Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

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sbeewun said:
e621: "Human child porn is not allowed anymore. All other porn is still fine."

May not have been your intention but you're yet another instance of dilluting the severity of CSAM by hurling the more commonly used term at fiction. No wonder people are taking advantage of moral outcry to censor fiction while doing jack shit about actual predators, because it's easier to appear moral than to actually do something of worth.

notmenotyou said:
It's wishy washy because it's the best we can offer. There is no single law we can point to as the tipping point, and while we were sitting pretty unaffected by most things, the same can't be said to a bunch of our business partners who did not appreciate the heat we attract.
And since we can't function in a vacuum we have had to adjust.

So it's nothing to do with any law changes, just "business partners" (translation: external pressure by private groups). Yup, thanks for confirming this site is no longer worthwhile.

This sounds more like a Arizona thing than a "changes in the political and legal environment" thing, considering that sites like rule34 and Gelbooru are still going strong with full on lewd young/loli content. I don't see the US rolling back the law to what France is currently doing any time soon, let alone in the far future

notmenotyou said:
It's wishy washy because it's the best we can offer. There is no single law we can point to as the tipping point, and while we were sitting pretty unaffected by most things, the same can't be said to a bunch of our business partners who did not appreciate the heat we attract.
And since we can't function in a vacuum we have had to adjust.

I've had a quick look through and restored anything caught by accident in your deletions that stuck out right away.
This entire thing had to happen much faster than we would have liked, so we went in with a shoot first ask questions later mentally.

Trust me, I would have preferred more of a heads up myself.

The last thing you ever wanted to admit was censoring your website to appease advertisers.

sbeewun said:
e621: "Human child porn is not allowed anymore. All other porn is still fine."

e621: Hey, here's this rule that we've just put up right now. Say goodbye to your posts lol. And no, we're not explaining why we put up this rule in the first place.
"dude wtf????"

Question. Some fanart of v-tubers zonas that looks young ISH but isn't like Garw Gura. Would those be all effected? Or only if they are to obviously young characters or tagged as such by the artists?

Gonna be honest, I’m not trying to start anything but this should have been done a long time ago. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but cub art being hosted here was literally the worst decision staff could have made in the first place. To most people it’s not only offensive but wrong that it sexualized the young characters in the first place. It forever tarnishes the furry community and e621’s reputation as a whole. It should have immediately checked the “low-quality” post rule. I know subjective and I don’t mean to insult or belittle anyone but it just feels like common sense.

notmenotyou said:
Trust me, I would have preferred more of a heads up myself.

Guess everybody got caught with their pants down. If I might ask, what's the plan if this kind of purge happens again in the future? There anything else shaky on the table we should be backing up?

theory0fstrings said:
I appreciate you at least responding with this. I assumed that it would take ages to get through to you guys with the flood of similar requests.
I still REALLY wish you were less vague especially since theres apparently no law that was the tipping point BUT somehow it had to be changed RIGHT NOW. Something's not adding up, man. Sorry if you're just the middle man but the math isnt mathing.

My guess is aggressive advertiser(s) demanding unconditional action right then and there. Either they do this or lose all support immediately.
"Punch your friend in the face right now or I shoot you on the spot"
It'll hurt you both for different reasons but you can explain your reasoning later since you are still alive.

Also, I agree with the others, appreciate the response/explanation going forward

earlopain said:
I'd love to share my thoughts here but (some) current staff probably wouldn't like that.

Nah man, share away, screw what the current staff think, if they wanna supress your opinion, at that point they may as well remove the entier chat funtion of this "art archive"

dakotaisagator said:
Gonna be honest, I’m not trying to start anything but this should have been done a long time ago. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but cub art being hosted here was literally the worst decision staff could have made in the first place. To most people it’s not only offensive but wrong that it sexualized the young characters in the first place. It forever tarnishes the furry community and e621’s reputation as a whole. It should have immediately checked the “low-quality” post rule. I know subjective and I don’t mean to insult or belittle anyone but it just feels like common sense.

Imho cleaning a reputation of porn site is a strange thing. And as much as I love furry, community reputation is tarnished af. Everytime I say I love furries I have to explain I'm now fucked up weirdo.

cameforthelore said:
e621: Hey, here's this rule that we've just put up right now. Say goodbye to your posts lol. And no, we're not explaining why we put up this rule in the first place.
"dude wtf????"

