Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

supermarcopolo said:
1466A. you need to abolish the obscenity law or least this part as this is the main source of all your woes. it what every angry conservative or trolls clings to when going on these crusades.


kodaskii said:
Antis don't have power. They're a bunch of teenagers who act annoying, but they're not the ones in office banning HRT for people or banning trans people from existing in public.

Woke people are hard into censorship.
Like, dude, they have a problem with attractive women in videogames ffs

good! now finish the job and take down all the anthro and feral cub porn

it should never have been allowed to be hosted in the first place

notmenotyou said:
You're free to try and run a project of our size from your basement or with a data center, and see what happens to your finances and lawyer fees once you hit our size and notoriety. This hasn't been a project able to be run without any external scrutiny for over a decade, but particularly so in the last 3 or 4 years.
Our business partners aren't some faceless megacorps trying to figure out how to squeeze another 0.1% profit margin out of their portfolio, but small local ones that get the same shit served on a platter that we do. And unsurprisingly when their livelihoods are threatened they aren't going to be able to just handwave it away, they got their own employees and families to think about.

Do you run sites and servers in the adult industry? Because we do. So do our partners, so do a whole bunch of our colleagues in the broader adult toys and porn industry, so do our friends in porn creations. The vibes have deteriorated quite a bit across the entire industry across the globe, and the impact is pretty far reaching behind the scenes due to the uncertainty this causes.
We don't have any problem hosting problematic content from an ideological standpoint, fantasy is fantasy and I've repeated that ad nauseam in public and private every time the topic came up that we should get rid of either feral, cub, lolishota, rape, murder, necrophilia, and so forth. I have a literal template saved because how often I get to repeat myself to people that apparently think cub porn is equivalent to genuine CSAM but refuse to turn themselves in as murderers for having 1000+ hours logged in GTAV.

However, when the people we depend on for our existence actually have their livelihoods threatened we are forced to react. And that point was reached earlier this week.

Do you know what people in the industry feel when basically every other month a new bi-partisan bill somewhere gets made that aims to make things harder in the industry? And even if it's eventually repealed they all vow to continue bringing it back with minor adjustments until it sticks?
Do you know what's going to happen to a company that gets legally binding content removal requests for months, and has to fear that noncompliance means they lose access to an entire market segment, and then their customers can't sell their products there anymore and will likely jump ship as well?

It is really easy to throw shade when you're unaffected by what's happening and have no idea what's been going on when it's not featured front and center in the news somewhere.

And no, we will not be naming our partners for the sole reason that they don't deserve any heat, they're getting it raw the same way we do, and the same way more places will in the future.

And last but not least, while this decision may have been rash, it does also allow us to protect things in the long run. As long as we aren't forced to purge the files from the server they will continue to stay there indefinitely with the hope that we can make them public again eventually. We already had to irreversibly purge too many as is, and this will at least protect the rest from that, even if we can't share them at the moment.

If you want to prevent shit like this from happening in the future, vote, yell at your representatives, get involved directly. More and more of this shit is getting flung at the adult industry at large from both sides of the aisle, in basically every western nation. The UK and EU want to make encryption illegal, in the US Dems and Reps respectively want to either make porn only accessible ID and SSN or make it illegal entirely, payment processors get more aggressive all the time for everything adult, the UK even has been whining at us for months about some new fucking brainfart they're dreaming up to PrOtEcT tHe ChIlDrEn.

Give us particulars then. Dedicate a piece of the site for template letters for us to send to representatives in our respective countries. Give us the tools to shout at our shitty politicians in an organized way.

veruke_assault said:
WAY PAST "18+" and I've been in the Furry Fandom longer than you have been....

Actually, I don't even think you're a furry, I think you're a 4chan troll who decided to try LARP-ing....

Go back to Encyclopedia Dramatica, oops... I forgot, that's dead and not even a thing anymore....

Guess ED should've paid their server bill, huh....


Also wondering why this user was perm banned for being 'under 18' when this comment proves otherwise?

dafuq? i'm american, lawmakers these days are going after any porn as a whole. banning just the stuff you think is gross isn't gonna save you when the old farts in congress don't want you looking at boobs online no matter how old the person they're attached to is. i'm not gonna go on some angry tirade but saying it's for "political and legal" reasons is a shitty excuse considering a lot of the people in power right now consider all of the content hosted here to be degenerate and worthy of banning, not just lolis. i'm just saying :/

edit: also jfc there's so much shit in my faves that's deleted now bc it was mistagged as humanoid or featured an adult human interacting with a young anthro or featured a fully dressed human child somewhere in the background or FFS E621 JENNY WAKEMAN IS NOT A LOLI. this is just sloppy.


rocketsphynx said:
lolicon meets the federal criteria for child pornography.

