Topic: [Rule Change] Explicit young human and human-like content is no longer allowed to be posted.

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I think this is a good time to remind everyone that things like ImgBrd-Grabber exist, and that 4TB HDD's cost one hundred bucks. Download download download.

regionalspacepubes said:
There's a super gross mentality that insinuates that EVERY person who enjoys lolisho/cub will sooner or later get bored with it and seek for real CSEM. Many, if not all of us are extremely against the exploitation of real children and those who endorse and encourage pedophilia. The ones who aren't are often rightfully ostracized.

I agree with you here.

Many, if not all of us are extremely against the exploitation of real children

milesfarber said:
I think this is a good time to remind everyone that things like ImgBrd-Grabber exist, and that 4TB HDD's cost one hundred bucks. Download download download.

Probably want to keep that HDD disconnected as well, otherwise you'll wake up one day to a 'Very important OS update' from Microsoft.

Well, looks like the niche of an “anything goes”-furry archive is now pretty much unoccupied.
Would be nice to see someone take on that mantle. I’m now afraid of uploading anything feral or otherwise “controversial” here if it’s just gonna get deleted at some point in the future anyway.
How am I supposed to trust the site now? It has proven that it's not capable of fulfilling what it advertised. Might as well download all the things I deem “critically endangered” from here as precautionary measure before it can enter the void.

I think it would be better to spin off the cub and feral pieces of e621 for another page so when the situation arrive when it's not welcome anymore most stuff won't be lost...

help999999999 said:
bro this is a furry porn site go to r34 if you want things more humanlike

I like e6 due to its robust tagging system and how strict it can be.

R34 tagging is a fucking wasteland and no one has any standards over there.

The best part about this is that there's now a nice arbitrary condition as to what counts as "young". Sure, most posts will probably be very unambiguous, but there will definitely be cases in which people will have differing opinions on whether something counts as "young".

Wouldn't it have been so much better if this had been done after a time period of 1 or 2 weeks to ensure that everything deleted Is at least archived?

And, maybe after that, deleting everything by hand instead of automatically, that would at least avoid questionable and sfw stuff getting deleted

(my apologies for bad english, not my native language)



introperverted said:
I’m now afraid of uploading anything feral or otherwise “controversial” here if it’s just gonna get deleted at some point in the future anyway.

Why be afraid? At the absolute worst, it would just be deleted when that time comes, you won't get in trouble for having posted it when it was allowed. And in the mean time between you posting it and that coming to pass, more people will be able to see and enjoy it.

our partners

The thing about US companies is that legal connections between companies are super opaque. If the link between e621 and Dragonfruit were properly protected, and the link between Dragonfruit and "its partners" were properly protected, you probably wouldn't have had any issues to begin with. Perhaps all of this is just a consequence of the lack of legal-fu of e621 owners? Or is this about Cloudflare? But Cloudflare is just one CDN and it can easily be replaced.


It really hurts not having a proper tagging system right now. Character-based tagging, tag groups, tag hierarchy, however you wanna call it. So many posts with "young furry on adult human" caught simply due to tagging system limitations. Is e621 management comprised only of masochists?



I guess here we go again. More dubious content will be getting removed in the next year or two as this is how it always starts. Human/oid Loli/sho first, cubs, then either anything remotely noncon or feral. It never stops at just Loli/sho. I've never seen it stop there. Now we have Patreon who disallowed Hypnotism and tentacles art because it's "nonconsensual", and FA with the weirdest rules about Pokemon specifically.

There are still images of "Link Human" which i noticed.
Not sure why the some 70+ images of Link is ok?

Well if they are going to remove "Human Like" characters they might as well remove Link to.

ulu said:
I guess here we go again. More dubious content will be getting removed in the next year or two as this is how it always starts.

I consider underage fictional content to be the canary in the coal mine when it comes to artistic expression. Funnily you never see these people screeching about crime dramas which have a kid getting raped every other episode, looking at you Dick Wolf.

azazelhazel said:
Point taken, but is my avatar of Klonoa naked or doing anything inappropriate???

Nope, but looks like a kid so it will be banned at some point in the future. It has happened before on different sites and it will happen here as the precedent has been formed already.

Looking at what's getting purged, we're now entering silly territory where Riolu is 100% okay to fuck but Ralts and Kirlia are banned. Maybe we should have kept the cub tag around.

flavoredcola said:
Might as well ban all lewd content. Make everything safe and clean for everyone.

I'm sure it'll happen if e621s overlords asked for it.

azazelhazel said:
Point taken, but is my avatar of Klonoa naked or doing anything inappropriate???

Not in the slightest. Sfw content of young characters, human or not is still very much allowed.

I knew something suspicious was going on the moment the tags changed a month or two ago.

swaggyg said:
Looking at what's getting purged, we're now entering silly territory where Riolu is 100% okay to fuck but Ralts and Kirlia are banned. Maybe we should have kept the cub tag around.

