Topic: Tag Projects

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

animperfectpatsy said:
car_sex also seems to be used for sex on a car, not just in it (and in fact its wiki links to sex_in_car). Also I could definitely imagine people tagging it for sex with a car, animate_inanimate or otherwise.

If car_sex encompassed all car-related sex activities, i feel like it would be a lot more prominent. But it's only used on around 50 pieces, meanwhile sex_in_car is on almost 400 pieces, and on_hood is on 400+. I feel like car_sex should either be applied to every piece involving car-related sex ( sex_in_car, sex on_hood , dragons_fucking_cars , etc ), or just removed as a tag and replaced with the more relevant/specific tags

braeburned said:
I feel like car_sex should either be applied to every piece involving car-related sex ( sex_in_car, sex on_hood , dragons_fucking_cars , etc ), or just removed as a tag and replaced with the more relevant/specific tags

A disambiguation would certainly make sense (alias car_sex -> car_sex_(disambiguation) and set category car_sex_(disambiguation) -> invalid), after it gets cleared out. Sex in a car, sex on a car, and sex with a car are distinct enough I think to not need an umbrella tag.

watsit said:
A disambiguation would certainly make sense (alias car_sex -> car_sex_(disambiguation) and set category car_sex_(disambiguation) -> invalid), after it gets cleared out. Sex in a car, sex on a car, and sex with a car are distinct enough I think to not need an umbrella tag.

I agree, it would be best to disambiguate car_sex since it could refer to one of several different tags. However, the alias car_sex -> sex_in_car (on topic #24360) will need to be rejected first before an alias (or BUR) can be submitted for a disambiguation.

saglinger said:
The two tags aren't mutually exclusive, actually. Clearly the combination of masturbation sex solo is not one that should be present, and can probably be mass-edited, but the former combination can actually be correct in cases of two partners engaged in mutual_masturbation.

Mutual masturbation isn't actually masturbation. It'd be better called mutual handjob, but mutual masturbation is the common term people use for it. But it's otherwise true that masturbation and sex aren't mutually exclusive; masturbating_while_penetrated is basically that. It's more that sex+solo are mutually exclusive.

Managed to go through all of riding rating:e. I think I've got everything, though I was a bit ambiguous on whether or not riding atop a giant penis(like literally a platform for the other character, because it's far too large to have sex with) counted or not..

namenotfinal said:
I would tag these as motion_lines.

I think they mean the black scribbly scrambly lines, e.g. in the top left frame of
post #2806220
rather than the motion lines of emanata.

I do recall reading what they're called at one point, but it was a while ago and I can't remember.

i want to create a tag "fast_fucking" (or "fucking_fast" or anything that sticks), to be applied when an animation contains a scene where occurs near (2.7bps;162bpm) or over 3 penetrations per second.
Posting in this thread first to check for approval, objections, dismission, suggestions etc.

Somebody help please!!!
I cant use discord.
I want really bad to blacklist every artist that has that especific tag i blacklisted, is it possible?
If not how do i contact the admin to ask for this command?

Trying to take on the "riding rating:e" one.
Will try and include the appropriate position if it is not already tagged.

minorchara said:
Somebody help please!!!
I cant use discord.
I want really bad to blacklist every artist that has that especific tag i blacklisted, is it possible?
If not how do i contact the admin to ask for this command?

Short answer, it's not possible and is unlikely to be a feature in the future.

sins_and_virtues said:
I feel like the "e"s in pokemon_cafe_mix should be replaced with é. Probably should've renamed the tag to include those before it reached 100 posts, but I think I had other priorities at the time.

It's the other way around.
Tags with unicode characters in them are getting phased out. The pokémon tags just got stuck in limbo because of how many aliases and implications they have.

