Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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rainbow_dash said:
Just to clear this up, since it's come up a lot.

The server location is not the biggest factor. Although yes, the server is located in the US, this change would have happened regardless of where we were hosted. As Nim said, there were many other factors at play here.

while i believe that the overwhelming majority of people here are grossily overeacting and being unfair, i can only ask, which other factors are at play here besides advertisers and bussiness partners starting to get worried about the enforcing of certain laws in the soil of the united states

gremlinfella said:
I mean, if there's one vague "upside" to all of this, it's that people who like furrification and aging up characters are going to be eating like kings, what with artists who want their art to be able to be posted here now having to change their drawings to incorporate cub aesthetics/aging up to accommodate the new rules.

No way, people won't change the way they draw just to be allowed to post on the site, they'll move somewhere else, there are plenty of alternatives.

Yeah this is pretty absurd. I know it wasn't an easy decision for you guys to make, but the lack of a heads up is pretty rough lol. Especially with cub stuff being unaffected for some reason. It's basically the same as loli/shota in terms of morality

nihet said:
No way, people won't change the way they draw just to be allowed to post on the site, they'll move somewhere else, there are plenty of alternatives.

What alternatives? Please tell me. This is the last art hosting site I've got. If I lose e6, I won't be able to post anywhere.

notmenotyou said:
[...] and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

I'm still seeing a ton of posts where this ban would apply, such as ones with Lilo from L&S.
Is there some discrepancy with certain characters or are those just to-be-done?

Good to see administration taking a stand against all the horrific crimes committed annually worldwide against real individuals like goblins, vampires, draenei, kirlias, Midna specifically, and others suchlike. God forbid we even consider the existence of a humanoid with less than ZZ cup tits.

Really, though, what law? What legal codes, what business partners? Unless it's your server host or something, can't you be a little more specific?

dirtyderg said:
I'm still seeing a ton of posts where this ban would apply, such as ones with Lilo from L&S.
Is there some discrepancy with certain characters or are those just to-be-done?

no but dont you see? because she has animal features its ok!!1! /s

lendrimujina said:
What alternatives? Please tell me. This is the last art hosting site I've got. If I lose e6, I won't be able to post anywhere.

Pixiv is my personal hub.
They currently allow everything, but once in a while they'll auto-mark your stuff as private because it wasn't censored. Use the re-upload link they provide to make absolutely zero changes, un-private it, and you'll be good to go.

toradrow777 said:
There's the booru on All The Fallen. They specialize in this sort of content.

Man, I know they exist all over, but I can't comfortably go to that site after knowing that actual, real... "creeps" go there.

porkato said:
If favorited posts get deleted, do they also get unfavorited?

Nope, they still take up space in your favorites.
Add delreason:*purge* to your favorites search to see everything you've lost from this purge
You can find even more deleted favorites with status:deleted

Just checked my own favorites. Plenty of stuff that isn't even human-ADJACENT has been caught up as well.

nihet said:
No way, people won't change the way they draw just to be allowed to post on the site, they'll move somewhere else, there are plenty of alternatives.

The chances are incredibly slim, but not zero. Someone's eventually gonna feel obligated to pretty much change their entire niche and abandon what they previously liked to draw when it repeatedly gets stigmatised to hell and back with an ever decreasing pool of places to post it to.
That's also not mentioning false positives causing extra amounts of uproar among people who aren't even into loli/shota content getting caught in the crossfire and feeling as though they'll just get lumped in with the rest simply because they may like short characters, size difference or on-model Pokemon/Digimon/Pals that aren't the more popular and "safe" options.

The age of the lolicon is over.

It is now Open Season on us and we are to be hunted like big game.

lendrimujina said:
What alternatives? Please tell me. This is the last art hosting site I've got. If I lose e6, I won't be able to post anywhere.

On top of my head - inkbunny for all your cub/furry needs, baraag for that + loli + everything else. If you meant booru type sites, there are like a trillion of them, but I think gelbooru is the one that accomodates everything.

I wish I had warning to back up my favorites before they were forever deleted

lendrimujina said:
Just checked my own favorites. Plenty of stuff that isn't even human-ADJACENT has been caught up as well.

same here, this sucks majorly. i thought this site was an archive, but if an archive starts deleting what it was supposed to hold it stops functioning as one. if they really want to go through with this then they've got some rebranding to do, they're definitely not a furry art archive anymore.

lendrimujina said:
Just checked my own favorites. Plenty of stuff that isn't even human-ADJACENT has been caught up as well.