In order for fictional images to be considered cp, it must be indistinguishable from an actual minor or be adapted from an actual identifiable real human minor.

Additionally, portions of the protect act were deemed unconstitutional.
Obscenity laws require the pieces to not have any artistic value, but by being drawings, they by their nature have artistic value as they can be criticized and studied on artistic merit.

artlover12 said:
ouch you guys have it rough and i didnt know e621 was that huge!

That's why you hate the government and say FUCK YOU to both sides

rocketsphynx said:
Apparently not.
Here's a quote.

"The answer is no. As a result of the PROTECT Act of 2003, lolicon meets the federal criteria for child pornography. If you are caught in possession of lolicon or shotacon, you could face federal criminal charges and significant prison time if convicted.

Possessing loli is illegal under federal law if the anime depiction of an underage person is obscene and it was transmitted through the mail, internet, common carrier, or transported across state lines, or there is proof there was intent to distribute or sell it.

Notably, simple possession of loli is not illegal under federal laws unless you possess a large amount of it, which prosecutors could allege you have the intent to sell or distribute. Unless you created the loli images yourself, federal prosecutors would not have difficulty proving that you received the loli over the internet or through the mail."

the solution was alway to discard federal level of opinion and let the states decide and when they dont want, use the amendments.

notmenotyou said:
You're free to try and run a project of our size from your basement or with a data center, and see what happens to your finances and lawyer fees once you hit our size and notoriety. This hasn't been a project able to be run without any external scrutiny for over a decade, but particularly so in the last 3 or 4 years.
Our business partners aren't some faceless megacorps trying to figure out how to squeeze another 0.1% profit margin out of their portfolio, but small local ones that get the same shit served on a platter that we do. And unsurprisingly when their livelihoods are threatened they aren't going to be able to just handwave it away, they got their own employees and families to think about.

Do you run sites and servers in the adult industry? Because we do. So do our partners, so do a whole bunch of our colleagues in the broader adult toys and porn industry, so do our friends in porn creations. The vibes have deteriorated quite a bit across the entire industry across the globe, and the impact is pretty far reaching behind the scenes due to the uncertainty this causes.
We don't have any problem hosting problematic content from an ideological standpoint, fantasy is fantasy and I've repeated that ad nauseam in public and private every time the topic came up that we should get rid of either feral, cub, lolishota, rape, murder, necrophilia, and so forth. I have a literal template saved because how often I get to repeat myself to people that apparently think cub porn is equivalent to genuine CSAM but refuse to turn themselves in as murderers for having 1000+ hours logged in GTAV.

However, when the people we depend on for our existence actually have their livelihoods threatened we are forced to react. And that point was reached earlier this week.

Do you know what people in the industry feel when basically every other month a new bi-partisan bill somewhere gets made that aims to make things harder in the industry? And even if it's eventually repealed they all vow to continue bringing it back with minor adjustments until it sticks?
Do you know what's going to happen to a company that gets legally binding content removal requests for months, and has to fear that noncompliance means they lose access to an entire market segment, and then their customers can't sell their products there anymore and will likely jump ship as well?

It is really easy to throw shade when you're unaffected by what's happening and have no idea what's been going on when it's not featured front and center in the news somewhere.

And no, we will not be naming our partners for the sole reason that they don't deserve any heat, they're getting it raw the same way we do, and the same way more places will in the future.

And last but not least, while this decision may have been rash, it does also allow us to protect things in the long run. As long as we aren't forced to purge the files from the server they will continue to stay there indefinitely with the hope that we can make them public again eventually. We already had to irreversibly purge too many as is, and this will at least protect the rest from that, even if we can't share them at the moment.

If you want to prevent shit like this from happening in the future, vote, yell at your representatives, get involved directly. More and more of this shit is getting flung at the adult industry at large from both sides of the aisle, in basically every western nation. The UK and EU want to make encryption illegal, in the US Dems and Reps respectively want to either make porn only accessible ID and SSN or make it illegal entirely, payment processors get more aggressive all the time for everything adult, the UK even has been whining at us for months about some new fucking brainfart they're dreaming up to PrOtEcT tHe ChIlDrEn.