Before I go adding it to a bunch of images: If an image tagged as wet_dream features an orgasm without any physical stimulus (rubbing against sheets/a pillow, etc), would it classify for the tag stimulation-free_orgasm ? There's no wiki page for it, but I assume stimulation-free_orgasm is referring to physical stimulation. Therefore, orgasm_from_oral / orgasm_from_anal / etc do not apply, but orgasms from hypnosis, voice command, and probably wet dreams, apply.

watsit said:
hands-free at least. I'm not sure how legitimate stimulation-free_orgasm is, it looks like all uses of it were from 9 days ago all by the same user.

Oh, huh.
I do think its worth the new tag! I was looking for something similar recently and was disappointed there was no tag for orgasms that were "on command" via hypnosis or voice command, and stimulation-free_orgasm fits that bill better than orgasm_command , which seems to just apply in any case (usually during penetrative sex) where a character says "cum for me~".

braeburned said:
Oh, huh.
I do think its worth the new tag! I was looking for something similar recently and was disappointed there was no tag for orgasms that were "on command" via hypnosis or voice command, and stimulation-free_orgasm fits that bill better than orgasm_command , which seems to just apply in any case (usually during penetrative sex) where a character says "cum for me~".

Then perhaps you could write up a wiki entry for stimulation-free_orgasm?

I'm having a puzzle of a time trying to articulate a body phenomenon. Is there tag for non-human physiques? I'm curious if there is a distinctive tag that exists between a character that strongly resembles a human form and one that (while still bi-pedal potentially) may have have a different set of limb proportions, or a difference in natural posture, or additional/inversed joints. In short, a build that doesn't look like a typical human form could fit within like a costume.

If I were to use examples, I'd point to characters done by artists like anixis or twinkle-sez. These, by-in-large, have a strong resemblance to human-forms. Then you have your less "human-parallel" shapes that occur in characters like your Mewtwos or your sergals, or your yoshis, etc. Basically, creatures that still have that upright, one head, two arms, two legs, (tails/wings/other appendages optional) shape, but are significantly different from a typical human build.

Does such a distinction exist in tags? If it doesn't, could it? Or is this too much in the way of minutia?

heckum said:
I'm having a puzzle of a time trying to articulate a body phenomenon. Is there tag for non-human physiques? I'm curious if there is a distinctive tag that exists between a character that strongly resembles a human form and one that (while still bi-pedal potentially) may have have a different set of limb proportions, or a difference in natural posture, or additional/inversed joints. In short, a build that doesn't look like a typical human form could fit within like a costume.

If I were to use examples, I'd point to characters done by artists like anixis or twinkle-sez. These, by-in-large, have a strong resemblance to human-forms. Then you have your less "human-parallel" shapes that occur in characters like your Mewtwos or your sergals, or your yoshis, etc. Basically, creatures that still have that upright, one head, two arms, two legs, (tails/wings/other appendages optional) shape, but are significantly different from a typical human build.

Does such a distinction exist in tags? If it doesn't, could it? Or is this too much in the way of minutia?

You might be better served in the Do we have a tag for that? thread.

With all the tagging requirements and segments, this all seems overly complicated. I am not disagreeing or saying I won't comply, but it just seems overly complicated and makes me want to limit tagging at all to just the bare minimum. What has driven this site to be so complex with the tagging?

kennehbreen said:
... but it just seems overly complicated and makes me want to limit tagging at all to just the bare minimum. What has driven this site to be so complex with the tagging?

Tags are tools. So if someone wants to search for something or blacklist something, every post that meets that tag should have that tag and every post that doesn't, shouldn't. The less complete and correct the tags are the less useful they are. Also, since tags are created, applied, and edited by users over time the number of tags has grown and so has the relationships between them.

The good news is that aside from a few basic tags on the submission page people don't hold you responsible for adding every tag that applies, or knowing every implication. (There may be the occasional asshole who does but they are rare) And that collaboration means that you only have to put in as much effort as you feel like (above a certain minimum when initially tagging your own posts). If you have the time and interest to help with a tag project, go for it; if you don't, no worries.