Careful. You're getting too close to the real reason this rule change happened.

cosmin said:
I knew something suspicious was going on the moment the tags changed a month or two ago.

Uh oh, now you've done it!

notmenotyou said:

We've got a doozy this time.
Due to challenges stemming from changes in the political and legal environment, both offline and online, we have had to adjust our content guidelines to preserve access to our site. As a result, any content featuring young human or humanoid characters in explicit situations is now prohibited and will be deleted. This change also applies retroactively, and we have already removed all existing submissions featuring such content.

As with all irrelevant content, we will not issue records for uploads that violate this policy; the content will simply be deleted.

Thank you for your understanding, as this was not an easy decision for us to make.

Hey you were deleting a bunch of my posts of a character claiming them to be a human when they're actually a cat. Neither are they canonically "young"

By far this is the worst ruling I've ever seen in this site!

Human-anthro relations? Gone!
Human-Digimon/Pokemon relations? Gone!

This was one of the reasons I gave a hoot about this site and you idiots memory-holed them out of existence!

It's probably too late to fix this now, so I'm here to say you just pissed off a huge chunk of users here. Good fucking job with that!

Oh, and yeah I know this is your website, not mine! But just because you have a right to do this doesn't mean it's right...not that the art here is any indicator of right/wrong.

But people came here to distance from the barriers of right/wrong just to enjoy the art here. Suddenly, this site is one step closer to Furaffinity and that's a REALLY bad site to be compared to!

kitu_fw said:
In Costa Rica you could get arrested if you are found of drawing anything lewed younger or what not similar even if its fictional are you in favor of seeing simaril polices being implanted in the west then?

Putting artists in Jail with actual abusers and criminals?

To be honest most people in jails are usually people who, for one reason or another, just could not pay for something.

azazelhazel said:
Pff, Hah!!! Saner than a Pedo or a Zoophile, I'd say!!!

Really setting a low bar for yourself, there. A bar significantly lower than those who draw loli/shota/cub, in fact.

mklxiv said:
Oh, fuck off. e621 was one of the last safe havens for all kinds of fictional content and now that you're banning things too I'm pretty certain I'm done posting any of my art here. This deletion shows me you aren't afraid to cater to puritans and nothing else is off the table for being banned as well.

If you're gonna make lame excuses of "legal changes" then please specify what has changed, as to my knowledge that's been nothing, especially considering that the content that's being banned is legal in the United States where e621 is hosted and operated from (especially considering this is what the United States federal government explicitly told the United Nations Human Rights Counsel in 2019, check page 5). Changes in the "political environment" are 100% irrelevant as peoples' personal opinions don't effect the law.

Aogami's Shippo stuff just got taken down. Imagine E621 letting Rule 34 Paheal get the upper hand in terms of user activity. XD

I hope they reconsider and do a 180. E621 of all NSFW sites shooting itself in the foot is particularly disappointing.

dba_afish said:
why are you interacting with an obvious troll account?

Hate to be that guy but I've seen way too many people who genuinely act like this. I doubt this a troll at this point.

help999999999 said:
bro this is a furry porn site go to r34 if you want things more humanlike

agree with the idea, i will be perfectly honest, i have been of the opinion that allowing stuff like pics only of elf-like beings and people wearing permnent acessories would be an slippery slope of its own

but what people are more concerned is it being an slippery slope and it being done from seeminlgy nowhere

lenniee said:
find this thread rlly entertaining to read honestly, ppl really trying to protect their child porn :p

It's not child porn, first and foremost. Second off, they're going to come for other kinks. Patreon came for Hypno and Tentacles, you think they won't hit here eventually? I don't like shloli art, but I like art depicting nonconsent. Does that make me a rapist? Of course the fuck not, just like women who read rough romance novels don't want to be treated like shit in real fucking life.

I'm fucking pissed because I hate the destruction of media. You want me to gloat to you when the Supreme court reverses their decision of the legalization of sodomy and bans all your gay porn? Is that a good look to you, you think? Even the ACLU recognizes you have to help those you find undesirable to avoid worse outcomes.

dba_afish said:
why are you interacting with an obvious troll account?

Cause its not like the admins/mods are going to do anything their userbase actually wants, so what else is one supposed to do?

Also, I am pretty sure that's not a troll account, just a very deeply unbalanced individual who knows the admins/mods are now on their side, means they can do and say just about anything.

Edit: Nevermind, it is a troll account.

devthink said:
I totally agree with you. Payment processors should be forced to process payment of any legal business and forbidden to perform any pressure on their customers.