They mentioned challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment.

So, is there a non-zero chance that this may be reversed in the future if you ever get access to a more lenient server host? Or are you guys entangled in so much bureaucracy that it's impossible to even consider a reversal plan in the future?

mklxiv said:
So it's nothing to do with any law changes, just "business partners" (translation: external pressure by private groups). Yup, thanks for confirming this site is no longer worthwhile.

Guess what put pressure on some of our partners?

That's right, governments.

Guess who would like to continue doing business in places where those governments are?

That's right, our business partners.

romaniaglory said:
The last thing you ever wanted to admit was censoring your website to appease advertisers.

Nah, all our ads are handled directly by us and as far as I am aware none of them had any issue with the contents we host.

dakotaisagator said:
Gonna be honest, I’m not trying to start anything but this should have been done a long time ago. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but cub art being hosted here was literally the worst decision staff could have made in the first place. To most people it’s not only offensive but wrong that it sexualized the young characters in the first place. It forever tarnishes the furry community and e621’s reputation as a whole. It should have immediately checked the “low-quality” post rule. I know subjective and I don’t mean to insult or belittle anyone but it just feels like common sense.

Let us know when pixels on a screen can consent. You can be against it all you want, but if no actual person is being harmed, it shouldn't matter. It's that kind of thinking that leads to people banning what they disagree with. You can say the same thing about violent video games, critically acclaimed television shows about being a drug dealer, etc. "I don't like it, therefore it should be banned." It's drawn artwork. Nothing more, nothing less.

dakotaisagator said:
Gonna be honest, I’m not trying to start anything but this should have been done a long time ago. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but cub art being hosted here was literally the worst decision staff could have made in the first place. To most people it’s not only offensive but wrong that it sexualized the young characters in the first place. It forever tarnishes the furry community and e621’s reputation as a whole. It should have immediately checked the “low-quality” post rule. I know subjective and I don’t mean to insult or belittle anyone but it just feels like common sense.

Look man, the masses outside of the fandom aren't gonna give a shit about what's hosted in a furry site. It could be completely SFW, it could be just porn. To them they'll first and foremost just see us all as animal fuckers anyway regardless of what we're actually like, so that's a moot point.

What sucks is that barely anything that overlapped with the human/humanoid porn with furry that got nuked got mirrored elsewhere on places like ATF, so now there's just a fuckton of things missing. If cub ever gets nuked off of this site, that one can barely be considered an alternative given the piss poor job it does at mirroring cub stuff from here.

notmenotyou said:
There is no single law we can point to as the tipping point, and while we were sitting pretty unaffected by most things, the same can't be said to a bunch of our business partners who did not appreciate the heat we attract.

notmenotyou said:
Nah, all our ads are handled directly by us and as far as I am aware none of them had any issue with the contents we host.

What do I get wrong here?
Business partners forced us to delete minor content, but all ads was fine with content. Or do you have other business partners beside ads?

Bizarre that you didn't have the sense to say in the initial post "This is about money" to clear things up. All the way through this I'm wondering why you would make such a bad decision. Why mislead us into thinking this was a legal based change? It's okay to sound pissed and angry that you have to make this change. It's okay to say you just can't risk the loss of revenue. Just explain it at all though in that first post please. Because we don't need to be wasting our anger on you. But we absolutely should be angry, because this is the one place I thought was going to stay safe.
This lack of initial clarity just makes it seem like you're ashamed that you have to cater to your advertisers. And if you're ashamed of that, is it actually a need, or just a want? See, you look bad now. I know the world we live in is a bad one that needs money so I want to assume it's a need, I'm sure we all would have. So weird you'd admit to the real issue just a minute after an intentionally misleading first post.
Just do better when you announce the next bit of site-wide censorship. We all know it's coming, just a matter of when. Shame to see the best furry art site take a hit this bad.

Isn't this website supposed to be an art archive? I know most people use it like a porn site, but I thought the intended goal was to host art, regardless of content. It's kind of really scary for a lot of artists to just have someone else's entire body of work ripped off a website with no warning in seconds at the whim of laws that don't even exist yet.