"cum_inflation abdominal_bulge"
Most people don't realize that cum_inflation doesn't imply abdominal_bulge. I just searched "male_penetrated cum_inflation abdominal_bulge" and 31 of the first 45 results shouldn't have had the abdominal_bulge tag.

ajk said:
These are some of the tagging projects I've been collecting until now..
All of them need to be checked visually before editing/fixing because the search results are imprecise and they're only useful as a starting point.

General Tags

Search Description
riding rating:e The term riding is intended for literal riding ("riding an horse") not for the cowgirl position or similar sex positions
faceless_male disembodied_penis In some cases a character shouldn't be tagged with both faceless_male and disembodied_penis.
solo dickgirl female If the character has female genitalia and/or characteristics but also visible male genitalia, they should be tagged as intersex (herm, cuntboy, or dickgirl) instead of female.
dickgirl female ^same but extended
flat_chested ~male ~maleherm ~cuntboy Flat_chested: Do not use this tag for male, maleherm, cuntboy or other manly body types. Do not confuse with cuntboy. Most cub characters are generally flat-chested, but most loli will have either a flat chest or small breasts.
anatomically_correct -rating:e anatomically_correct is referred to genitalia, so it shouldn't be rated safe or questionable
animal_genitalia -rating:e animal_genitalia is probably used incorrectly here, since the rating isn't explicit
sheath -rating:e visible sheath with incorrect rating
bdsm rating:s bdsm should always be at least questionable or explicit
description:story -story -story_in_description there's a small chance that these posts are missing the "story" tag but it's not the case most of the time
monochrome colored most of the time, colored and monochrome should not be used at the same time
anatomically_correct ~pokemon ~alien ~gryphon ~dragon ~monster these creatures cannot be anatomically_correct
masturbation sex solo masturbation isn't sex
masturbation sex ^same but extended just in case, for a deeper search
penis -humanoid_penis -animal_penis missing "type of penis" , human or animal
-male -female -intersex -ambiguous -zero_pictured missing gender tags
type:swf -flash missing "flash" tag
-type:webm no_sound -flash incorrect "no_sound" tag (ex. on GIFs)
~sound ~sound_warning no_sound it's impossible for a post to have sound or sound_warning and no_sound at the same time
solo -feral -anthro missing "feral" and "anthro" tags
anthro -biped missing "biped" tag whenever it's needed
feral -quadruped missing "quadruped" tag whenever it's needed
penis -rating:e incorrect rating on posts with visible penis
gore rating:s incorrect rating on posts with gore
bondage rating:s incorrect rating on posts with bondage
solo disembodied_penis -multiple_images -multiple_scenes -sketch_page -model_sheet *possibly* missing the tags [multiple_images, multiple_scenes, sketch_page or model_sheet]
-none_pictured -solo -duo -group missing characters counter
~anthro ~feral not_furry those tags should never exist on same posts.
cum -rating:e wrong "cum" rating
*(disambiguation) disambiguation should always be changed with more precise tags
-*_penetrating penetration missing "x penetrating" tags (probably also "x penetrated")
forced* rating:e -rape probably missing "rape" tag
tagme Possibly missing a few tags
tagcount:<=15 Possible undertagged posts
~unknown_artist ~unknown_artist_signature It may be possibly to find the artist
arttags:0 Should either be tagged with an artist if the uploader was lazy, or have unknown_artist/unknown_artist_signature added
spectags:0 -zero_pictured Missing species, even adding more common tags such as mammal/scalie/humanoid helps