That's real cute as an excuse, but not only has the law NOT CHANGED YET, but you have given nobody any reason at all to trust that you'll "totally bring it all back later." People acting in good faith don't drop mass-deletions on people's heads based on paranoia, they tell the truth and give people time to prepare.

meowpurryiff said:
In order for fictional images to be considered cp, it must be indistinguishable from an actual minor or be adapted from an actual identifiable real human minor.

Additionally, portions of the protect act were deemed unconstitutional.
Obscenity laws require the pieces to not have any artistic value, but by being drawings, they by their nature have artistic value as they can be criticized and studied on artistic merit.

Argument is moot considering it's happening.
I even gave you a link.
So, now it's just denial.

And it's still in effect.

vaelophis_nyx said:
good! now finish the job and take down all the anthro and feral cub porn

it should never have been allowed to be hosted in the first place

You have a problem with feral cub but not feral in general? Very odd morals there

I guess my last word isn't my last word. I knew it wouldn't be. I just care too much, dammit! ^_^

notmenotyou said:
Do you run sites and servers in the adult industry?

Yes I do, as a matter of fact. And the people I work with have been trying to show others for the better part of a decade that this stuff was coming and there was a better way to do things than bending over for the pearl clutchers. But you and the rest of the people that continue to cling to sinking ships like Patreon and Gumroad haven't been listening.

notmenotyou said:
It is really easy to throw shade when you're unaffected by what's happening and have no idea what's been going on when it's not featured front and center in the news somewhere.

And that's why I'm throwing shade. Because I am affected by what's going on and I know that you are not handling this the best way you could.

notmenotyou said:And no, we will not be naming our partners for the sole reason that they don't deserve any heat, they're getting it raw the same way we do, and the same way more places will in the future.

No need to name your partners. Just tell them if they can't take the heat they can get lost. They need you more than you need them and someday you'll see that.

notmenotyou said:
If you want to prevent shit like this from happening in the future, vote, yell at your representatives, get involved directly. More and more of this shit is getting flung at the adult industry at large from both sides of the aisle, in basically every western nation. The UK and EU want to make encryption illegal, in the US Dems and Reps respectively want to either make porn only accessible ID and SSN or make it illegal entirely, payment processors get more aggressive all the time for everything adult, the UK even has been whining at us for months about some new fucking brainfart they're dreaming up to PrOtEcT tHe ChIlDrEn.

So now we get to the really real reason you're doing this. This is an art archive site. Please don't screw with it because you want it to be your soapbox for political activism. Most of us come here to get away from that for however long it takes for us to climax before returning back into the cesspit of real life.

masalano9 said:
the solution was alway to discard federal level of control and let the states decide and when they dont want, use the amendments.


States Rights

razupaltufff said:
Okay, from a preservationist point of view, what would be the best strategy to mitigate (further) loss of artworks?
Typing around on here doesn't bring back anything.
- how do we (users) get a complete list of auto-purged posts?
- how can we reliably get the (now hidden) pics to verify the in/correctness of the purge
- should we fight for un-deletions or focus on moving over somewhere else
- where should the new home for those pics be, where can we relocate them to

This situation proves that this site's administration is unable to give proper notice and thus should not be trusted to be the singular online source for any given artwork.
Diversification is needed promptly.

No centralized archive is immune to the type of pressure that was likely at issue here. E621 has additional vulnerabilities because it is essentially directly funded by an actual operating company selling actual physical products, but even some theoretical alternate-reality E621 that got it's funding from magical leprechauns would face the same issues. Maybe your favorite other site hasn't been targeted this way. Yet. If so, I bet it's smaller, lower profile. Inflate it to the size of E621 and see how long it takes for that to change.

Payment processors are not beholden to the legal definitions of CSAM. Nor are financial services providers (ie banks). Nor are hosting services or colocation or any of the various technical support functions. Hell, there have even been pressure campaigns placed on domain registrars to eliminate "problematic" sites. This isn't a US-only problem, and it isn't exclusively a left/right political issue (although what gets targeted and how does have some left/right variance). If you've got physical products involved, add in your suppliers, your distributors, your logistics solution, and a dozen more things I'm not thinking off offhand.

Are there workarounds for some of this? Yes, clearly. But every time you have to step down from the AAA tier of services into the murk, your costs go up, your risks go up, and your reliability goes down. And that doesn't make the crusades stop. Distributed networks are somewhat resilient to this (baraag and its ilk) but by their nature will not be a comprehensive, searchable, tagged archive.

