tagging?

watsit said:
unknown_artist just means the tagger doesn't know who the artist is, it's completely unknown if they're easy to find or not, and people should try to find out if possible. If someone knows it's easy to find, they would had to have found it and it wouldn't be unknown_artist. If people don't know who the artist is, it's obviously not that easy to find.

currently both arttage:0 and unkonwn_artist implies doesn't know who the artist, but sometime they might not be familiar creating artist tag and didn't make one or just lazy. In an ideal situation, uploader will alway tag the artist, but reality, not always. But sometimes posts are supplied with signature or source that helps tracking down the artist name. having a intermediate help request tag and really focus peoples effort on posts with highest chances of finding the artist.

arttage:0 -> unkonwn if artist lookup is attempted
artist_request -> there are some info to go off to look for the artist
unkonwn_artist or unknown_artist_signiture -> at least someone attempted to look it up, maybe it's really unknown



eiffelwong1 said:
currently both arttage:0 and unkonwn_artist implies doesn't know who the artist, but sometime they might not be familiar creating artist tag and didn't make one or just lazy.

arttags:0 just means someone didn't tag an artist, which may or may not be because they don't know, or did tag an artist but as a new tag and didn't move it to the Artist category. Which in either case, means someone should check it. This happens somewhat often with new artists and/or artists that upload their own art. unknown_artist implies someone was aware enough to let others know they don't know (though it is also sometimes used by uploaders trying to hide that it's a DNP artist, or they meant anonymous_artist). In either case, posts tagged unknown_artist need to be checked.

eiffelwong1 said:
But sometimes posts are supplied with signature or source that helps tracking down the artist name. having a intermediate help request tag and really focus peoples effort on posts with highest chances of finding the artist.

unknown_artist_signature indicates the post has a signature that the uploader doesn't known who it belongs to, but could help others. unknown_artist hassource:true indicates a post tagged with unknown_artist also has a source.

eiffelwong1 said:
artist_request -> there are some info to go off to look for the artist
unkonwn_artist or unknown_artist_signiture -> at least someone attempted to look it up, maybe it's really unknown

Posts get tagged unknown_artist and unknown_artist_signature even if the uploader hasn't tried to find the artist. Really, uploaders should be trying to find the artist of the pieces they upload before uploading. How else can you make a good faith effort to ensure the artist isn't on the DNP list if you don't at least try to find out who made a piece of art you're uploading? This is likely one of the reasons why artist_request is aliased to unknown_artist; the default assumption should be the uploader tried to find the artist, and unknown_artist is a request to others to help find it. If the uploader doesn't try to find the artist of art they upload, they're being careless and lazy and is probably worth some warnings.

eiffelwong1 said:
it looks like some work has been done. forced_arousal rape have only 6 posts left, perfect for a manual cleanup if you'd like to take the lead.

Done. I replaced them with unwanted_arousal for now. The only one I skipped was post #4421482, because I have no idea what's going on there and the rape aspects seem to be based on context outside of the image.