Banned because the wolf is innocent. It was the Moogles.
Updated by anonymous
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Banned because the wolf is innocent. It was the Moogles.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm goin' ta lick ya.
And other things, hurrhurr.
Updated by anonymous
POW! ZOOP! You're banned.
Updated by anonymous
banned cuz i fap to your avatar
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
hg3300 said:
Banned because AT LEAST HE HAS A HEAD.
Yeah I know I said no more ban game but it's my brother, wanted to give my five cents
Updated by anonymous
Banned just cause.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because why? FUCKED IF I KNOW!
Updated by anonymous
Banned for some crazy, strange reason.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause I laughed more then I should have. Hee.
Updated by anonymous
Banned 'cause durp.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause Try the god of Drills if you want a giant surprise.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I don't always fuck demons, but when I do, they drink my soul like it's Kool-Aid.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because that Wreaking ball is an even bigger nut cracker then Bungalow's wife.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because it's not original, but it's true: I LOVE brains.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because zombie apocalypse here we come.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Walking Dead.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because hungry walking dead. Of doom even.
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned because hungry walking dead. Of doom even.
Banned because your avatar.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause meow!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because YOUR avatar! ~punches~
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause another cat/dog fight without lasers.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because lasers are dangerous.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because DUUUUUUUUUUDE! Lasers are AWESOME! ~Smells Like Teen Spirit plays in the background~
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you died by a laser.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because *uses Reverser*
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you farted.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause who smelt it, dealt it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you didn't use an air freshener.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because you didn't provide one.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause yeah!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I have no money.
Go away hobo, lololo
Updated by anonymous
Banned because MAGIC DOGS!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause Magic Logs!
Updated by anonymous
Banned because that escalated quickly.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause you missed it.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for qwerty
Updated by anonymous
42 61 6E 6E 65 64
Banned in hex
Updated by anonymous
Banned because the Megami Tensei games: They're older than you think.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for collapsing the wave function without me.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for thinking that nuking it from orbit is the only way to be sure.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause we may as well try.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because block
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause nurble nurble.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Chaos Soda!
Updated by anonymous
furballs_dc said:
Banned because Chaos Soda!
Banned because GINGER BEER!
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause root beer.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because Sha of Happiness!
{◕ ◡ ◕} ♥
Updated by anonymous
Banned because =◕ ◡ ◕=
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I've been reduced to wishing people good days and.. smiling. Where'd my bitterness and sarcasm go!?
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause they ran off that way. *points in random direction* You may be able to catch them.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I'm no runner, but thanks.;;;
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause *gives rocket skates* Try now.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for being helpful.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for banning me for being helpful.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for having an honestly terrifying avatar. *grabs axe*
Updated by anonymous
Banned because omgz cheerios.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause had cheerios earlier.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for eating squares. Squaresvill.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for eating small cereal donuts. Donutsville.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because... Donuts...
Updated by anonymous
Banned because wat.
Updated by anonymous
Banned for Doh.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because holy shit, I want some Doritos.
Updated by anonymous
Banned: Unknown Error.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because computer says no.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because of 500 error.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because derp.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause of whoosh.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because computer says no.
Updated by anonymous
Banned cause boop.
Updated by anonymous
Banned because I have sunshine in a bag
Updated by anonymous