And, if it's a monetary thing, you could go the wikipedia route and ask for donations instead of compromising what made the website relevant in the first place. What are you going to do when the government classifies trans people as unlawful? Feral art is suddenly ASAM? I mean, I just don't believe you're compromising with government influence that classifies all furries as degenerates. It doesn't matter what you remove to make your website more "Palatable", this whole ship is going to burn down if you do this. Please don't give into censorship.

k4rn4ge911 said:
Let us know when pixels on a screen can consent. You can be against it all you want, but if no actual person is being harmed, it shouldn't matter. It's that kind of thinking that leads to people banning what they disagree with. You can say the same thing about violent video games, critically acclaimed television shows about being a drug dealer, etc. "I don't like it, therefore it should be banned." It's drawn artwork. Nothing more, nothing less.

Artwork can have an idea. By your logic propaganda don't need to be banned. Not saying OP is right, just think you're argument is weak.

musicw0lf said:
What do I get wrong here?
Business partners forced us to delete minor content, but all ads was fine with content. Or do you have other business partners beside ads?

Pretty sure e621 is owned by Dragonfruit, which by extension owns Bad Dragon. Probably a guilt by association thing that reflects poorly from a business standpoint.

musicw0lf said:
What do I get wrong here?
Business partners forced us to delete minor content, but all ads was fine with content. Or do you have other business partners beside ads?

I assume it would be the business that is hosting the server hardware (assuming the site owner isn't running the hardware locally out of their house) and the ISP that is running the internet connection to said server.
which make perfect sense to me why they would not want to be hosting/serving that kinda content.

notmenotyou said:
Guess what put pressure on some of our partners?

That's right, governments.

Guess who would like to continue doing business in places where those governments are?

That's right, our business partners.

So, which laws are they're referring to? You keep bringing up 'it's those laws that made us do it!" but then point at your partners, but refuse to point at a list of laws that made you do such. Those laws would be open for anyone to google and see for themselves. There isn't a magical place where laws are made and no one is told about it.

notasexualdodo said:
Pretty sure e621 is owned by Dragonfruit, which by extension owns Bad Dragon. Probably a guilt by association thing that reflects poorly from a business standpoint.

... Shit, that's right. Makes me wonder... is F-List gonna get hit next, then?

Pretty disappointed, if there was some Marimo content of Shippo that wasn't backed up in a twitter archive and the pixiv content was deleted it is lost to time...

It's just a matter of time until young_anthro is purged, guess I will upload less here, good thing there are other alternatives but with a less robust tagging system, what a shame...consider really changing the place where you guys are hosting e621, US is too much trouble unless it's something pretty vanilla...

mollydarlingg said:
Isn't this website supposed to be an art archive? I know most people use it like a porn site, but I thought the intended goal was to host art, regardless of content. It's kind of really scary for a lot of artists to just have someone else's entire body of work ripped off a website with no warning in seconds at the whim of laws that don't even exist yet.

And, if it's a monetary thing, you could go the wikipedia route and ask for donations instead of compromising what made the website relevant in the first place. What are you going to do when the government classifies trans people as unlawful? Feral art is suddenly ASAM? I mean, I just don't believe you're compromising with government influence that classifies all furries as degenerates. It doesn't matter what you remove to make your website more "Palatable", this whole ship is going to burn down if you do this. Please don't give into censorship.

This site stopped being archive the moment they put ads and as a result started to depend on them, don't know how much they cost to cover servers, but still should be big enough sum. Donations would be much better.

musicw0lf said:
Or do you have other business partners beside ads?

We do indeed have more business partners outside of people giving us money to run their ads, correct.

notasexualdodo said:
What sucks is that barely anything that overlapped with the human/humanoid porn with furry that got nuked got mirrored elsewhere on places like ATF, so now there's just a fuckton of things missing. If cub ever gets nuked off of this site, that one can barely be considered an alternative given the piss poor job it does at mirroring cub stuff from here.