Like was mentioned earlier, it might have been a different BD partner. If it were a payment processor, then we'd likely see other sites with similar content that the same processor served forced to make takedowns concurrently. Which makes me think it's a partner that handles some aspect of the physical goods Bad Dragon sells, as that's unique to their business. I suspect a shipper, since they have to come into contact with and abide by the laws of a lot more countries, and postal services worldwide historically have far stricter criminal codes pertaining to them.

manyura said:
My favorites list took such a hit man. I'm so goddamn mad..

Mine too. All my Shippo Aogami bookmarks got nuked. WTF man...

If the E621 mods think this is a good idea they haven't been paying attention at all.

gyrphlymbabumble said:
It's not child porn, first and foremost. Second off, they're going to come for other kinks. Patreon came for Hypno and Tentacles, you think they won't hit here eventually? I don't like shloli art, but I like art depicting nonconsent. Does that make me a rapist? Of course the fuck not, just like women who read rough romance novels don't want to be treated like shit in real fucking life.

I'm fucking pissed because I hate the destruction of media. You want me to gloat to you when the Supreme court reverses their decision of the legalization of sodomy and bans all your gay porn? Is that a good look to you, you think? Even the ACLU recognizes you have to help those you find undesirable to avoid worse outcomes.

Thank you and that is the point i was trying to make as well

It's not child porn, first and foremost. Second off, they're going to come for other kinks

gyrphlymbabumble said:
It's not child porn, first and foremost. Second off, they're going to come for other kinks. Patreon came for Hypno and Tentacles, you think they won't hit here eventually? I don't like shloli art, but I like art depicting nonconsent. Does that make me a rapist? Of course the fuck not, just like women who read rough romance novels don't want to be treated like shit in real fucking life.

I'm fucking pissed because I hate the destruction of media. You want me to gloat to you when the Supreme court reverses their decision of the legalization of sodomy and bans all your gay porn? Is that a good look to you, you think? Even the ACLU recognizes you have to help those you find undesirable to avoid worse outcomes.

Free speech is free speech, even the kind you might find "degenerate". Censorship hurts us all. It's that simple.

azazelhazel said:
Show me any, any, ANY evidence or proof of me ever personally drawing such things or trying to support or justify them....

You just joined bot.

gyrphlymbabumble said:
It's not real. If you think it's real you may need to get diagnosed for schizophrenia or other hallucinatory disorders.

its a troll, report them, i have

genotora said:

Unless you're a straight furry with no kinks besides furry itself, then at some point this banning will effect you. That's how it goes.

milesfarber said:
I think this is a good time to remind everyone that things like ImgBrd-Grabber exist, and that 4TB HDD's cost one hundred bucks. Download download download.

Just go to Rule 34 Paheal, Gelbooru and Sankaku instead. E621 pro-censor moderators need to be punished.

manyura said:
You're a fucking idiot dude

That user is a bot and majority of the time they commented here.

The moment that they attacked/criticized Japan over these drawings well just further goes to show their hypocrisy.

>replying to the shotacon avatar, who says he hates shotacon/lolicon artist and want them to get jailed, whiles also unironically using "~" symbol too.

This is a brain dead decision. Killing is wrong is gore going to be banned? Rape is wrong is rape content going to be banned? Incest is wrong is incest going to be banned? Or how about we realize these are just lines on paper and stop acting like any of us have any ground to act as a moral policeman.

watsit said:
Why be afraid? At the absolute worst, it would just be deleted when that time comes, you won't get in trouble for having posted it when it was allowed. And in the mean time between you posting it and that coming to pass, more people will be able to see and enjoy it.

The stability and archival aspect is a big deal to me. I like uploading with detailed tagging in hopes that it helps preserve those images and makes them both accessible and easy to find through the elaborate tagging system even if the sources go dead.
I am not motivated to go through the effort of uploading and tagging all that stuff if it turns out I was mistaken and it’s gonna be for naught in the end. Preservation is important to me. There's just not many sites out there that have the same structure in place.

swaggyg said:
Looking at what's getting purged, we're now entering silly territory where Riolu is 100% okay to fuck but Ralts and Kirlia are banned. Maybe we should have kept the cub tag around.

I don't even know why the cub tag was changed, seems completely unneeded.

"only furry kids and cubs are unnafected" sounds more excuse for completely ban humans lmao

i wish we have the votes in this section lmao

kitu_fw said:
That user is a bot and majority of the time they commented here.

The moment that they attacked/criticized Japan over these drawings well just further goes to show their hypocrisy.

The financial stability that comes with Bad Dragon's backing at the cost of independence is a double-edged sword double ended dildo. That said, I have seen criticism of Bad Dragon over e6 in the past, I think it was Flayrah who either posted or shared an article talking about how BD was bad for marginalized groups in the furry fandom; much of the article was about the cost of the products and the lore/art the site used to have for each toy, but its ownership of e621 was brought up too.

in case you were wondering what kind of writer would take issue with what e621 was hosting...