patreon Only should be tagged for the logo or if the website itself is visible, not the url or content from Patreon, if it's just the URL then url should be tagged instead
translation_request Posts that could be translated, or have been translated and not had the tag removed
solo duo -multiple_scenes -multi-image Missing multiple_scenes or multiple_images
solo group -multiple_scenes -multi-image Missing multiple_scenes or multiple_images
comic -one_panel_comic -one_page_comic inpool:false ischild:false isparent:false Should either be grouped with other comics via parent/child relations, or tagged with one_panel_comic/one_page_comic
solo male ~female ~breasts ~intersex -transformation Mistagged solo posts
solo female ~penis ~intersex -transformation Mistagged solo posts
-male -female -intersex -ambiguous_gender -zero_pictured Either missing gender tags or zero_pictured tag
solo_focus -duo -group Solo focus does not apply if only one character is present
ambiguous_gender solo ~penis ~pussy ~balls ~breasts The gender is not ambiguous if specific genitalia are present
penis -male -maleherm -herm -gynomorph -disembodied_penis If a penis is present, at least one of these five tags should be present as well
vagina -female -andromorph -herm -maleherm If a vagina is present, at least one of these four tags should be present as well
breasts -female -gynomorph -herm Breasts are a trait of either female or herm characters
-non-mammal_breasts breasts -mammal -humanoid -pokemon speciestags:>0 Missing non-mammal_breasts
-non-mammal_breasts breasts ~bird ~scalie ~marine Missing non-mammal_breasts
-non-mammal_breasts breasts ~flora_fauna ~insect Missing non-mammal_breasts
looking_back -rear_view Probably missing rear_view
female anthro -breasts -flat_chested -rear_view rating:e Missing breasts, flat_chested or rear_view
breasts -small_breasts -medium_breasts -big_breasts -breast_squish -rear_view Mostly pictures with untagged breast sizes
-level_difference It would probably be good to go through all combinations of pokemon and digimon levels with this search to tag level differences (ex: riolu lucario -level_difference, charizard charmander -level_difference, etc)
sex -rating:e Sex is explicit, even if there's no bits visible, though a lot of those are mistags and some from implications
canine_penis -sheath -knot Probably missing sheath or knot
barazoku ~female ~herm Barazoku is a genre of gay-oriented porn
cum_in_slit -cum_inside Cum in a slit is cum inside an orifice
hands-free -cum_while_penetrated Should have spontaneous_orgasm where no anal, vaginal or penile stimulation is depicted
muscular ~slightly_chubby ~overweight male solo -musclegut Possibly missing musclegut
pregnant sex -pregnant_sex Missing pregnant_sex
solo older_* -multiple_scenes -multi-image For solo posts older_* should be swapped to mature_*
solo young_* -multiple_scenes -multi-image For solo posts young_* should be removed
solo ~grandmother ~grandfather ~age_difference -multiple_images -multiple_scenes If the image is solo, then grandmother/grandfather should be replaced with mature_female/mature_male and have age_difference removed
incest straight -parent -sibling -cousin Possibly missing relationship tags
incest gay -father -uncle -brother -cousin Possibly missing relationship tags
incest lesbian -mother -sister -aunt -cousin Possibly missing relationship tags
father -son -daughter -ambiguous_gender Possibly incorrect relationship tagging
mother -son -daughter -ambiguous_gender Possibly incorrect relationship tagging
brother -brothers -sister -ambiguous_gender Possibly incorrect relationship tagging
sister -sisters -brother -ambiguous_gender Possibly incorrect relationship tagging