If cub ends up getting nuked, thousends of artist are straight up fucked over because of the mods dumbass idea to slap the young tag on anything even remotely short.

notasexualdodo said:
Pretty sure e621 is owned by Dragonfruit, which by extension owns Bad Dragon. Probably a guilt by association thing that reflects poorly from a business standpoint.

But that cant be it because they said that the advertisers don't have a problem with any of it and those are advertisers...

to anybody whos trying to figure out what posts got deleted from their favorites, in the search bar put fav:(your username) status:deleted and you can look through and see what's been deleted from your favorites list

So anyone going to bum me a list of sites not doing this or have really finally hit the buffers and the last "Blue" (do not even know if I can say that any more) been culled?

But yeah this is depressing the US was fined massivley by the international court over it's like of ability to understand that it does not infact own the morality of the internet.

Not that my country the uk is anything other than complicit

As for the begging of the end...rember that bil that was vetoed...I am not an americain but I will bet vetoes can come with t and c and promises made to get it.

Also if my expriances typing "Petition to lower the age you can view porn to 16" and entering porn and teen into a search engine are anything to go by than yes things have already gone down hill the search engine result for porn teen now consisits not of porn sites but "How do I help my poor tenage son from is mental illnes of viewing the porn and how do I tell him the husband and wife with the smart phone is not real.

The petition one is now flooded the search engine with a single web page three pages of the engine now flooded with the fight against porn zombies nspcc campaign page protecting their interests.(Three pages is as far as most go before results start to break down.)

You have to talk to your local tatooist about the forbidden topic to find out if anyone agrees on that stance.

There is also a really depressing post on blue sky of the Amaerican policy being arrest porn artists because porn is a drug and they are dealers,destroy their bushiness,they are purveyors of child predators and their sites should be shuttered.

So yeah smelt this one allowed to campaign or even talk about.

And according to my father who is as up on this stuff as I am our countries america especially are watching everything you do and building a blackmail list after all if those far-right or far-left activist are revolting you can make their precious gun ownership pointless just rat them to their boss and their family and soon they will be to busy in prison or eating homeless beans to do nothing after selling the weapons to pay rent.

So yeah...depressing

And they wont tell you...secret service heavily intertwined do not like having the smoking gun traced back to them so no lippy skippy never point to your tyrant less people know who to blame.

notmenotyou said:

We've got a doozy this time.
Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site. As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

Thank you for your understanding, as this was not an easy decision for us to make.

Could you state a specific law change that was involved with this? I haven't heard of any recent laws here in the states that would require removing such content so if there is a new law somewhere here I'd like to know about it

notmenotyou said:
Guess what put pressure on some of our partners?

That's right, governments.

Guess who would like to continue doing business in places where those governments are?

That's right, our business partners.

Nah, all our ads are handled directly by us and as far as I am aware none of them had any issue with the contents we host.

Who are your business partners, and did they have problems with this type of content before the laws (whatever they are) came out?

dythul said:
I assume it would be the business that is hosting the server hardware (assuming the site owner isn't running the hardware locally out of their house) and the ISP that is running the internet connection to said server.
which make perfect sense to me why they would not want to be hosting/serving that kinda content.

Then strange they were ok with that all those years.

mklxiv said:
So it's nothing to do with any law changes, just "business partners" (translation: external pressure by private groups). Yup, thanks for confirming this site is no longer worthwhile.

looks like it's time to mass download what art there still is and jump ship, because this clearly isn't a stable archive any more.

musicw0lf said:
Artwork can have an idea. By your logic propaganda don't need to be banned. Not saying OP is right, just think you're argument is weak.

So by your logic, does any media depicting murder, rape, kidnapping, [insert immoral subject here] also need to be banned, or do we just draw the line at artwork? Billion-dollar industries like video game franchises, book series, movies, and other forms of entertainment are built of those "ideas". Your counter-argument is weak.

notmenotyou said:
It's wishy washy because it's the best we can offer. There is no single law we can point to as the tipping point, and while we were sitting pretty unaffected by most things, the same can't be said to a bunch of our business partners who did not appreciate the heat we attract.
And since we can't function in a vacuum we have had to adjust.

I've had a quick look through and restored anything caught by accident in your deletions that stuck out right away.
This entire thing had to happen much faster than we would have liked, so we went in with a shoot first ask questions later mentally.