You don't have to like it. There are a lot of things happening to the internet, writ large, that you SHOULDN'T like. Blaming their targets, like this site, is not going to magically make it stop.

rocketsphynx said:
Apparently not.
Here's a quote.

"The answer is no. As a result of the PROTECT Act of 2003, lolicon meets the federal criteria for child pornography. If you are caught in possession of lolicon or shotacon, you could face federal criminal charges and significant prison time if convicted.

Possessing loli is illegal under federal law if the anime depiction of an underage person is obscene and it was transmitted through the mail, internet, common carrier, or transported across state lines, or there is proof there was intent to distribute or sell it.

Notably, simple possession of loli is not illegal under federal laws unless you possess a large amount of it, which prosecutors could allege you have the intent to sell or distribute. Unless you created the loli images yourself, federal prosecutors would not have difficulty proving that you received the loli over the internet or through the mail."

Who are you quoting? What specific parts of the law ban this? And to keep this on topic, why would a 21 year-old law magically come back to fuck over the site? Let alone with such rapidity that not even a 24hr notice could be issued?

typeofscorpion said:
That's real cute as an excuse, but not only has the law NOT CHANGED YET, but you have given nobody any reason at all to trust that you'll "totally bring it all back later." People acting in good faith don't drop mass-deletions on people's heads based on paranoia, they tell the truth and give people time to prepare.

paranoia is literally the number one reason for people to do things without explanation or previous warning

ijustlikefurrywomen said:
Just a heads up but they seem to be removing images manually that they don't seem to be in line with the new guidelines uploads
That dagasi picture was deleted 7 hours ago as opposed as the main purge that happened 17 hours ago.

source links on this one are dead too. RIPAROONI

introperverted said:
Well, looks like the niche of an “anything goes”-furry archive is now pretty much unoccupied.
Would be nice to see someone take on that mantle. I’m now afraid of uploading anything feral or otherwise “controversial” here if it’s just gonna get deleted at some point in the future anyway.
How am I supposed to trust the site now? It has proven that it's not capable of fulfilling what it advertised. Might as well download all the things I deem “critically endangered” from here as precautionary measure before it can enter the void.

Yep. Can't wait until they decide that feral content isn't allowed and 90% of my shit gets nuked without warning.

Well... at least you still have your money and that's all that matters right?.....right?

rocketsphynx said:
Woke people are hard into censorship.
Like, dude, they have a problem with attractive women in videogames ffs

Literally everyone is, and the early 10's have been over for a decade now. Move on! <3

rocketsphynx said:
Argument is moot considering it's happening.
I even gave you a link.
So, now it's just denial.

And it's still in effect.

I gave you a link to the law defining cp which specifically does not refer to fictional content that isn't indistinguishable from an actual minor.
The Protect Act uses the miller test which says that if the piece has artistic merit it cannot be considered obscene. All drawings have artistic merit.

Do Princess ruto and wilykit really count as humanoids? They have more than a few animal characteristics. Ruto has fins, webbed hands and feet, and a shark head. Wilykit has a tail, fur covering her body, no ears, slotted pupils, clawed toes and fingers...

omniscient said:
Problem is, your other owned websites are not using this rule you're enforcing only on this website, so it doesn't feel honest.

e6 is literally the largest furry-centric website in terms of traffic, larger than FA, well larger than any other Dragon Fruit venture. it makes sense that the heat gets aimed here primarily.

I've seen how badly this has affected artists and I gotta say it's not keen. Boo to this, especially since the cub tag remains unchanged.

aomikan said:
I guess my last word isn't my last word. I knew it wouldn't be. I just care too much, dammit! ^_^
Yes I do, as a matter of fact. And the people I work with have been trying to show others for the better part of a decade that this stuff was coming and there was a better way to do things than bending over for the pearl clutchers. But you and the rest of the people that continue to cling to sinking ships like Patreon and Gumroad haven't been listening.
And that's why I'm throwing shade. Because I am affected by what's going on and I know that you are not handling this the best way you could.
No need to name your partners. Just tell them if they can't take the heat they can get lost. They need you more than you need them and someday you'll see that.
So now we get to the really real reason you're doing this. This is an art archive site. Please don't screw with it because you want it to be your soapbox for political activism. Most of us come here to get away from that for however long it takes for us to climax before returning back into the cesspit of real life.

