Topic: General bug report thread - bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere, come here and report your bugs

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

bkgumbo said:
Any solution for this, no videos will play here but will work elsewhere like r34. Is there anything I can do on my end to possibly fix this?

Yeah, is there any information we can provide to help figure this out? Streaming the same video from e621 with VLC will work, it's just webkit, and just e621. Old videos as well as new ones. Bad time to be a mobile-only user.

the DText preview shows text within [color][/color] tags as the default white (or black for the 3 people who use Serpent or Hotdog) text, even in places where it normally does work like the user profile about section and wiki pages.

also the DText help documentation does not make mention of where and/or what situations color works in.


dba_afish said:
the DText preview shows text within [color][/color] tags as the default white (or black for the 3 people who use Serpent or Hotdog) text, even in places where it normally does work like the user profile about section and wiki pages.

I'm using serpent right now and the color tags (red) are working on your profile Oh you mean dtext preview. Yeah that would be nice to have fixed

also the DText help documentation does not make mention of where and/or what situations color works in.

Yes, would be very nice if that was expanded on


Some videos play fine, but other videos become a 'static blur' that I can't view but can still hear if it has audio. Anyone know how this can be fixed? I tried refreshing, logging out, and back in, but nothing worked. Any thoughts?

When I am signed in I cannot access any images by tapping on the thumbnail because I am stuck unfavoriting posts that I tap on (regardless if I have them favorited or not). Signing out fixes the issue but then I can't find all the posts I like. Having mobile mode enabled or disabled does not help.
(Edit: grammar)


qoobdoob said:
When I am signed in I cannot access any images by tapping on the thumbnail because I am stuck unfavoriting posts that I tap on (regardless if I have them favorited or not). Signing out fixes the issue but then I can't find all the posts I like. Having mobile mode enabled or disabled does not help.
(Edit: grammar)

scroll to the bottom of the posts page, click the dropdown menu, select View mode.

It looks like comments that are below your configured score threshold no longer show up in comment searches. When I change the threshold, they appear again. There does not seem to be an option to "show all comments" like there is on post pages. Was this intentional?

the character limit on stuff is actually one character shorter than what's shown. meaning, if you write a blip that's exactly 1000 characters long and try to submit, it will just get totally eaten.

dba_afish said:
the character limit on stuff is actually one character shorter than what's shown. meaning, if you write a blip that's exactly 1000 characters long and try to submit, it will just get totally eaten.

I tested it and my blip of 1000 a's went through fine
Also it seems you can't see hidden blips, even your own


snpthecat said:
I tested it and my blip of 1000 a's went through fine
Also it seems you can't see hidden blips, even your own

I guess this got fixed at some point, then. huh, this happened to me a while ago and just decided to being it up now. I didn't see it mentioned in the change logs.

EDIT: or maybe I'm just crazy, because I'm not seeing anything related to this in the github either. I swear on my life that I wrote a 1000 character blip and it got destroyed when I hit the submit button, though...


I think that one is about DText formatting getting counted in a weird way (for example , quote some other blip and then fill up the remainder)

I don't know the exact conditions, but I've usually triggered it in the context of just "I tried to quote, and there was really no other DText formatting in the message I quoted or my reply"

If it still exists, I would assert that the amount of deficit is not fixed (presumably you lose more for each relevant bit of DText formatting.. perhaps there are some characters in DText which are stored in escaped rather than raw form?)

Not sure if this a bug but a tag just disappeared completely the “penile_squirting” tag just vanished



dba_afish said:
somone manually removed the tag from all posts and replaced it with male_squirting

Neither penile_squirting or male_squirting seem like good tags to me. It's not only males that have penises, and it's not just penises that males can squirt from. But penis_squirting just seems like a more vague tag that can mean cumshot, precum_squirt, or peeing.

bkgumbo said:
Any solution for this, no videos will play here but will work elsewhere like r34. Is there anything I can do on my end to possibly fix this?

Sooo, is there a fix yet or still nothing?