Trust me, I would have preferred more of a heads up myself.

Will there be a dedicated spot or anything for disputed posts to be restored? I have a few also caught in the crossfire that don't feature a young human/oid but do have a young furry with a human in the picture

littleguy12 said:
to anybody whos trying to figure out what posts got deleted from their favorites, in the search bar put fav:(your username) status:deleted and you can look through and see what's been deleted from your favorites list

well, can confirm that young feral has been hit :)
Wether intentional or not, there is a considerably larger damage than just the intended.

waba said:
So by your logic, does any media depicting murder, rape, kidnapping, [insert immoral subject here] also need to be banned, or do we just draw the line at drawings? Billion-dollar industries like video game franchises, book series, and movies are built of those "ideas". Your counter-argument is weak.

If they are glorifying the act of killing, murdering, raping etc. Then, yes, absolutely.

musicw0lf said:
Then strange they were ok with that all those years.


Things change, they were okay with it previously and now they aren't. They want to continue making money and we're stuck with the consequences.
And no we can't just stop business with them, there's no way in hell we would be able to cover the gap that would cause, be it donations or otherwise.

pretty sure the site owners are drinking our whines like a fine wine knowing the flack they would get but they're probably getting paid to upset us and racking in the cash one way or another so no you deserve the hate you're gonna get and we will sing with praise when a new site replaces this one 🖕😈🖕

musicw0lf said:
If they are glorifying the act of killing, murdering, raping etc. Then, yes, absolutely.

Welp, pack it up guys, every WW2 movie is illegal now.

notmenotyou said:

Things change, they were okay with it previously and now they aren't. They want to continue making money and we're stuck with the consequences.
And no we can't just stop business with them, there's no way in hell we would be able to cover the gap that would cause, be it donations or otherwise.

Why not point out who it was so we know who to point fingers at?

arli said:
Will there be a dedicated spot or anything for disputed posts to be restored? I have a few also caught in the crossfire that don't feature a young human/oid but do have a young furry with a human in the picture

We're still looking into the best ways to handle it, and will most likely make another news post once we've found something that we think will work well.

notmenotyou said:

Things change, they were okay with it previously and now they aren't. They want to continue making money and we're stuck with the consequences.
And no we can't just stop business with them, there's no way in hell we would be able to cover the gap that would cause, be it donations or otherwise.

Ah so its the server hosts? Okay cool. Understandable. Not sure why you'd be so squirrely about that if thats the case.

musicw0lf said:
Artwork can have an idea. By your logic propaganda don't need to be banned. Not saying OP is right, just think you're argument is weak.

It's a complicated topic that doesn't have any one definitive answer, one that we definitely don't have enough time for in this thread. Personally? I think there are degrees of expression, plausible deniability, and death of the author at play when it comes to more taboo subjects like these. It's not as simple as black and white, it's more like a grid. An actual child predator making art with the intent of actually normalizing the real world criminal activity would indeed be qualified as propaganda, as far as I know. A random artist with no involvement in that area suddenly deciding to make loli porn, would not. It's why Tay Ferret's shit got nuked from the site years ago, because he's in favor of actually diddling kids. I could go into more detail as to what the grid would look like, but that's the basic jist of it.

votp said:
Welp, pack it up guys, every WW2 movie is illegal now.

Lol, pretty much. I'll never get puritans.

notmenotyou said:

Things change, they were okay with it previously and now they aren't. They want to continue making money and we're stuck with the consequences.
And no we can't just stop business with them, there's no way in hell we would be able to cover the gap that would cause, be it donations or otherwise.

This is pure speculation on my part, but is this possibly relevant to recent public knowledge and awareness about Project 2025? That would definitely cause some cold feet for server hosts and ISPs in America, especially with regard to a site with such a large portion of sexual content.

i understand feeling strongly about child porn, but making judgments about what can and cannot be said and done off of what we're comfortable with is how we get laws against being queer, discomfort with certain usage of speech can be a serious concern sometimes, but this is nearing state censorship

notmenotyou said:

We've got a doozy this time.
Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site. As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

Thank you for your understanding, as this was not an easy decision for us to make.


notasexualdodo said:
It's a complicated topic that doesn't have any one definitive answer, one that we definitely don't have enough time for in this thread. Personally? I think there are degrees of expression, plausible deniability, and death of the author at play when it comes to more taboo subjects like these. It's not as simple as black and white, it's more like a grid. An actual child predator making art with the intent of actually normalizing the real world criminal activity would indeed be qualified as propaganda, as far as I know. A random artist with no involvement in that area suddenly deciding to make loli porn, would not. It's why Tay Ferret's shit got nuked from the site years ago, because he's in favor of actually diddling kids. I could go into more detail as to what the grid would look like, but that's the basic jist of it.