calling someone asking you to engage in local politics to save art "soap box for political activism" really just negates the entire rest of your rant. It's easy to make a big claim like "i'm standing up to the puritans!" when all you're doing is not removing porn from your website instead of actually trying to advocate for real change that will protect art. You're not actually doing anything but pretend that that in itself is an act of brave defiance. It's not. You are not brave because there are no stakes in what you do, and you are not changing the core issue. You're just being spiteful. Here's a secret: if you're able to escape politics by going online that means you never had anything real to escape in the first place. Meanwhile the rest of us are trying to actually stop the people you're complaining about.


manyura said:
source links on this one are dead too. RIPAROONI

Made in Abbys character main one isnt really human expect the other one but yeah.

kodaskii said:
Who are you quoting? What specific parts of the law ban this? And to keep this on topic, why would a 21 year-old law magically come back to fuck over the site? Let alone with such rapidity that not even a 24hr notice could be issued?

probably some clown that are guilty of something in reality are trying to deflect their responsibility by banning fictional stuff, LIKE always. the totality of the politics class is corrupt and a enemy.

Updated by Donovan DMC

calamity2000 said:
Give us particulars then. Dedicate a piece of the site for template letters for us to send to representatives in our respective countries. Give us the tools to shout at our shitty politicians in an organized way.

This would honestly be more helpful than just going "enforcement of existing laws that were previously unenforced is ramping up and *now* it's a problem." Help us fight it, the same way that Pornhub asks people in porn-blocked states to help fight it. Even better if you have a template and resources to make it easier to fight.

Or, hell, you could keep things up but have a donation drive for possible legal fees, or donate it to anti-censorship groups if nothing comes of it. We can't win this if nobody goes to bat, and a centralized platform like e6 has the advantage of having millions of eyeballs on it. The site and other businesses connected to it wouldn't be alone in driving change. But if it's the heads behind it all saying "we don't want to risk it at all" I get it, but it is still severing and isolating artists who otherwise contribute greatly to our communities, and I plea to them to reconsider.

i can literally buy uncensored lolicon and shotacon hentai legally on Fakku, the largest and most popular American hentai seller, right now

Hm not sure how i can unhidden my own post
but i will say i dont remember any specif law nor politics that changed it, unless its their host which it would explain why the sudden purge.
dont care much of loli/sho content however i am worried as i said that they will go after the stuff.

I remember what happened to other sites when they tried to impose such similar policy or rule.

It didn't go very well
To be fair to E621 i know running sites like this one isn't easy.



nala333 said:
Do Princess ruto and wilykit really count as humanoids? They have more than a few animal characteristics. Ruto has fins, webbed hands and feet, and a shark head. Wilykit has a tail, fur covering her body, no ears, slotted pupils, clawed toes and fingers...

I've never counted Princess Ruto (or Prince Sidon and other Zora) to be humanoid, and tag them anthro. Humanoid generally refers to human characters with minor deviations, like a tail or ears or tusks, whereas Zora generally are most fish-like with things like webbed digits, animals heads, and various fins around their body.

Now I'm probably biased but I don't mind them getting rid of young human art, the fact they did it with out warning, and them doing it because of the government, even for pleases outside the US is odd. I just don't trust the government to do anything properly.

notmenotyou said:
You're free to try and run a project of our size from your basement or with a data center, and see what happens to your finances and lawyer fees once you hit our size and notoriety. This hasn't been a project able to be run without any external scrutiny for over a decade, but particularly so in the last 3 or 4 years.
Our business partners aren't some faceless megacorps trying to figure out how to squeeze another 0.1% profit margin out of their portfolio, but small local ones that get the same shit served on a platter that we do. And unsurprisingly when their livelihoods are threatened they aren't going to be able to just handwave it away, they got their own employees and families to think about.

Do you run sites and servers in the adult industry? Because we do. So do our partners, so do a whole bunch of our colleagues in the broader adult toys and porn industry, so do our friends in porn creations. The vibes have deteriorated quite a bit across the entire industry across the globe, and the impact is pretty far reaching behind the scenes due to the uncertainty this causes.
We don't have any problem hosting problematic content from an ideological standpoint, fantasy is fantasy and I've repeated that ad nauseam in public and private every time the topic came up that we should get rid of either feral, cub, lolishota, rape, murder, necrophilia, and so forth. I have a literal template saved because how often I get to repeat myself to people that apparently think cub porn is equivalent to genuine CSAM but refuse to turn themselves in as murderers for having 1000+ hours logged in GTAV.