I'm noticing quite a few aged up posts getting caught in the net as well. Seems like this was a slapdash response to some undisclosed ultimatum. I can't fathom implementing such a draconian change without prior notice otherwise.

the_number_m said:
same here, this sucks majorly. i thought this site was an archive, but if an archive starts deleting what it was supposed to hold it stops functioning as one. if they really want to go through with this then they've got some rebranding to do, they're definitely not a furry art archive anymore.

not an archive maybe, but they literaly started deleting the non-furry artwork, so it is still an furry art site

the_number_m said:
same here, this sucks majorly. i thought this site was an archive, but if an archive starts deleting what it was supposed to hold it stops functioning as one. if they really want to go through with this then they've got some rebranding to do, they're definitely not a furry art archive anymore.

Exactly, not much point checking an "archive" for something when it has shown a historical precedent of purges.

Oh boy, as if enough art hasn't already been purged from this site in the last few years already. The free internet is dead.

musicw0lf said:
Artwork can have an idea. By your logic propaganda don't need to be banned. Not saying OP is right, just think you're argument is weak.

Why should propaganda be banned? Even the worst, scummiest shit like Pro-Eugenics films should be archived to display the ideology of the past and the mistakes that led to some of the most disgusting laws ever made. Or should we burn it just because its disgusting?

dba_afish said:
only 4 of those are from the purge; use delreason:*purge* not status:deleted.

Appreciate it. Surprisingly, looking at unavailable_at_source delreason:*purge* only 133 posts are permanently lost because of this. I imagine the ones most at risk aside from these are Japanese (since I've known a few who will purge their entire portfolio) and other foreign artists who won't be reposting on the English speaking web.

Anyone who's prerogative it is to archive these works, I would recommend prioritizing inactive and foreign artist's posts, as well as links on high-risk link decay websites like twitter.

If the main issue is advertizers gettin sketched give us an option to sub and we can just ditch them, on this site enough as is i'll drop 5 bucks a month.

istricur said:
Man, fuck these politics. It's tiresome and utterly shitty.

true, worst part about it, is nobody saying anything or complaining will change jack shit, the staff here does not care about the community, they care about the bottom dollar. zero integrity. Best to start looking for alternative sites now, because even if you dont care about the loli shit removed now (like me), you can be damn sure it aint stopping here. Tbh im suprised the staff havnt already started handing out bans for people calling em out.

remnantlife1161 said:
true, worst part about it, is nobody saying anything or complaining will change jack shit, the staff here does not care about the community, they care about the bottom dollar. zero integrity. Best to start looking for alternative sites now, because even if you dont care about the loli shit removed now (like me), you can be damn sure it aint stopping here. Tbh im suprised the staff havnt already started handing out bans for people calling em out.

for the most part the staff here don't even make money, my dude.

musicw0lf said:
If they are glorifying the act of killing, murdering, raping etc. Then, yes, absolutely.

So you want to ban most action movies since 2001, lmao

Welp, looks like things aren't going to look good for loli/shota/cub posters on this site right now because of this. It's so sudden...

kodaskii said:
So you want to ban most action movies since 2001, lmao

Thus the hypocrisy - also the fetishisation of violence goes back a lot further than 2001.

dachimotsu said:
Pixiv is my personal hub.
They currently allow everything, but once in a while they'll auto-mark your stuff as private because it wasn't censored. Use the re-upload link they provide to make absolutely zero changes, un-private it, and you'll be good to go.

You have better luck then I have, they've thrown fits over me not making a censor bar (which is a stupid thing to begin with, "wowee good thing .5 inches of that cartoon dog woman pussy was censored or somebody could've got hurt") big enough

anormaluser said:
going through the delreason:*purge* tag on a few furry/anthro characters i like, the amount of straight up non-human art getting caught up in this shit is staggering, i hope whoever is responsible is ashamed of how horrendously they handled this, so much old art pretty much lost forever now because the source links are broken as well, amazing

Presumably it's still up on 'that mirror' of e6.

This has straight up been one of the sloppiest handlings of some kind of purge I have ever seen. A ridiculous amount of content that doesn't even involve any kind of young humanoid is removed. Completely embarassing.

I've always been down to ditch this site for greener pastures because of the weird tag rulings, but after this I'd settle for a dirt field.

censorship is always a slippery slope. won't be surprised if we end up losing cub or feral next. who knows, why not throw gore and rape out as well? this is so incredibly ridiculous and won't fix any larger issue at hand.

Doesn't feel truthful, as your other websites (f-list, etc) all are quite happy to have said art hosted there, as well as the roleplay?

wastepaw said:
censorship is always a slippery slope. won't be surprised if we end up losing cub or feral next. who knows, why not throw gore and rape out as well? this is so incredibly ridiculous and won't fix any larger issue at hand.