Best reply to this subject I've seen.

musicw0lf said:
If they are glorifying the act of killing, murdering, raping etc. Then, yes, absolutely.

Then you have a narrow-minded and unrealistic view of how media is presented. Art itself is used as a way to express whatever the artist wants to express. Censorship is not the answer, and history repeatedly tells us that it only makes people defiant and more prone to doing things they're told not to.

If you wanna ban loli/shota content I get it, but at least do it with your chest. What is this ambiguous "you can only see a loli get railed if she got fur" bullshit? If it were actually a legal matter surely it'd be taken more seriously, and not just be some random purge of content containing vaguely human-"like" characters

musicw0lf said:
If they are glorifying the act of killing, murdering, raping etc. Then, yes, absolutely.

That includes:
Evrey war based movie, most western movies, a good deal of Si-Fi movies, etc

GTA(all of them), COD(all of them), Dead Space(all of them), litterly a good 87% of popular games, etc

Most Si-Fi/western/fantasy books, etc

need I continue to show how dumb that sentence was?

notmenotyou said:

Things change, they were okay with it previously and now they aren't. They want to continue making money and we're stuck with the consequences.
And no we can't just stop business with them, there's no way in hell we would be able to cover the gap that would cause, be it donations or otherwise.

So what's getting removed next?
Anything remotely young?
Anything protected by copyright?
Anything without explicit written consent?

I'm sorry their threats forced you to act, but now these threats work. Where will this end?

mklxiv said:
Why not point out who it was so we know who to point fingers at?

Giving an angry mob a specific target is something I'd call 'unprofessional' at best, especially so if it's a business partner you want to stay on the good side of.

Just again make a serious consideration of trying to move to a server outside america... one day they could just not allow furry content anymore and then e621 will just need to shut down completely lol.

Do you guys really want an almost yearly headache when the political climate make server hosts change rules for hosting porn?

douglas0828 said:
pretty sure the site owners are drinking our whines like a fine wine knowing the flack they would get but they're probably getting paid to upset us and racking in the cash one way or another so no you deserve the hate you're gonna get and we will sing with praise when a new site replaces this one 🖕😈🖕

I really wish people wouldn't immediately jump to the narrative of 'The owners are terrible people who just want to get paid while abusing their power and hating everyone who uses the site.' being only the reason for these kinds of changes

gmad said:
Giving an angry mob a specific target is something I'd call 'unprofessional' at best, especially so if it's a business partner you want to stay on the good side of.

Yeah, if there's anything you'd avoid doing in a situation like this, is disclosing any actual people responsible for bringing about this change, because that's just gonna result in a torrent of death threats, harassment, and possibly worse from a few unhinged individuals. Though why they refused to initially disclose that they were doing this because of server hosts, especially given I'm pretty sure what company hosts e621 is not publicly available information and as such wouldn't be risky to specify that it was that that was the issue, I have no idea. I imagine this News announcement was rushed, given the extensive editing in post.

notknow said:
Just again make a serious consideration of trying to move to a server outside america... one day they could just not allow furry content anymore and then e621 will just need to shut down completely lol.

Do you guys really want an almost yearly headache when the political climate make server hosts change rules for hosting porn?

they could always go mobile and give the finger to everyone but the server owners still want to make money I assume

gmad said:
Giving an angry mob a specific target is something I'd call 'unprofessional' at best, especially so if it's a business partner you want to stay on the good side of.

I feel like that's always the case in things like this where a host/service has the transparency of a brick wall (which is not what we're getting to be clear).
The decision isn't on the staff here. The business partner has them by the nuts and if they don't do as they say, they grip.