However, when the people we depend on for our existence actually have their livelihoods threatened we are forced to react. And that point was reached earlier this week.

Do you know what people in the industry feel when basically every other month a new bi-partisan bill somewhere gets made that aims to make things harder in the industry? And even if it's eventually repealed they all vow to continue bringing it back with minor adjustments until it sticks?
Do you know what's going to happen to a company that gets legally binding content removal requests for months, and has to fear that noncompliance means they lose access to an entire market segment, and then their customers can't sell their products there anymore and will likely jump ship as well?

It is really easy to throw shade when you're unaffected by what's happening and have no idea what's been going on when it's not featured front and center in the news somewhere.

And no, we will not be naming our partners for the sole reason that they don't deserve any heat, they're getting it raw the same way we do, and the same way more places will in the future.

And last but not least, while this decision may have been rash, it does also allow us to protect things in the long run. As long as we aren't forced to purge the files from the server they will continue to stay there indefinitely with the hope that we can make them public again eventually. We already had to irreversibly purge too many as is, and this will at least protect the rest from that, even if we can't share them at the moment.

If you want to prevent shit like this from happening in the future, vote, yell at your representatives, get involved directly. More and more of this shit is getting flung at the adult industry at large from both sides of the aisle, in basically every western nation. The UK and EU want to make encryption illegal, in the US Dems and Reps respectively want to either make porn only accessible ID and SSN or make it illegal entirely, payment processors get more aggressive all the time for everything adult, the UK even has been whining at us for months about some new fucking brainfart they're dreaming up to PrOtEcT tHe ChIlDrEn.

Funny how these business partners are supposedly "small" yet important enough that vast sweeping changes needed to be made immediately to the site without warning. If they're "small", how much income is actually needed to keep the site running that can't be raised through donations or any other source?

baxter_semen said:
Now I'm probably biased but I don't mind them getting rid of young human art, the fact they did it with out warning, and them doing it because of the government, even for pleases outside the US is odd. I just don't trust the government to do anything properly.

When a Government figure or whatever says they are doing this for "Our/Your Safety" one should question it not support it.

notmenotyou said:
For everyone's convenience here's the new section of the Uploading Guidelines:


What exactly is now forbidden?

Young humans and anything that looks vaguely like a young human in NSFW contexts. This includes plain humans, stylized humans like cartoon characters (The Simpsons, etc), elves, orcs, vampires, zombies, kemonomimi, humans with a few glued on animal features (noses, tails, ears, whiskers, etc.), and similar content.
Basically, if it mostly looks like a young human (even with stylistic or other small changes), it is no longer allowed.

What about cub / anthro?

Young anthro characters / cubs are unaffected by this change and are still allowed to be posted.

The sudden deletions pushed my upload limit into the negatives, what do I do?

Email us or DM an administrator, and we'll bump your limit back up to being usable to you.

I think one of the submissions you purged was done in error, as it does not feature a young human or young humanoid character. Can that be reinstated?

Yes! We're working through everything we deleted to restore content that got caught by error, and if you know something that's affected, we'd be more than happy to have a look and restore it if applicable. We hope to get all false hits sorted out by ourselves, but that might take us a while due to the massive volume of posts to go through.

I believe I have found a submission that breaks these guidelines, but was not deleted, what do I do?

At the moment, if you find anything please send us an email ([email protected]) and we will have a look. However we will try to have an on-site option in the Flag For Deletion menu for this ASAP, and will edit this entry once that’s all sorted out and live.

Why didn't you manually vet all deletions before deleting anything?

This whole ordeal had to be implemented sooner rather than later, and as such, it was sadly not feasible to go through all of the content first. But as we can restore things without lasting consequences, we believe our approach outweighs the negatives of some false hits being inaccessible for a small period of time.

Pedos and zoos are NOT welcomed in this community, so you guys might as well ban everything feral and cub, too. I am a freedom of speech guy, but these are gateway tools into illegal CSAM and animal porn material.

Updated by Donovan DMC

User received a warning for the contents of this message.

manyura said:
Anything tagged young or even age difference was nuked. Unless it was a safe for work image. So even just older people with of age characters is gone.

Seriously? unless this is false what are they on

theaestheticfur said:
I am a freedom of speech guy, but

Nobody who has ever said this is really supporting free speech. There is no "but". Either you do, or you don't.