Why not just ban furries too? They are worrying correlated with zoophilia after all

furmillionaire said:
Why not just ban furries too? They are worrying correlated with zoophilia after all

if you aren't uploading corporate art assets of anthropomorphic animals but edited to have burkas covering their shameful faces it's EVIL and MUST BE REMOVED

Wow I am surprised at how incredibly insulted I am.
No warning, no explanation, no nothing
Almost all gorarati gone, now i can't read the fucking keiko and Jin, some dagasi art, some artists got completely removed, etc with all my heart I hope this gets reverted and we can use our freedom again

so the mods are deleting posts talking about them being antis now, which means its true. hope yall are prepared for cub and feral to be next!

danico210 said:
Wow I am surprised at how incredibly insulted I am.
No warning, no explanation, no nothing
Almost all gorarati gone, now i can't read the fucking keiko and Jin, some dagasi art, some artists got completely removed, etc with all my heart I hope this gets reverted and we can use our freedom again

^ this

warioanon said:
You have better luck then I have, they've thrown fits over me not making a censor bar (which is a stupid thing to begin with, "wowee good thing .5 inches of that cartoon dog woman pussy was censored or somebody could've got hurt") big enough

I mean, if you don't want to deal with japanese porn censorship laws, just like, don't use a japanese website to host porn.

supersecretunknown said:
so the mods are deleting posts talking about them being antis now, which means its true. hope yall are prepared for cub and feral to be next!

Funny that they're ok with this site being funded by realistic animal dildos though.

notmenotyou said:
the same can't be said to a bunch of our business partners who did not appreciate the heat we attract.

Leading with this probably would have been better and more truthful instead of insinuating it was a legal issue at the start. Also all the more reason you could have, I don't know, given a heads up so things can be archived instead of arbitrarily starting a deletion process on the basis of uh.. cough greed.

maybe if 99% of all posts here were not pure vitriol, the mods would not keep deleting comments

eranormus said:
maybe if 99% of all posts here were not pure vitriol, the mods would not keep deleting comments

What do they expect, applause?

dba_afish said:
I mean, if you don't want to deal with japanese porn censorship laws, just like, don't use a japanese website to host porn.

And go where? Every other website is just as strict these days, I mean look at the topic we're in right now. E621 was supposed to be one of the "safe" ones.

I don't know if it was already stated before, but who do I contact about the images in my favorites that got caught in the crossfire? They weren't human or young adjacent, thanks in advance and appreciate you taking the time to read this.

musicw0lf said:
Why everybody got me wrong? Did I really messed up that sentence that much? I mean, in most FPS you have a mission, you defend yourself, or your enemies are really bad people. All this gives you context.
I was talking about pure act of killing, no intention, no context, just straight up death. I have a problem with THIS being glorified. Can you see it in a media/games? Very, very rarely. Sometimes people are even displeasured by this, because killing by itself isn't fun or entertaining in any way.

The only example of what I mean I can get is irl gore videos, which are fucked up and should be purged. This is glorification of killing, when you kill without purpose and make fun of it.

Others gave example of war films, but I don't get where there's a glorification of violence. War films that I saw are all sad or depressing, showing death as killing as something that should never repeat again.

Is this opinion naive? Probably yes. Stupid? Probably? Do I believe in this? Yes.
That's why I'm sitting on a porn site saying this, and not actually making a difference.

So you think Andy & Leyley should be banned? How about the Punisher? Should we ban that 70s film with the fascist libertines raping teenagers and eating their corpses? Where do you draw the line and why do you rely on "if its 'justified' then its fine! :)" as the defining feature? Who determines what acts are just or unjust? Because that sounds like a highly corruptable belief system.

xing1870 said:
Appreciate it. Surprisingly, looking at unavailable_at_source delreason:*purge* only 133 posts are permanently lost because of this. I imagine the ones most at risk aside from these are Japanese (since I've known a few who will purge their entire portfolio) and other foreign artists who won't be reposting on the English speaking web.

Anyone who's prerogative it is to archive these works, I would recommend prioritizing inactive and foreign artist's posts, as well as links on high-risk link decay websites like twitter.

Ah, unfortunately going through source:none delreason:*purge* gives a number of 4,802 posts. So at least ~5k posts are completely dead without an e6 backup.

It's funny. When Sofurry announced their cub ban, there was cheering and moralizing in the comments there too. Years later, the site is now a pale shadow of what it used to be as everyone who saw the way things were going pulled up stakes and left. Pretty sure even the anti cub people are gone now.
When e621 decided to ban commercial works, we didn't just lose things that were only posted here. I think a lot of translators also left as their work was thrown away.