Species Tagging

Search Description
vampire_bat generic bats are not automagically vampire bats
grey_fox fox we use Vulpes for determining fox
grey_fox a grey-colored fox is not necessarily a grey_fox
silver_fox a grey-colored fox is not a silver_fox either
fox solo canis fox isn't a canis; same thing for (quoting from canis def) urocyon, false_foxes, or the maned_wolf
fox canis ^same but extended
duck rubber_duck Do not tag rubber_duck with duck, as they are inanimate objects.
maned_wolf wolf maned wolves are not wolves despite the name
hyaenid canine hyenas are not canines
hyaenid -spotted_hyena -striped_hyena -brown_hyena -aardwolf -gnoll -pokemon_(species) -hyaenid_humanoid Classifying Hyaenids in their specific species
mouse ~wood_mouse ~striped_grass_mouse murine but not Mus genus
mouse ~dormouse ~heteromyid ~dipodid ~cricetid If something is a heteromyid, dipodid, cricetid, or a dormouse, it isn't a mouse. Mice are mus genus and part of a completely different family, muridae.
~pokemon_(species) ~digimon_(species) general cleanup to remove specific species tags
equine horn -wings -unicorn should be tagged "unicorn"
equine wings -horn -pegasus should be tagged "pegasus"
equine wings horn -winged_unicorn should be tagged "winged_unicorn"
earth_pony ~wings ~horn earth ponies don't have wings or horns
unicorn pony unicorns aren't ponies
unicorn horse unicorns aren't horses
unicorn pegasus unicorns aren't pegasi, they should be tagged "winged_unicorn"
unicorn winged_unicorn unicorns are different from winged_unicorns
pegasus pony pegasi aren't ponies
pegasus horse pegasi aren't horses
pegasus unicorn pegasi aren't unicorns, they should be tagged "winged_unicorn"
pegasus winged_unicorn pegasi aren't winged unicorns
winged_unicorn pony winged unicorns aren't ponies
winged_unicorn horse winged unicorns aren't horses
winged_unicorn pegasus winged unicorns aren't pegasi
winged_unicorn unicorn winged_unicorns are different from unicorns
earth_pony ~wings ~horn earth ponies don't have wings or horns
dragon scalie not all dragons are scalie
dragon -western_dragon -eastern_dragon -wingless_dragon -wyvern -furred_dragon probably missing type of dragon

Invalid Tags

The purpose of invalid tags is to find what went wrong and use the correct tag instead. Since the site can't tell you what the tag, you tried to add, WAS before uploading/editing, it's useless to keep the invalid tags in these posts:

Search Description
invalid_tag incorrect [invalid_tag]
invalid_color incorrect [invalid_color]
invalid_color_(tan) incorrect [invalid_color_(tan)]
invalid_background incorrect [invalid_background]
invalid_taf incorrect [invalid_taf]

Resolution Tags

These projects are always correct/precise so that means they could be fixed easily through scripting..

Search Description
width:>=10000 -superabsurd_res missing [superabsurd_res] by width
height:>=10000 -superabsurd_res missing [superabsurd_res] by height
width:>=3200 -absurd_res missing [absurd_res] by width
height:>=2400 -absurd_res missing [absurd_res] by height
width:>=1600 -hi_res missing [hi_res] by width
height:>=1200 -hi_res missing [hi_res] by height
width:<=250 height:<=250 -thumbnail missing [thumbnail]
width:<=500 height:<=500 -low_res missing [low_res]
-4k width:3840 height:2160 missing [4k] part 1
-4k width:4096 height:2160 missing [4k] part 2
width:<10000 height:<10000 superabsurd_res incorrect [superabsurd_res]
width:<3200 height:<2400 absurd_res incorrect [absurd_res]
width:<1600 height:<1200 hi_res incorrect [hi_res]
width:>500 low_res incorrect [low_res] by width
height:>500 low_res incorrect [low_res] by height
width:>250 thumbnail incorrect [thumbnail] by width
height:>250 thumbnail incorrect [thumbnail] by height
4k height:<2160 incorrect [4k] (1)
4k height:>2160 incorrect [4k] (2)
4k width:>4096 incorrect [4k] (3)
4k width:<3840 incorrect [4k] (4)
4k width:3841..4095 incorrect [4k] (5)

Ratio Tags (most common ones)

Don't use the "ratio:value" function on e621 because it's imprecise, it won't only find posts that are exactly 16:9, for example, but also the ones who are very close to that value..