Also is there any evidence whatsoever to support the "fantasy to reality" pipeline you people always bitch about? Because this is literally the "violent video games make people violent" argument all over again. Which I feel like we, as a society, have largely realized is really fucking stupid. This type of pearl clutching is the exact brand of masturbatory slacktivism that both solves nothing, and minimizes focus and efforts to solve *actual* issues in the world today.

theaestheticfur said:
Pedos and zoos are NOT welcomed in this community, so you guys might as well ban everything feral and cub, too. I am a freedom of speech guy, but these are gateway tools into illegal CSAM and animal porn material.

You're right.
Pedos and Zoos are not allowed.
But these are fictional characters and by you claiming that they're somehow a gateway, that raises some eyebrows regarding yourself since you're thinking that way



baxter_semen said:
Seriously? unless this is false what are they on

They had a very short amount of time to get rid of young human and human-like characters, so used a very broad search to get it and didn't have time to check every post before deleting them. It's not gone permanently, they know a bunch of posts were erroneously deleted that don't apply to the new rule (all the mistags not helping), and they'll be looking over and restoring what they can. If you know of posts that were deleted by mistake, you can mention them in the appropriate thread.

theaestheticfur said:
Pedos and zoos are NOT welcomed in this community, so you guys might as well ban everything feral and cub, too. I am a freedom of speech guy, but these are gateway tools into illegal CSAM and animal porn material.

"but these are gateway tools into illegal CSAM and animal porn material."
Just like how there are Adult Furry Rape Images as if that somehow makes it different with Rape Images?

these are gateway tools

You mean the Furry on Human drawings were nothing then gateway tools? honestly?


theaestheticfur said:
Pedos and zoos are NOT welcomed in this community, so you guys might as well ban everything feral and cub, too. I am a freedom of speech guy, but these are gateway tools into illegal CSAM and animal porn material.

you literally have no idea what youre talking about. fiction is used in therapy for victims to cope with their trauma, whether its rape, abuse, or yes, even child sexual assualt. and you would know this if you actually cared about this, instead of just wanting to control others.

masalano9 said:
probably some clown that are guilty of something in reality are trying to deflect their responsibility by banning fictional stuff, LIKE always. the totality of the politics class is corrupt and a enemy.

A lot of politicians have been caught with CP these last few years...... a LOT.

felicity_longis said:
Nobody who has ever said this is really supporting free speech. There is no "but". Either you do, or you don't.

Also is there any evidence whatsoever to support the "fantasy to reality" pipeline you people always bitch about? Because this is literally the "violent video games make people violent" argument all over again. Which I feel like we, as a society, have largely realized is really fucking stupid. This type of pearl clutching is the exact brand of masturbatory slacktivism that both solves nothing, and minimizes focus and efforts to solve *actual* issues in the world today.

Then what do you want? Complete research into every user's moral withstanding? This is the best compromise I can think of without unnecessary surveillance.

Updated by Donovan DMC

User received a warning for the contents of this message.

Reminder: People who worry more about fictional characters than real people are the sus ones.

rocketsphynx said:
A lot of politicians have been caught with CP these last few years...... a LOT.

Your right even a CNN producer had being caught in actual CP recently.
Yet they go after the fictional content because they view that somehow it will exploit real people?

Welp time to pack bags and hop ship everyone to find a different website to check out and artists can upload to. Maybe Gelbooru or ATFbooru (All the fallen), the former doesnt mind and is decent with everything, while the latter is more specifically loli and shota stuff but has issues with only 20 images per page…



theaestheticfur said:
Pedos and zoos are NOT welcomed in this community, so you guys might as well ban everything feral and cub, too. I am a freedom of speech guy, but these are gateway tools into illegal CSAM and animal porn material.

How old are you? Because “This community” has been here far longer than you were a sperm in your dads balls. Cub and feral have been in this community and were just fine before people like you decided to try and hijack it. A stupid drawing doesn’t mean someone will try any of the stuff and those that do were already up that alley before joining this community. You seriously need to get off the internet and live life outside of it because clearly you do not have more than two braincells to rub together if this is what you think.

flavoredcola said:
Reminder: People who worry more about fictional characters than real people are the sus ones.

and almost always are either minors and shouldnt be listned to about nsfw anything, or have some if the most disgusting skeletons in their closet youve ever seen

so uhhh

Can we please have specifics on the "stemming from changes in the political and legal environment"?
Or is this a "well fuck me then" type of situation.

theaestheticfur said:
Then what do you want? Complete research into every user's moral withstanding? This is the best compromise I can think of without unecessary surveillance.

how about we don't treat people, many of whom use this kind of content to help deal with their own traumas, as future child abusers for doing literally nothing.

rocketsphynx said:

States Rights

States rights are an issue. America is so divided and fragmented that nothing will ever be right with it. And news doesn't help

theaestheticfur said:
Then what do you want? Complete research into every user's moral withstanding? This is the best compromise I can think of without unecessary surveillance.