Search Description
-16:9 width:1920 height:1080 missing [16:9] on 1920x1080 posts
-16:9 width:1600 height:900 missing [16:9] on 1600x900 posts
-16:9 width:1280 height:720 missing [16:9] on 1280x720 posts
-4:3 width:2048 height:1536 missing [4:3] on 2048x1536 posts
-4:3 width:2000 height:1500 missing [4:3] on 2000x1500 posts
-4:3 width:1600 height:1200 missing [4:3] on 1600x1200 posts
-4:3 width:1280 height:960 missing [4:3] on 1280x960 posts
-4:3 width:1024 height:768 missing [4:3] on 1024x768 posts
-4:3 width:800 height:600 missing [4:3] on 800x600 posts

File Related

These projects are always correct/precise so that means they could be fixed easily through scripting..

Search Description
filesize:>30MB -huge_filesize missing [huge_filesize]
filesize:<=30MB huge_filesize incorrect [huge_filesize]
-bad_metadata width:<0 missing [bad_metadata] by negative width
-bad_metadata height:<0 missing [bad_metadata] by negative height
{{ -bad_metad
[/tr]I think wristwatch is undertagged. (I realize this is lower-prority compared with other issues) 1878 tagged with watch 491 tagged with wristwatch (186 tagged with pocketwatch (47 tagged with stopwatch) 491+186+47= 724 So potentially 1154 posts could get tagged with wristwatch (but some of them probably other types of watch)
[/tr] Not sure if this is the right place to pay this but an "oversized blowjob" yeah would be great for the size difference people out there[/tbody][/table]

I don't know where else to request this, but i was wondering if anyone could make a wiki page for the vaginal_orgasm tag, I feel like this tag would be really nice to actually expand and properly tag, because characters who are herm, cumming from non-anal penetration is usually pretty hard to find without alot of tags being used, whereas this one tag would make finding that sort of thing alot easier. Would also be a sort of psuedo-"female_orgasm" tag which is also another greatly needed type of tag to have on the site.

I would make the wiki page myself but im stoopid and dont wanna learn how to do it. but im probably going to go around tagging stuff with this tag once its ok to do so.

There are images that are tagged solo, but also are tagged with tags like f/f, m/m, and so forth. At a guess, the tagger put the character's sexual preferences (gay, lesbian, straight, etc) in the tag in violation of TWYS, and the aliases for those tags took over.

I've been clearing them up as I've come across them, but help would be appreciated.

(Tangential project: "solo" used when there are obviously multiple characters in the image. That's a rather larger mess, though.)

Hi! New to e6, so Not quite Sure how Things work.
Is this the Place to Request For new Tags to be Made?
More specificly, i was wondering If Gore could be seperated into
"minor_gore" and "major_gore"
As i personally, and probably Others, quite Like minor Gore, such as slashes, Cuts and bruises, but would rather Not See people's Organs being ripped out. However, as of currently, both are tagged simply as "Gore", meaning If i Blacklist Gore as to avoid seeing heavy Gore, i'll Miss mild Gore I'd likely Wish to See.
If this is Not the Place to Request this, let me know where i can Post this Suggestion instead, please.

Hey new to the forum but where do I report when Ive helped clear up some tags? I've been doing it on my own for some time but ive also seen that helping put in projects is where people get roles so do I just list here what I did or what do I do?

Edit: So far I just fixed the 11 cum - rating e ones. Including this one wich was rather hillariously tagged with both "cum", "cub" and "cup" but contained an actual cup so I think someone fucked up.

post #3134541


hungrymaple said:
You can make a new thread under the Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions and ask for feedback/suggestions.

I appreciate the Feedback. However, i can't Seem to find a way to create a new Thread. Am I overlooking something? Is it perhaps Not available on mobile?

enderkatze said:
I appreciate the Feedback. However, i can't Seem to find a way to create a new Thread. Am I overlooking something? Is it perhaps Not available on mobile?

I finally figured it out -w-'
I'll get right to making the Thread!

imagoober said:
There are images that are tagged solo, but also are tagged with tags like f/f, m/m, and so forth. At a guess, the tagger put the character's sexual preferences (gay, lesbian, straight, etc) in the tag in violation of TWYS, and the aliases for those tags took over.

I've been clearing them up as I've come across them, but help would be appreciated.