Maybe just do nothing? Since there's no evidence supporting your claim, and thus no reason to act on it. You're suggesting broad and reckless measures to address a problem that doesn't exist beyond the "tHiNk Of ThE cHiLdReN" fundamentalist racket that fears anything outside what's comfortable and convenient for WASPs.

theaestheticfur said:
Pedos and zoos are NOT welcomed in this community, so you guys might as well ban everything feral and cub, too. I am a freedom of speech guy, but these are gateway tools into illegal CSAM and animal porn material.

I'm sure you hate rapists and murderers too, right? You have that same energy to get rid of noncon and guro too?

loona_loverx said:
States rights are an issue. America is so divided and fragmented that nothing will ever be right with it. And news doesn't help

That's fair

supersecretunknown said:
you literally have no idea what youre talking about. fiction is used in therapy for victims to cope with their trauma, whether its rape, abuse, or yes, even child sexual assualt. and you would know this if you actually cared about this, instead of just wanting to control others.

I think I recall a story where an artist in FA finally felt like letting it out the chest and said something to that effect, that putting characters in those situations and having them come to a non-traumatic resolution helped them overcome their own trauma of a similar situation.

meowpurryiff said:
I gave you a link to the law defining cp which specifically does not refer to fictional content that isn't indistinguishable from an actual minor.
The Protect Act uses the miller test which says that if the piece has artistic merit it cannot be considered obscene. All drawings have artistic merit.

The Mike Diana case suggests you shouldn't be too sure of that last part.

theaestheticfur said:
but these are gateway tools into illegal CSAM and animal porn material.

With this in mind, ANY furry porn can be considered a gateway tool into zoophilia.

In fact, this is the thinking of an average normie.


Former Staff

This whole idea of loli art being equated to CP is the same sort of fear on wring that soccer moms and pundits used to try and claim that school shootings were caused by video games or that rock and roll was satanic. Between loli are and actual children, only one of those can be targeted by pedophiles for physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Only one has any form of rights as a living being.

notmenotyou said:
We already had to irreversibly purge too many as is, and this will at least protect the rest from that, even if we can't share them at the moment.

Sure would have been nice if you could have mentioned any of this at the time. For example, on 14th April you removed one random post from pool #19011. The ID of that post, post #1466522, no longer leads anywhere. The pool had not been edited for 5 years before that, and every previous edit was by the same user, so the purged post definitely had not been causing problems before.

That was the earliest you could have warned us that e621 was no longer a safe permanent host for furry artwork.

On 19th June, things escalated. The administrator Dari has a pool edit history consisting entirely of removals of permanently purged posts, which started on that date.

On 9th July, you joined in. It is undeniable that you were well aware of what was about to happen by that point at the very latest, and yet you did not afford us even the meagre generosity of 72 hours' warning. The above sentence is the first public hint that you were engaged in any of this activity at all, 24 hours after it was too late.

You have been criticised over and over again by many different people in this thread for your lack of transparency, and it still does not seem to have occurred to you that earlier and greater transparency could have helped quell the shitstorm.

Also, given that the first post I mentioned was from a pool consisting entirely of feral and anthro ponies with no humanoids or young characters in sight, it is now 100% confirmed that the slippery slope is real and extends at least as far as fictional depictions of rape.

I don't look for loli/shota stuff here and this rule itself doesn't bother me too much, but in the grand scheme of things this is a genuinely disturbing sign.

Less and less content has been accepted here recently, even though this is the largest furry art archive and used to be a reliable way to ensure that your art is kept safe and accessible.

Furries used to be able to put everything on furaffinity, then they banned artwork they didn't want to host (not just cub, but anything they could argue looked like it at their discretion) and lost a massive chunk of their user base. Other sites haven't been able to replace furaffinity's purpose and the fandom has been left splintered. E621 became something of a backbone to the fandom since, and it's happening again here and now.

I beg you, e621 mods. If you're seeing this, please do everything in your power to stop this fracturing further.