(Tangential project: "solo" used when there are obviously multiple characters in the image. That's a rather larger mess, though.)

One note on this is that "solo" can be correctly used alongside duo or group when there are multiple scenes or multiple images within an a single post, common examples are comics or sketch-page style images with multiple scenes.

tittybitty said:
One note on this is that "solo" can be correctly used alongside duo or group when there are multiple scenes or multiple images within an a single post, common examples are comics or sketch-page style images with multiple scenes.

I don't think those should count for solo. It's the number of characters in a post, not only a part of the image. Something like post #2954808 for example is a group with six characters, even though it's really multiple images each with a single/solo character. Or post #3167037 is group since it's a comic page with 4 characters, even though only two ever appear in a given panel. The "boundary" for what constitutes a separation of characters is impossible to define, so it's best to just count the post as a whole rather than draw arbitrary distinctions of "well these two characters are separate from these two characters, so it's just duo for the four characters in this post, while these two characters are with these two characters so it's group for the four characters in this post".

strikerman said:
Not sure "forced* rating:e -rape" works, considering forced oral frequently doesn't involve any kind of non-consent.

I know this is an old post so I'm sorry if it's just that the wiki has changed recently, but I think the forced oral wiki actually says that the tag refers exclusively to situations where one character is being made to perform oral against their will. So in that case the posts with forced oral that appear consensual are wrongly tagged I believe. Maybe someone could double check to confirm?

Is there a thread for "discussion of mistagging/borderline tagging" where either a tag is there and you're really unsure if it should be and/or if something is confusing (i.e. a species tag that looks like the poster made a wild gues because the art is bad or intentionally "generic fuzzy thing") so it doesn't become a comment tag war on the pic itself?

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but oral rating:s is another mistagging. According to its wiki page oral specifically implies a sexual act. One problem with this though is that oral_penetration implicates oral, so either that implication should be removed or the wiki for oral needs to be changed.

Could it be an idea to add a "pool" tag for images that refer directly to a pool?

This is a low priority question, but what exactly separates the tag penis_between_breasts, and titfuck?
Personally I would think that the penis_between_breasts tag be the non-sexual presence of the penis between the breasts, such as a character with both penis and breasts, the presence of the penis is not inherently involved in a sexual act. The penis between the breasts without the arousal of the penis.
Example: post #3230376 the image is sexual but the penis (presumably) is not receiving direct stimulation from the breasts

jewerly and other misspellings of jewelry should be mass edited to the correct spelling. I was doing some of the lesser ones myself, but jewerly has like 88 instances

This project is completed

Dildo sitting is only to be used when actually sitting on dildo (penetration is happening), but there's quite a few posts where character is sitting over dildo, for example before or after masturbation.

I started tagging those situations as sitting_over_dildo at And while at it, started specifying unspecified penetrations.

dildo_sitting penetration -ambiguous_penetration -anal_masturbation -anal_penetration -cloacal_penetration -slit_penetration -vaginal_masturbation -vaginal_penetration.


High heels by style and high heels by color.

Noticed that high heels don't imply shoes, or even footwear for that matter. Went to investigate (topic #33680), found that not all high heels are shoes. Footwear implication was dropped because of an error (topic #27115).

Went to fix that, and while at it, organize all other high heel tags.

Quite a few styles of high heels could not be described with existing tags, so after scrolling through a bunch of internet articles, came up with a list of attributes that can describe every instance. Came up with a few tags for furry-specific heels.

Attributes are not mutually exclusive, and follow *_heels format (where it makes sense).

Almost forgot: topic #33976


I hope I am doing this the right way:

There seems to be a lot of mistagging for animal_legs that either aren't of a distinct species or should be only split_form as the crotch is included in the leg species. (Altough, with split_form I am not sure if a human torso where both animal legs and animal arms would be applicable would make sense.)

With animal_arms there is just not a lot tagged with it yet.

All of those, I am going off of the wiki for each tag

I would like some guidance/advice:

I think

looking_at_another solo

is often mistagged and should be looking_at_viewer.

Can the looking_at_another tag even apply in a solo image? My best hypothetical situation would be a solo character in the shadow of an off-screen character. Any weird interactions I should be aware of?

tag project: suggest cleanup of tail_tuft

tail_tuft wiki says "A tuft of fur or feathers at the tip of a character's tail, ..."

Some posts tagged with tail_tuft show a short_tail (some of those being a scut_tail)
instead of tail_tuft.

scut_tail wiki "Scut tails are a type of short, erect tail. These types of tails are commonly seen on cervids and lagomorphs."

short_tail wiki "tail is less than half the length of their arm or diameter of their head (whichever appears proportionally bigger). Common species among this tag include rabbits, bears and many dog breeds among other species."

Search Description
tail_tuft cervid see scut_tailtext above table.
tail_tuft lagomorph see scut_tailtext above table.
tail_tuft bear see short_tailtext above table.

dogs more tricky, but tail_tuft dobermann seems a good place to start.
(example: i don't see tail_tuft at post #2674164 ... maybe fluffy_tail ?)

robotic_arm is a tag meant only for independent robotic arms that are not part of a different character.
example: post #1136553
The tag however is instead filled with tons of images that should be tagged cybernetic_arm and/or prosthetic_arm instead. Rivet on her own has cased a lot damage to this tag. There are also a lot of images with entirely robotic characters.
I've already cleaned up the first page and a half, but there's still hundreds of incorrectly tagged images to go. It would be great if some of you could help me work on it.

deleuzian_cattery said:
What's the difference, exactly?

Cybernetic tags all suggest some electronic or high tech components, while prosthetic tags can range from high tech, to peg legs and hook hands, to modern day realistic prosthetic, to magical replacements.

Theoretically, no post should be tagged both solo and size_difference unless it's a post with multiple images or scenes (at least one of which is solo and at least one of which features multiple characters and size difference).

This is particularly true since disembodied_* counts as a character for tagging the number of characters (i.e., solo, solo_focus, duo, trio, group).

I just cleared through about one page of results for solo size_difference -multiple_scenes -multiple_images, but there are 20+ pages of results to go. There's quite a heterogeneous set of causes for these mis-tags, which makes it take a while to go through and clean these posts up.

It seems this issue most commonly occurs due to one of three errors in tagging:

  • 1) Treating the viewer as a character and tagging size_difference when a *_view tag should be used instead (i.e., low-angle_view, worm's-eye_view, high-angle_view, or bird's-eye_view).
  • 2) Tagging solo instead of solo_focus when other poorly defined or background characters are present in the image.
  • 3) Tagging larger_* and smaller_* on solo images, to indicate that the character appears larger/smaller than average. The smaller/larger_* tags implicate size_difference.

If anyone else is keen on exploring the size difference content here on e6 and wants to help clean up tags, feel free to search for solo size_difference -multiple_scenes -multiple_images, potentially alongside any sex/gender specifying tags you're interested in. :>

(sorry if this is too obvious)

Sometimes I wander across posts where wrong artist has been tagged.
(In some cases it seems that someone saw a link to a commissioner, and misinterpreted it to mean they did the art or did some of the art)

So if you have time, check the source(s) for artist credit(s).

(Some might be tagged with 2 or more artist tags: arttags:>1)


edit: an example (was tagged with one artist tag, but the wrong tag):
post #2410354 was tagged with artist tag sherrimayim, but source says amilystone did art.
amilystone was character tag, but amilystone did the art (and only one e621 upload tagged with amilystone and no one in that artwork has named starting with Amily)... so switched amilystone to being an artist tag.
sherrimayim tag added by Amaster, maybe they added tag because sherrimayim wrote the related story.
(forum post about writer credits in general )

amilystone tag was changed from general TO character by Pklixian
( )

(by the way, there more art by amilystone at their FA and twitter)
